Publish dateWednesday 6 December 2023 - 10:38
Story Code : 281683
Recent meetings in Moscow, Dushanbe and Vienna; A sign of unity or the destruction of political opponents?!
In the last two weeks, we have witnessed the holding of three meetings with political opponents and fugitives of the Islamic Emirate in Moscow, Dushanbe and now in Vienna. First, Moscow hosted the opponents of the Islamic Emirate on the 2nd, on the 6th, the new Herat security dialogue format meeting was held for the second time in the city of Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, and then on the 12th, the third Vienna meeting on Afghanistan was held with the aim of finding a road map for The future of the country was held in the capital of Austria.
Looking at these three meetings, two important points are noteworthy:

1- The first point, while some media, analysts and even opposition figures of the Islamic Emirate consider the holding of these three meetings to be a sign of their taking a step towards the unity and convergence of opposing figures and currents and in a way a show of political power against the current government in Afghanistan. These meetings showed more than ever the difference of opinion, multiplicity and lack of coordination between the opposition of the Islamic Emirate and their lack of a plan.
For example, most of the figures participating in these meetings were a limited number of recurring figures, including Ahmad Masoud, Mohammad Mohaqeq and Rahmatullah Nabil, and the only new figure who attended the meeting on Monday was Mohammad Ismail Khan, while other figures The important and first-class politicians of the opposition from different ethnic groups refused to attend such meetings, and it shows their disbelief in such meetings. Even in the Moscow meeting, which was basically held by circles close to the Russian government, the presence of prominent political figures opposing the Islamic Emirate was not visible. This shows the depth of the difference of opinion and the distance of these characters from each other. Over the past two years, we have seen the formation of several political organizations opposing the Islamic Emirate, mainly in the West, but so far no significant and purposeful political activity has been seen from them, even from a group called the "High Council of Resistance to Save Afghanistan" with the presence of The leaders of the first class Jihadists and deserters are left with nothing but an empty drum and there are many differences between them.
The revelations that were published before, especially by the spokesperson of the so-called resistance front led by Ahmad Masoud, about corruption and self-righteousness in this group, did not leave any dignity for it, especially since it became clear that he was more influenced by his uncles and Also, there are some known and unknown people in the West, especially in France. In the past, pictures of "Bernard-Henri Levy", a French and Jewish-Zionist politician with a thousand faces, next to Ahmad Massoud in Panjshir province, became very reactive. Of course, Mr. Bernard is not only with Ahmad Massoud, but his presence throughout the past years has always been with separatists and opponents of mainly Islamic systems and governments, from Iran to Iraq, Libya, Pakistan and Bangladesh, Bosnia, Sudan, Syria, Azerbaijan, as well as some other countries, including Russia, Georgia, etc., and is considered an extremely hated and separatist figure.
In addition to this case, the lack of stance of Ahmed Massoud and the front under his leadership regarding the developments in Palestine and Gaza and the widespread crimes of the Zionist regime, his request for help and also some supporters of the group under his leadership from Israel during the past months have completely proven that he and What direction has his front taken and what people and circles are under their influence?
The group led by Ahmad Massoud could not achieve any success on the military front either, and with the loss of several commanders it had and the escape of others, it has practically been removed from the scene of internal developments in Afghanistan. Despite the many efforts of him and some of his supporters, not a single village in Panjshir and other northern provinces was under their control, and this was an expression of the fact that the people were extremely tired and hated the war, and there was no support for the political opponents. And they don't make Islamic Emirate military.
Although another front named "Afghanistan Freedom Front" has claimed during the past months that it has carried out some guerrilla attacks against the positions of the Islamic Emirate in different provinces, but even if they are true, these attacks are much smaller than they can disturb the government. to create the current one, while it has 100% dominance and control over the entire country.
As a result, the big fact that everyone admits is that despite the efforts of political figures and fugitives, but the serious and deep differences that exist between them, an all-encompassing opposition that can challenge the power of the Islamic Emirate will be formed. and considering the failed experience of coalitions and coalition organizations in Afghanistan in the past, such inclusive organization will not be formed in the future. Political opponents should also know that they cannot decide or change Afghanistan's future political destinies by drinking tea and cake, fake laughs and souvenir photos together.
2- The second point about the lack of formation of a comprehensive opposition among political figures and government officials who have fled the country, is the clear response of the international community from neighboring countries to regional powers, European countries and the United States to the opposition forces of the Islamic Emirate that no other country Even Tajikistan, which has shown the most alignment with the opposition, does not support war and conflict and another internal conflict in Afghanistan. In the meantime, since almost all the currents opposing the Islamic Emirate have formed in European countries and the United States, the response of the defeated and fugitive America from Afghanistan to these political organizations is of great importance, and the United States is no longer in the center of their demands and interests. There will be no more unwanted and protracted war in the country, which this time will eventually lead to its complete collapse. this factIt was a great idea that was expressed in an interview by Zalmay Khalilzad, the former US special envoy for Afghanistan peace affairs. For this reason, what is clear is that the war period in Afghanistan has really ended, and this time the Islamic Emirate is so dominant and dominant over the country that it will not give such permission to any country.
The problem that exists here is that today the world has decisively stopped supporting these scattered groups and some political factions against the Islamic Emirate and has also lost its hope in them. Although during the past two years, some countries expected that in the event of the formation of a strong and comprehensive political opposition against the Islamic Emirate, they would use them in the center of their goals and interests in Afghanistan and as a lever of pressure against the current government, but the fragmentation and differences The deep view between personalities and political groups and fugitives also dashed all the hopes of these countries. In this case, there are even signs of Tajikistan's change in attitude towards the Islamic Emirate and the country's desire for intelligence and military cooperation, along with economic cooperation, in the last year.
For this reason, all the current roadmap for the future of Afghanistan passes through the axis of interaction with the government of the Islamic Emirate, and according to the report recently prepared by the UN Secretary General's special coordinator for Afghanistan affairs, it is referred to as the organization's roadmap for the future. It is possible, even the political dialogues and negotiations to form an inclusive government in the country pass through the axis of the Islamic Emirate, and the current government is obliged to lay the groundwork for the continuation of inter-Afghan dialogues. As can be seen, this UN road map for the future of Afghanistan in the axis of interaction with the Islamic Emirate has faced many reactions among the political figures in the runaway. However, it should be said that the United Nations has also put forward some preconditions in this road map in the axis of interaction with the Islamic Emirate, which has faced strong opposition from the caretaker government. Whether the international community and the United Nations want it or not, a government is currently in place in Afghanistan that has different values and doctrines than the previous governments and has no choice but to interact and recognize it. Of course, the government of the Islamic Emirate showed flexibility in how to interact with the international community, even in domestic issues and controversial issues such as human rights and women's rights, especially the education of girls and their work, but the contradictory approach of the international community In the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate and the imposition of many sanctions and restrictions, the continuation of US and UN sanctions contrary to the Doha Agreement, the non-ceding of Afghanistan's seat in the UN, and ultimately the lack of real interaction with this sovereignty, caused them to be forced to slow down. Slowly reconsider their flexible positions.
It seems that the international community and the United Nations have realized the wrong path they followed against the Islamic Emirate during the past two years, but they still do not want to correct this path. The international community and the United Nations should first recognize the current government in Afghanistan and then expect it to adhere to a series of fundamental issues, of course, in the light of Islamic values and commandments. Certainly, this time, with the international community retreating from its stubborn position over the past two years against Afghanistan and its new government, and being flexible towards it, the Islamic Emirate will be encouraged step by step to apply reforms in some of its approaches. . Finally, this process should become a win-win process between the international community and the Islamic Emirate.
The political opponents of the Islamic Emirate, who are immersed in the mire of differences of views and political utilitarianism, have no other choice but to understand the current reality and the field of Afghanistan, and return to the country, to search for a new way of interaction with the Islamic Emirate for the stable future of the country. , because they are no more than burned faces and beads.
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