Publish dateFriday 3 March 2023 - 13:51
Story Code : 266379
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: Khalilzad's ridiculous claims about the presence of Al-Qaeda leaders in Iran or Iran becoming the center of Al-Qaeda in the Middle East and the world have no value. This is his latest mission as a mercenary, and what he raises will not be important beyond the baseless claims of an anonymous mercenary and an actor of Washington's colonial projects in the Islamic world and the Middle East.
Zalmay Khalilzad said in an interview with the BBC: "Now you see that the head of al-Qaeda is in Iran, and it seems that the capital of al-Qaeda has been moved from Afghanistan to Iran. We were always sure that al-Qaeda leaders are in Iran, and when I was the special representative of America for Afghanistan, I discussed with Iranian officials about al-Qaeda leaders and they made demands from America to make a deal.
He added that "one of the reasons that made America decide to withdraw from Afghanistan was the same change in the state of terrorism in the world that Afghanistan had the centrality in 2001, but no longer."
But Hossein Amirabdollahian; Iran's foreign minister said: "I advise the officials of the White House to stop the failed game of Iran-phobia, making news about the leader of Al-Qaeda and linking it to Iran is laughable. The creators of Al-Qaeda and ISIS are responsible for the growth of terrorism in the world. 
Khalilzad also invited the opposition groups of the Islamic Republic of Iran to unite so that a specific address can be established and the world can enter into negotiations with them.
But he added that as long as Iran's security forces "unanimously" support the current government, "maybe a big change will not happen in the short term."
Before expressing any position, this important point should be kept in mind that Zalmay Khalilzad served the interests of America at the cost of trampling his identity and authenticity, and his greatest honor is to pave the way for neo-colonialism in Afghanistan and other countries of the Islamic world. It smooths and facilitates America's colonial domination over the destiny of Islamic countries.
From Iraq to Afghanistan and now Iran, his mission has always been to lay the groundwork for America's colonial rule. Therefore, in the end, he is an anonymous mercenary who has no valuable and respectable position in American politics, and even a lowly element like Trump considers him a "fraud".
Therefore, his ridiculous claims about the presence of Al-Qaeda leaders in Iran or Iran becoming the center of Al-Qaeda in the Middle East and the world have no value. This is his latest mission as a mercenary, and what he raises will not be important beyond the baseless claims of an anonymous mercenary and an actor of Washington's colonial projects in the Islamic world and the Middle East.
However, both he and all those who think like him in the political and security system of America will bury the wish of overthrowing the Islamic Republic of Iran. Just like so far, their predecessors have either failed to fulfill this wish or died.
Khalilzad himself has admitted that as long as all the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran believe in revolutionary values and guard the revolution and their system, the big change desired by America will not happen. Therefore, he himself knows that he has just entered a stage of mercenary for American colonialism, whose failure is already guaranteed; Because Iran is not Iraq and Afghanistan, and neither the revolutionary forces will allow the Islamic system to fall. Every time, the revolutionary forces have responded to America's seditions, enmities and desperate attempts to subvert using the most heinous methods, more devastatingly, more destructively and more harmfully, and they have made America regret.
This new conspiracy and attributing Al-Qaeda to Iran will not go anywhere; Because all the people of the world, especially the great victims of terrorism, know very well that America and its mercenary and reactionary regimes in the Middle East region are the main producers, creators and true supporters of international terrorism, and ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Ahrar al-Sham and Al-Nusra. And Boko Haram and al-Shabaab and all other takfiri and terrorist groups are the product of America's terrorism production factories in the Middle East and are in the service of America's colonial goals. Therefore, what Khalilzad is doing for America is not different from what Bin Laden, Baghdadi, Zawahiri and other terrorist leaders did and are doing. Only the methods and tools are different; One is through peace and on Twitter and the media, and the other is through discrediting Islam and killing Muslims and creating crisis, instability, insecurity, etc.
With this in mind, if ISIS and Al-Qaeda and other American terrorist products have so far been able to reduce the power of the Islamic Republic, then an anonymous mercenary like Zalmay Khalilzad will also succeed!
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