Publish dateSunday 5 March 2023 - 11:08
Story Code : 266454
The bloodthirsty of the Zionist minister; Why didn
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's View: Why are these statements, stances and official policies of the fascist Zionist regime not shaking the world? Why is no one worried about the rise of a new Hitler but not against the Jews who are among them? Why doesn't any western power express concern about hatred, fascism, and the terrible thirst for crime, bloodshed, usurpation, and looting that is on the agenda of the Israeli regime? What future awaits the Middle East? Doesn't the emergence of a new version of Nazism from the vampire Zionists dominating the occupied territories turn the Middle East into a potential hell of ethnic and religious wars?
Bezalel Smotrich; The Minister of Finance of the Israeli regime demanded the "complete obliteration" of Hawara village in Palestine.
In a public statement, Smotrich said: "I believe that the village of Hawara should be wiped off the face of the earth, and this should be done by the Israeli government, not ordinary people."
It has been said that Smotrich will "pass by the White House" during his upcoming trip to America because of these hateful statements. But he will not be allowed to enter it."
Hussain Al-Sheikh; One of Mahmoud Abbas's senior advisers; In a tweet, the head of the Palestinian Authority asked the White House not to accept the "terrorist minister".
Ned Price; The spokesperson of the US State Department also said: "We ask Mr. Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials to publicly and openly condemn these statements."
But Netanyahu tweeted: "They [Palestinians] want to kill us all and displace us. My answer is to seriously hit them and plant our roots deeper in the soil.
This stance of the Zionist prime minister of the fake Israeli regime shows that the statements of the finance minister of this regime were not just a personal expression; Rather, it is a systematic policy that is followed at the highest level by the infamous Zionist regime, and we saw an example of it in the heinous crimes committed by the Zionists attacking Hawara village.
But the question is why these statements, stances and official policies of the fascist Zionist regime do not shake the world? Why is no one worried about the rise of a new Hitler but not against the Jews who are among them? Why doesn't any western power express concern about hatred, fascism, and the terrible thirst for crime, bloodshed, usurpation, and looting that is on the agenda of the Israeli regime? What future awaits the Middle East? Doesn't the emergence of a new version of Nazism from the vampire Zionists dominating the occupied territories turn the Middle East into a potential hell of ethnic and religious wars?
America, Europe and the leading Arab regimes, like the United Nations, have satisfied themselves with only one simple condemnation and simply ignored the hateful position of the Zionist vampire minister. This is scary; Beyond the double standards in the field of human rights, it is the public disregard and even tacit approval and tacit association with fascism and hatred and ethnic cleansing that shakes the main foundations of liberal democracy and violates all the ridiculous claims of the West about human rights.
America's biggest reaction to this horrible racist and criminal stance is not allowing the Zionist minister to enter the White House. This is despite the fact that, based on Israeli media reports, such a request was not made by the Zionist minister, and the meeting with American officials in the White House was not on his initial agenda either! Therefore, America is trying to deceive the public opinion by deception, lying and double behavior and wants to acquit itself against this heinous and obvious hatred. Meanwhile, if Washington really does not agree with the approach of the Zionist regime to drive the Palestinians from their land and usurp their properties and destroy their assets, it should have targeted the Zionist vampire minister for eternal sanctions and never allowed him to enter It did not export US soil.
On the other hand, the United Nations, which in other cases, moves in advance of the domineering and arrogant superpowers and seeks to secure the hegemonic control of the powers over the destiny of independent nations with the tool of human rights, about the shocking disasters and the tragic situation of the Palestinians. In the shadow of the usurping policies of the infamous Zionist regime, it has remained silent and its most explicit reaction to the criminal request of the vampire Zionist minister to completely wipe out a Palestinian village has been the condemnation of this comment. Why does the United Nations not appoint a special commissioner for human rights? Why isn't a "fact-finding team" sent to investigate the current field situation in Palestine and the occupied territories, especially Hawara village? Why was the ongoing disaster in Palestine not even taken into account at the recent UN human rights meeting in Genoa?
In the meantime, the cowardly and humiliating silence of the corrupt and mercenary Arab kings and princes regarding the Palestinian crisis is also very disappointing and shameful. Although Egypt, Jordan and some other Arab regimes have "condemned" the statements of the Zionist minister; But the reactionary Arab regimes are still intimidated by Washington and are watching with humble passivity the heinous policies of the racist and criminal Netanyahu and his terrorist government against the Palestinian Arabs and Muslims.
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