Publish dateSunday 21 January 2024 - 16:11
Story Code : 284624
Palestinian Authority: America should not only talk about a two-state solution in Palestine
The spokesman of the head of the Palestinian Authority says that America should not only talk about a two-state solution in Palestine, but should also recognize the Palestinian state.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Nabil Aburdineh, the spokesman of the head of the Palestinian Authority, says that America should not only talk about a two-state solution in Palestine, but should also recognize the Palestinian state.

According to the Saturday night report of "Wafa" news agency of the Self-Government Organization, Abordinah said these words in response to the statements of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said that he is against the creation of a Palestinian state.

On Saturday, Netanyahu said that US President Joe Biden did not talk to him about the possibility of forming a Palestinian state. He also said that even after the end of the war, Tel Aviv will not agree to the formation of a Palestinian state.

The spokesman of the head of the self-governing organization reacted to Netanyahu's words and stated: "America should recognize the state of Palestine and not just talk about a two-state solution. Now is the right time for this. The Israeli cabinet has no desire for peace and stability and still does not acknowledge the fact that peace will not be established without the formation of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and based on the 1967 borders.

At the same time, Nabil Aburdineh pointed out that the resolutions of the Security Council and the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the global consensus have made the country of Palestine become an observer member of the United Nations and the flag of the country of Palestine is next to the flags of other countries in the world that have recognized Palestine. to shake

He also said that the Palestinian people will not give up their legitimate rights, their holy places and the Palestinian state.

A number of cabinet ministers of the Israeli regime have clearly stated their opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state and have emphasized that there is a consensus in Tel Aviv on this issue.

The Israeli newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" quoted Bezalel Smutrich, the finance minister of this regime, recently reported that there is a broad consensus in Tel Aviv against the formation of a Palestinian state.

"Itmar Ben Gur", the Minister of Internal Security of the Zionist regime, recently emphasized that he has always denied the Palestinian state. On the other hand, Miki Zohar, the Minister of Culture and Sports of Israel, also said that Tel Aviv will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state in any way.
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