Publish dateTuesday 10 July 2012 - 16:09
Story Code : 44922
The United States condemns public execution of a woman by Taliban in Parwan
The United States joins, the government of Afghanistan in condemning in the strongest possible terms the pubic execution of an Afghan woman, reportedly by the Taliban, in Parwan province. 

The protection of women’s rights is critical around the world, but especially in Afghanistan, where such rights were ignored, attacked and eroded under Taliban rule. 

This cold blooded murder, carried out in front of a crowd and recorded on video, is an unambiguous reminder to the Afghan people and the international community of the brutality of the Taliban. 

We note that the government of Afghanistan has asked the provincial police to identify the perpetrators of this heinous crime and bring them to justice quickly. 

The United States stands alongside the Afghan government, the Afghan people, and especially the women of Afghanistan, to ensure that the hare won gains made by women in the last 10 years are not only protected, but advanced. 

According to another report the United States strongly condemns the roadside IED attack that occurred this morning in Kandahar, reportedly killing at least eighteen civilians, and wounding several others, mostly women and children. 

This appalling attack once again demonstrates that the insurgents have no respect for the lives of innocent Afghan civilians. 

We mourn this tragic loss of life, and our sympathies go out to those affected by today’s bombing, as well as their families and communities. We remain steadfast in standing with the afghan government and people against the scourge of terrorism and violence directed against them. (BNA)
Source : Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), International Service
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