Publish dateSaturday 16 February 2019 - 01:26
Story Code : 179741
Afghan War Casualty Report: Feb. 8-14
At least 78 pro-government forces and 23 civilians were killed in Afghanistan during the past week.
AVA- The following report compiles all significant security incidents confirmed by New York Times reporters throughout Afghanistan from the past seven days. It is necessarily incomplete as many local officials refuse to confirm casualty information. The report includes government claims of insurgent casualty figures, but in most cases these cannot be independently verified by The Times. Similarly, the reports do not include Taliban claims for their attacks on the government unless they can be verified. Both sides routinely inflate casualty totals for their opponents.
At least 78 pro-government forces and 23 civilians were killed in Afghanistan during the past week. The deadliest attack took place in the area of Sorkhsang in Arghandab District, Zabul Province, where 14 police officers were killed and four others were wounded in Taliban assaults on three outposts. Two outposts collapsed to the Taliban during the fighting. The Times also confirmed six incidents in Takhar Province, in Northern Afghanistan, a number of which were tied to an offensive launched by security forces to clear the Taliban in Dasht-e-Qala District this week. In Helmand, at least 10 civilians were killed by American airstrikes in Sangin District, among them women and children.
Feb. 14 Takhar Province: two civilians killed
Two civilians were killed and one civilian was wounded in fighting between two militia groups in the Do Rahichi village of Cha Aab District.
Feb. 13 Faryab Province: eight security forces killed
The Taliban attacked the center of Almar District, killing eight members of security forces and wounding 12 others. Two Humvees were destroyed in the attack. The fighting continued until late Thursday.
Feb. 13 Sar-i-Pul Province: one commando killed
One member of a commando unit was killed and another was wounded during a military operation against the Taliban in Sayad District. Local officials claimed that four Taliban fighters were killed and seven others were wounded in the operation.
Feb. 12 Kunduz Province: one civilian killed
A woman was killed and two other civilians were wounded when a rocket fired by the Taliban hit a house in the Tintakha village of Dasht-e-Qala District.
Feb. 12 Faryab Province: two soldiers killed
The Taliban attacked a security outpost in the Arikalik village of Qaisar District, killing two soldiers and wounding one police officer. The insurgents were pushed back by security forces.
Feb. 12 Farah Province: nine police officers killed
The Taliban attacked a police outpost in the Chakab area of Farah Roud District, killing nine police officers and taking four others prisoner. The insurgents overran the outpost and took all of its weapons and equipment.
Feb. 12 Zabul Province: 14 police officers killed
The Taliban conducted coordinated attacks on three security outposts in the Sorkhsang area of Arghandab District, killing 14 police officers and wounding four others. Two outposts collapsed to the Taliban during the fighting. Local officials claimed that seven Taliban fighters were also killed and six others were wounded. The Taliban was trying to capture the district center, but did not succeed.
Feb. 12 Takhar Province: three civilians killed
A rocket fired by the Taliban hit a house in the Chokary village of Dasht-e-Qala District, killing one woman and two children. Eight civilians were also wounded in the incident.
Feb. 11 Takhar Province: four security forces and two civilians killed
Afghan forces launched an operation against the Taliban in Dasht-e-Qala District. Two soldiers, one police officer and one pro-government militia member were killed in the fighting. A rocket fired by the Taliban during the clashes hit a house, killing two civilians and wounding four others. All the civilians were members of the same family. Around 3,000 civilians were displaced in three days of fighting in the district.
Feb. 11 Badghis Province: two soldiers killed
Two soldiers were killed, and three others were wounded in the Taliban attacks on army outposts in Bala Murghab District. Local officials claimed that one Taliban militant was killed, and two others were wounded in the fighting.
Feb. 11 Sar-i-Pul Province: one police officer killed
One police officer was killed and seven others were wounded in a Taliban attack on Sancharak District’s center. Local authorities claimed that 10 Taliban fighters were killed and seven were wounded in the fighting. The Taliban attack was repelled by security forces.
Feb. 10 Sar-i-Pul Province: one child killed
Three children were playing with a hand grenade in the Khair Abad village of Sar-i-Pul City, the provincial capital, when the grenade exploded. A child was killed and two others were wounded. All victims were members of the same family.
Feb. 10 Takhar Province: three police officers killed
Three police officers were killed in a Taliban ambush on a convoy of Afghan security forces in the Qabristan area of Khwaja Ghar District. Fighting between security forces and the insurgents continued for an hour before insurgents left the area.
Feb. 10 Takhar Province: four police officers killed
The Taliban attacked two security outposts in the center of Khwaja Ghar District, where fighting continued for an hour. Four police officers were killed, and 11 others were wounded in the battle. The outpost was captured by the Taliban, but was retaken later by security forces.
Feb. 10 Helmand Province: six police officers killed
The Taliban attacked a police outpost outside of Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital, with the help of an infiltrator inside the outpost. Six police officers were killed in the Taliban attack. The Taliban infiltrator is missing, and the government launched an investigation about the incident.
Feb. 10 Balkh Province: five members of pro-government militias killed
The Taliban attacked a security outpost in the Shahab Arabi village of Dawlat Abad District with snipers and ground forces, killing five pro-government militia members, including the commander. Insurgents overran the outpost, seizing all of its weapons and equipment.
Feb. 10 Sar-i-Pul Province: eight police officers killed
The Taliban attacked Sayad District’s center, where fighting continued for four hours between insurgents and security forces. Eight police officers were killed and four others were wounded in the fighting. Local officials claimed that three Taliban members were killed and eight others were wounded. Two outposts were captured by the Taliban, but were later retaken by security forces.
Feb. 9 Kunar Province: three civilians killed
Three civilians were killed by gunfire during an operation being conducted by a National Directorate of Security special forces unit in Marawara District. Local officials claimed that the Taliban also suffered casualties.
Feb. 9 Badghis Province: one soldier killed
One soldier was killed and three others were wounded in Taliban attacks on army outposts in Ab Kamari District. Local officials claimed that 11 Taliban fighters were killed and 15 others were wounded in the fighting.
Feb. 9 Helmand Province: 10 civilians killed
At least 10 civilians were killed, and several others were wounded over the weekend during American airstrikes in Sangin District, local officials and residents in Helmand said.
Feb. 9 Faryab Province: one police officer killed
The Taliban hit a Humvee with a rocket in the Arab Aqsay village of Pashtoon Kot District, killing one police officer and wounding three others. The Humvee was also destroyed.
Feb. 9 Wardak Province: one civilian killed
A mine placed inside the heater of a mosque in Sayed Abad District went off before the evening prayer. One civilian was killed and eight others were wounded. The night before some strangers had stayed in the mosque and possibly the mine was placed by them, according to local officials.
Feb. 9 Takhar Province: four police officers killed
The Taliban attacked four security outposts in Khwaja Ghar District’s center, killing four police officers, including a local police officer, and wounding six police officers. The Taliban were pushed back by security forces.
Feb. 8 Sar-i-Pul Province: five soldiers killed
The Taliban attacked a security outpost in the Balghali area of Sar-i-Pul City, the provincial capital, killing five soldiers and wounding one other. Security forces were able to push the Taliban back from their positions. A Humvee of reinforcements was hit by a roadside bomb, where three soldiers were wounded.
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