Publish dateTuesday 1 August 2023 - 08:35
Story Code : 274088
Global sanctions on the Islamic Emirate and its impact on the lives of Afghan
Mary Jan Mohammadi / The international community after the September 11th incident, the government of the Islamic Emirate fell in Afghanistan and subjected all its affiliated people in different regions of the country to severe military attacks, as a result of which hundreds of Taliban forces were killed and injured. During twenty years of military presence in Afghanistan, Western countries such as the United States did not hesitate from any kind of crime, pressure and sanctions against the people of this country and finally left this country after their disgraceful defeat.
But after the collapse of the republic and the return to power of the Islamic Emirate in the country, the international community, especially the United States of America, once again followed its hostile policies towards Afghanistan and imposed sanctions against the Islamic Emirate using the leverage of global power, which has brought many challenges and crises for the citizens of Afghanistan. These are global political-economic sanctions, which include the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate, the ban on the trips of senior government officials abroad and, most importantly, the freezing of Afghanistan's monetary reserves.
On the other hand, these sanctions of the international community during the two years of the rule of the Islamic Emirate not only did not decrease, but also increased in intensity, which on the one hand brought serious challenges to the government of the Islamic Emirate and on the other hand, caused the spread of crises. And the problems in the lives of Afghan people have also become. This country is currently faced with a wave of expansion of citizens' immigration and brain drain abroad. The range of poverty, unemployment and hunger has also widened with each passing day and the people have experienced a miserable life and are in a bad human condition. All these challenges have arisen from the international community's sanctions against the Islamic Emirate. Considering this issue, the main victims of these sanctions are the citizens of Afghanistan and their lives have been accompanied by serious challenges. If it continues, Afghanistan will plunge into unsolved crises, all of which will be the responsibility of the international community.
It is worth noting that the imposed sanctions are not for the benefit of any party and the major world powers can take serious measures to prevent them. In this case, the international community has the responsibility to reconsider the imposed sanctions and to take serious and practical steps to improve the lives of Afghan citizens through constructive cooperation and interaction with the Islamic Emirate.
Factors of global sanctions on the Islamic Emirate
1- The absence of the formation of a powerful national government
Western countries, especially the United States, have formed their own puppet government in Afghanistan during the past two decades, and by giving concessions to its political leaders, they were able to gain their strategic interests in this country. After the return to power of the Islamic Emirate and the failure to secure the interests of the great powers in this government, the Western countries once again tried to accept their goals and demands on this government with a lot of pressure and sanctions. However, these demands of the colonists were not accepted by the government of the Islamic Emirate, and their hostile policies were always dealt with decisively.
The aim of the Western countries' intervention in the internal affairs of Afghanistan is to prevent the strength and stability of the Islamic Emirate and to prevent the formation of a powerful national government in this country, which is the long-standing desire of the Afghan people. The great world powers have abused the instability of the governments in Afghanistan during different periods of history, for this reason they prevent the formation of any strong national government in which the independence and freedom of Afghanistan will be preserved. Their beliefs are based on the fact that if such a government is formed, they will not be able to achieve their goals and interests in the region and the world.
Therefore, it is said that one of the most important factors in imposing global sanctions against the Islamic Emirate is to prevent the formation of a powerful national government in Afghanistan, because if such a government exists, the ability of Western countries to intervene in Afghanistan will be denied and they will not be able to achieve their strategic goals in Afghanistan. The peripheral region of Afghanistan and the world. In order to achieve global hegemony, the great powers are trying to destabilize and weaken governments in third world countries such as Afghanistan, to make their political situation tense and in this way to secure their global interests. During the two years of the rule of the Islamic Emirate, the great powers of the world, such as the United States, have always tried to show the weakness of the Islamic Emirate's government to the people of Afghanistan and the world with their confrontational policies and by using the lever of power and military pressure. With the necessary pressures and imposed sanctions, the Islamic Emirate has sought to consolidate the stability of the government in Afghanistan. Providing peace and security in the country, which is unprecedented compared to the 20 years of US presence in Afghanistan, is said to be an important achievement of the Islamic Emirate.
2- Using Afghanistan's geopolitical position
Afghanistan is a country that has enjoyed a special geopolitical position, but until now this exceptional opportunity has not been used to ensure peace and stability in this country, and the big powers have gained most of its benefits. During the past twenty years, the Westerners have made great use of Afghanistan's geopolitical position and tried to prevent the expansion of the influence of their global rivals such as Russia and China in the region and the world. But this matter after the Islamic Emirate came to power in Afghanistan, There were serious challenges and obstacles.
One of the main reasons for the 20-year war between the Islamic Emirate and foreign forces was the end of the American occupation in order to regain the independence and freedom of the country. For this reason, the international community has followed hostile policies towards the Islamic Emirate and has always tried to regain their lost influence through the necessary pressures and the imposition of restrictions and sanctions against their government.
Therefore, taking into account that the geopolitical position of Afghanistan is important for the strategic goals of Western countries and they were able to use it in the past years, but with the new rule of the Islamic Emirate, they lost the ability to use this position, they have always tried to Using the leverage of their power in the international system, impose many sanctions against the Islamic Emirate.
One of the sanctions imposed by them is the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate by the countries of the world, and the political leaders of this government are also prohibited from traveling abroad so that they cannot enter into diplomatic relations with the countries of the region and the world. Although in the current situation, the Islamic Emirate has taken over the management of Afghan embassies in some countries of the region and the world such as Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, China and Russia. The Islamic Emirate is ruled by the world.
Political sanctions and their impact on people's lives
After the Islamic Emirate came to power, the international community imposed many sanctions on this government, which directly affected the lives of Afghan citizens and caused many challenges and crises. One of the imposed political sanctions is the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate by the international community, which has not been recognized by any country during the two years of the Islamic Emirate's rule. In fact, the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate has brought many challenges and crises at the domestic level for the citizens of Afghanistan, which has brought the life expectancy in this country to its lowest level.
Increasing illegal immigration of Afghan citizens to neighboring countries, the region and the world is said to be one of the clear examples of the bad living conditions of people in Afghanistan. The non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate by the international community has caused a large number of Afghan citizens to leave it due to the uncertain political future of this country and to go through illegal channels and go through many challenges to other countries.
On the other hand, in addition to the lack of recognition, the international community has also prohibited the visits of senior officials of the Islamic Emirate to foreign countries, and they have been banned from any official trips to other foreign countries for two years. This imposition of restrictions on the trips of the political leaders of the Islamic Emirate by the international community, on the one hand, has caused this government to be under pressure and isolated, and on the other hand, this issue has also caused many challenges and crises in the lives of Afghan citizens. Because the ban on the trips of senior government officials and the lack of diplomatic interaction of the Islamic Emirate with other countries in the region and the world have affected the instability and underdevelopment of Afghanistan, which has cast a shadow on various aspects of the lives of citizens in Afghanistan and brought many challenges to them. . Therefore, the imposition of political sanctions against the Islamic Emirate by the international community has changed the lives of Afghans and they have accepted many sacrifices.
Due to the continuation of these global sanctions on the Islamic Emirate, not only has it not benefited any party, but the scope of the citizens' problems has multiplied with each passing day. Therefore, until these sanctions are lifted, the challenges and crises of Afghan citizens will not end.
Economic sanctions and increasing poverty and unemployment
The international community, especially the western countries, in addition to imposing political sanctions on the Islamic Emirate, has also imposed some economic sanctions on this government, which has increased the challenges and problems of the citizens of Afghanistan. One of the most important economic sanctions that can be mentioned is the freezing of Afghanistan's monetary reserves in American banks, which despite the repeated efforts and demands of the Islamic Emirate and the citizens of the country, these funds have not yet been released and made available to the government.
In the meantime, the international community, which has the responsibility of cooperation and dealing with the problems of all societies, has acted indifferently towards the challenges and economic crises of Afghanistan, and in some cases, such as the spread of poverty, unemployment and hunger, also plays an essential role in this country.
On the other hand, despite the severe economic problems in Afghanistan, the international community has reduced its humanitarian aid during the last year and has always emphasized that the continuation of this aid depends on the Islamic Emirate meeting its demands and goals. On the one hand, the claim of securing global human rights is accompanied by serious questions, and on the other hand, it has caused an increase in poverty and hunger in Afghanistan. Therefore, the economic sanctions of the international community have not only not reduced the economic challenges and crises of Afghan citizens, but have also become an important factor in the spread of poverty, unemployment and hunger in this country.
Due to the continuation of these economic sanctions on the Islamic Emirate, it will lead Afghanistan to the end of unsolved crises. Therefore, the international community must fulfill its global and humanitarian responsibilities towards Afghanistan in order to improve the problems of its citizens and remove its imposed sanctions as soon as possible to end the challenges and economic crises, which is the subject can play a fundamental role in the poverty alleviation of the Afghan society.
End of speech
After the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate, the international community has imposed many sanctions against this government and has always emphasized that these sanctions will continue until the Afghan government does not comply with their demands. In fact, because the Islamic Emirate did not comply with their demands and orders, the international community imposed sanctions and tried to secure their strategic interests in Afghanistan through pressure. During the two years of the rule of the Islamic Emirate, the international community has imposed many political and economic sanctions against the government, including the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate, the travel ban of senior government officials, the freezing of Afghanistan's monetary reserves, and the reduction of humanitarian aid. And it has brought many crises to the citizens of Afghanistan.
The sanctions imposed by the international community on the Islamic Emirate have had a greater impact on the lives of the citizens of Afghanistan and have caused an increase in migrations, the spread of poverty, unemployment and hunger in the country. In the current situation, the citizens are struggling with many challenges and problems, and the life expectancy among them has reached its lowest level. Therefore, the main victims of the imposition of sanctions by the international community on the Islamic Emirate have been the citizens of Afghanistan and it has affected most of their lives. Therefore, the international community should cancel these imposed sanctions as soon as possible and take serious steps to end the challenges and crises in the Afghan society, because if these sanctions continue, Afghanistan will end up with unsolved crises. It will sink, and the main culprit will be the international community. Negligence of the challenges and problems of Afghan citizens by the international community is not acceptable for the people of this country and they must fulfill their global responsibilities towards their living conditions impartially.
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