Publish dateTuesday 11 October 2022 - 10:34
Story Code : 259549
Islamic unity in Afghanistan; Challenges and opportunities
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: Both the people and the government and great religious scholars have the duty to create division and hypocrisy among Muslims in the face of this new challenge and other challenges that can alienate Muslims from each other. and drag our country into the abyss of crazy religious wars, stand with strength and courage, fight and do not allow terrorists, takfiris, dark-minded ideologues of colonial religions and American Islamic leaders to prevail and their evil discourse on Muslim societies to impose
The difference between the Sunnis and the Shias regarding the birth date of the great prophet Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) is the naming of the "Week of Unity" by the great reformer of the Islamic world, Imam Khomeini (RH). That is, an event that could have been a source of distance, division, and conflict between the two great Islamic religions, has been turned into an opportunity for unity, empathy, convergence, brotherhood, and brotherhood on the initiative of this great Muslim leader.
Unity week is celebrated in Afghanistan while our country perhaps needs Islamic unity more than many other Islamic countries because it has always been the goal of the colonial and arrogant powers, whose greatest weapon has been to create division and disunity between the Shias and the Sunnis and to fuel the confrontation between the followers of these two religions.
Islamic unity, however, contrary to the propaganda of the enemies, has more grounds for growth and expansion than division and tension. The commonalities of not only Shias and Sunnis; Rather, all Islamic sects and religions are more than their differences.
In other words, the differences are mainly about secondary and minor issues that came up later; but the principles, roots and foundations of ideology, faith and religious belief of the general Muslims are the same and this is the thing that can unite them more.
The week of unity is one of the platforms that contribute significantly to the realization and provision of Islamic unity in Afghanistan today. Shias and Sunnis have always lived side by side throughout the modern history of Afghanistan. They have never excommunicated each other and that is very important.
However, today, with the emergence of heretical sects, extremist, takfiri, and terrorist currents created by colonialism and arrogance, and the emergence of oil religions and American Islam, the Islamic unity and faith of Sunnis and Shias is facing a serious threat.
The grounds of this danger can be seen in the heinous and shameful acts of terrorists who recklessly target Muslims in mosques, schools, schools, universities, cities, and highways, and all this in the name of Islam, jihad, and martyrdom.
Therefore, both the people, the government, and the great religious scholars have the duty to face this new challenge and other challenges that can alienate Muslims, create division and hypocrisy among them, and lead our country to the abyss of wars of insanity take a religious approach, stand with strength and courage, fight and do not allow terrorists, takfiris, dark-minded ideologues of colonial religions and American Islamic leaders to prevail and impose their evil discourse on Muslim societies.
People have the duty to show a united and unanimous reaction to any suffering and pain that happens to the followers of the major Islamic religions in the country, and in this way, to show their brotherhood, brotherhood, unity and sympathy towards show each other and frustrate and disappoint the enemies of Muslim unity.
The government is also responsible for providing grounds for the implementation of justice within the scope of the Sharia for all Muslims regardless of their ethnicity, descent, race, and language, removing the foundations of division, conflict, and tension between Muslims, bringing togetherness, brotherhood, unity, and brotherhood between Muslims. Provide and strengthen the Muslims with every tool, policy, law, etc. and fight with all the power against the enemies of Muslim unity, especially the Takfiris and mercenaries of colonialism and arrogance.
Muslim scholars are mostly responsible for this situation. They should show the people that there is no big and fundamental difference between Sunnis and Shias. To highlight the common principles and foundations between Islamic religions and by using religious knowledge and nobles on the foundations of Sharia, prove who benefits the division and what the enemies want by fueling it.
They should also not remain silent against the heinous acts of terrorism and takfiriism that are spreading; this is what attacks Islam regardless of school and religion and is one of the biggest levers of the enemies of Islam.
The silence of scholars against terrorist attacks not only has no religious justification; Rather, intentionally or unintentionally, it helps to weaken Islam and Islamic unity and will bring the enemies closer and closer in achieving their goals of creating disunity and hatred among Muslims.
Therefore, Islamic unity in Afghanistan, under the pretext of unity week, requires the maximum support and companionship of the general public in empathy and sympathy with each other and the rejection of takfir and terror, the provision of Islamic justice by the government for all Muslims regardless of their religion, race, language and descent. It is also the end of the questionable silence of religious scholars against terrorist attacks, takfiri fatwas and the dangerous spread of oil religions and colonial and American Islam.
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