Publish dateWednesday 17 January 2024 - 09:43
Story Code : 284364
Destabilization of Afghanistan is America
Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the special representative and ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul, said in an interview with IRNA that the Americans, despite their disgraceful defeat, continue to commit the insecurity of Afghanistan and support terrorism, especially ISIS. He also added that the neighboring countries and the region should use the post-occupation atmosphere of Afghanistan, which is considered a new opportunity, for a convergence and seek to improve the political, security and economic conditions in Afghanistan through their cooperation.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Iran's special representative and ambassador in Kabul, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, today, Tuesday, January 16, in an interview, called his meetings with Pakistani officials usefull and stated: "We reached an agreement on engagement with Kabul to help improve conditions in Afghanistan.

He added: After 20 years of occupation in Afghanistan, America and its allies failed in the goals they had defined in this country and region, of course this failure is not limited to Afghanistan. In other countries, such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, we have witnessed the failure of American policies, and part of the reasons for this failure was the resistance of the people of these countries, and another part was the inappropriate behavior and performance of the Americans and their disregard for the interests of the nations and social norms. 

The Iranian ambassador in Kabul has said: Despite their scandalous defeat in Afghanistan, the Americans still have not abandoned the region and Afghanistan, the goals of the United States are still there, but they have changed their operational strategies, at that time they thought they could use militarism and military campaigns to achieve their illegitimate goals, but after failing in this way, they turned to other ways.

He emphasized that the instability and insecurity of Afghanistan is still America's priority and they follow this policy for various reasons, because according to the Americans, Afghanistan can be a place of conflict and confrontation with America's competitors and enemies, namely China, Iran and Russia. 

Kazemi Qomi added: The perception of the United States, which was forced to shamefully flee Afghanistan after 20 years, is that the period of construction has begun in Afghanistan and that country's rival, China, has risen for economic cooperation and investment in Afghanistan.

He also pointed out: Afghanistan is along the civilizational sphere of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the commonalities that exist between the two nations and two countries can form a huge capacity of bilateral and regional cooperation, which is definitely not pleasing to the Americans, as a result of which they continue the policy of destabilization.

The special representative of the President of Iran in Afghanistan added: The phenomenon of terrorism, including ISIS in Khorasan, is one of America's strategies that are being followed in the direction of making Afghanistan insecure. For this reason, Afghanistan's neighbors have the most interaction with the people and the government of this country, so they will be most affected by the developments and events of Afghanistan; That is, the more Afghanistan moves towards instability and insecurity, we will see a flood of Afghan refugees moving towards neighboring countries, including Iran. If Afghanistan's economy becomes more critical and poverty worsens, we will witness an increase in drug cultivation and recruiting for terrorist groups like ISIS.

He further stated: Naturally, all these negative effects will affect the society and rulers of Afghanistan, as well as the security of the region and neighboring countries, and on the other hand, the neighboring countries will have the greatest impact on improving the conditions of Afghanistan.

Kazemi Qomi emphasized: What is important is that the neighboring countries and the region should use the post-occupation atmosphere of Afghanistan, which is considered a new opportunity, for a convergence and seek to improve the political, security and economic conditions in Afghanistan through their cooperation. 

In this conversation, he mentioned: Fortunately, we have reached a positive approach in the consultations with important players in the region, including Pakistan, we emphasized regional cooperation in interaction with Kabul, and it was agreed that this approach should be prioritized A "Regional Contact Group" was formed, which was agreed upon in the framework of the Kazan meeting and members of the Moscow format. 

The head of Iran's embassy in Afghanistan added: The representatives of the regional contact group should define a package of cooperation with Afghanistan in the economic, security and political fields and follow it, so this preparation has been made.

He said: The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the constructive role of the United Nations. Considering that the neighbors are most affected by the developments in Afghanistan, the United Nations should support regional initiatives and cooperation, and if this support is provided, it can help improve the mission of the United Nations Security Council to establish global peace and security. Also, this organization can speed up the process of improving Afghanistan's conditions, building and sustaining the Afghans in their own land, and fighting terrorism.

Kazemi Qomi considered the spread of terrorism in the region, including the phenomenon of ISIS in Khorasan, as a result of America's proxy war and American-Zionist plans, and emphasized: neighboring countries must be alert so that they can form comprehensive cooperation, including security, with Afghanistan. 

He added: supporting the people of Afghanistan is still the political criterion of the Islamic Republic of IranIt is Iran. This support is established in all aspects of bilateral cooperation and Iran's deep understanding of the conditions of the Afghan people, and we encourage the region to converge, and the United Nations is also expected to support this process.
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