Publish dateSaturday 12 November 2022 - 09:33
Story Code : 260841
The dual behavior of the world against the Afghanistan crisis
The UN General Assembly approved a resolution on the situation in Afghanistan with 116 positive votes. Although this resolution is not binding and does not impose an obligation on the signatory parties or the Afghan government; But the points raised in it are of vital importance for Afghanistan and the world, and if it is implemented or not, it will have important and specific consequences for all parties.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Daily View: The UN General Assembly passed a resolution on the situation in Afghanistan with 116 positive votes. Regarding the approval of this resolution, the speakers emphasized the need for an inclusive political process based on the constitution, as well as respecting the rights of ethnic groups and women and girls, as well as supporting countries that are facing the influx of Afghan refugees.
This resolution also asks the authorities of the "Islamic Emirate" to adhere to Afghanistan's international and bilateral commitments and to take steps towards promoting the observance of human rights and forming an inclusive government.
This was while Wasli Nebenzia; The permanent representative of Russia in the United Nations criticized their approach by saying that the fate of ordinary Afghans who do not have the basic facilities of life is the last concern for the Westerners and said: We are disappointed with the pretense.
Amir Saeed Irvani; Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations also said: In a pluralistic society like Afghanistan, one group and party alone will never be able to control the country. According to him, ensuring the establishment of an inclusive government based on the constitution is the main element in the international recognition of Afghanistan's future sovereignty.
Although this resolution is not binding and does not impose an obligation on the signatory parties or the Afghan government; But the points raised in it are of vital importance for Afghanistan and the world, and if it is implemented or not, it will have important and specific consequences for all parties.
The first point, which is of great importance, is the necessity of forming an inclusive multi-ethnic government in the country; A government in which representatives of all ethnicities and strata of Afghanistan's pluralistic society have a role and share and is a full-view mirror of the country's political, social and cultural diversity.
The Islamic Emirate, as the helmsman of the country's policy and executive management, has the opportunity to provide grounds for establishing justice by forming a powerful national government with broad foundations and meaningful participation of all ethnic groups and strata in the country.
This is the only way to overcome the crisis and achieve national and international legitimacy. Without interaction with the world, Afghanistan cannot pass through the difficult cycles of its political and economic life and have a calm, peaceful, justice-based society with development and prosperity.
The experiences of the last few decades have proven that no political, ethnic, and religious group is capable of ruling the country alone, and this only deepens and intensifies the crisis and increases the costs of achieving stability and peace.
Respecting the human and Islamic rights of all groups, especially women and girls, is also the order of our religion and is in accordance with the traditions and religious values ​​of the people of Afghanistan; Therefore, regardless of the fact that the great powers and the organizations under their control use human rights as a tool and by launching virtual waves and feminist movements, they aim to destabilize countries and lay the groundwork for dominating their destiny. Humanity of women and girls based on Islamic laws and cultural traditions of the country is an important and respectable principle and must be realized.
In the meantime, Western powers claiming to defend human rights in Afghanistan also commit human rights violations; this is what the representative of Russia in the United Nations has rightly pointed out.
Westerners ignore the rights of civilians and people of Afghanistan and highlight only the cases that provide the strategic interests of the colonial system. Meanwhile, blocking the assets of the central bank, imposing cruel sanctions and supporting separatist movements are among the major human rights violations committed by the western powers.
At the same time, these powers do not provide any support to the neighboring governments that host millions of Afghan refugees and may make the situation of refugees more difficult by imposing unilateral and domineering sanctions against them. This is a clear example of human rights violations, and it is expected that the new UN resolution can increase the pressure on major powers to end systematic human rights violations against refugee-hosting countries.
However, it is not expected that the United Nations will be able to put an end to the world's dual approach to the Afghan crisis. Playing the human rights card to impose its dominance on the fate of an independent country is also going on in Afghanistan, and this has made the living conditions for millions of people inside and outside the country very critical and difficult.
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