Publish dateMonday 15 January 2024 - 10:49
Story Code : 284218
Nasrallah: America was stupid by attacking Yemen/ Israel has no choice but to accept the terms of resistance
In an important speech, the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement pointed out that the enemy cabinet has no choice but to accept the Palestinian resistance and declare a complete end to the war, and this means the victory that we had promised, and said: America says that it does not seek to expand the war, but It does. This is stupidity. If Biden and those around him think that they will be able to stop the Yemenis in the Red Sea, they are wrong.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, on Sunday evening, January 14, on the occasion of seven days since the martyrdom of "Wassam Hassan Tawal" alias "Al-Haj Jawad", one of the commanders of this movement in the Zionist attack on the south Lebanon gave a speech.
At the beginning of his speech, he congratulated the arrival of the month of Rajab and emphasized: Many young people of "Kharba Salem" town joined the resistance ranks from the past years and dozens of them were martyred. Haj Javad also joined his martyred brothers by martyrdom. We are in front of such a faithful and mujahid family.
The Secretary General of Hezbollah pointed out that "we must all provide the factors of resistance in this war; And we don't know how long it will take", he said: Haj Javad also joined Hezbollah when he was only 15 years old. This is the path of the commanders who are present in the battlefields. He was one of the resistance commanders in Syria and in the war with ISIS. We are proud to have been a part of this war and every day we are more confident in the correctness of our positions.
Nasrallah stated that ISIS was the biggest threat not only to the Syrian government but also to the people of this country and carried out the most killings in Iraq. Qassem Soleimani martyred. ISIS was also the biggest threat to the country and people of Lebanon. Haj Javad was one of the greatest commanders who fought against ISIS.
The Secretary General of Hezbollah went on to talk about the 100-day resistance of the people of Gaza against the Zionist aggression and mentioned this resistance under the title of "mythical" and emphasized that the people of Gaza will neither fail nor surrender. The Palestinian resistance is fighting with all its groups with courage and innovation. Many of those who follow the operation of Al-Aqsa Storm, agree that Israel has had the most news censorship in this war and what some positions leak is a matter of surprise.
Stating that analysts and military experts agree that Israel has fallen into a "deep pit" in this war, from which it does not know how to get out, Nasrallah pointed out: "The enemy in these 100 days except for the brutal killing of women and children" What has he achieved? Israel has failed in achieving its goals and the Zionists admit this. Israel has not been able to release its prisoners, force the people of Gaza to move and turn this area into a place for Zionists to settle after the occupation.
Emphasizing that after 100 days, the Zionists say that they have entered the third stage, which includes the withdrawal from northern Gaza, he said: After the withdrawal of the Zionists, the Mujahideen of Hamas and Islamic Jihad took control of this area. So what was this achievement for Israel? Israel could not eliminate the resistance and now the Hamas government is in control of all the northern areas of Gaza. Israel could not even stop the firing of rockets from northern Gaza to Tel Aviv and release even one prisoner alive. 
Referring to the attacks of the resistance forces from Lebanon, Syria and Yemen on the occupied Palestine, the Secretary General of Hezbollah said: Some Israeli media talk about four thousand disabled soldiers who have fallen into this situation after 100 days, and maybe this number is 30 A thousand people can reach. Therefore, if the number of disabled people reaches this number, how many more people have been injured? These people are no longer able to continue the war. Therefore, the question is, what is the real number of dead people? The biggest disaster for Israel will be when the war ends and the extent of the damage done to it is known.
Pointing out that Israel does not admit the number of casualties and severely censors the real statistics, Nasrallah stated: More than half of the Zionists are psychologically damaged and need treatment. Israel's economy has also suffered a lot. What happened in the Red Sea was also a fatal blow to the enemy's economy. Israel's trial at the Hague Court tarnished its image and showed the extent of the collapse and moral fall of the West and America, which supports this regime. It is necessary to know the extent of the enemy's losses during these 100 days, so that all the people of our region know that the blood of oppressed children will not be trampled.
The Secretary General of Hezbollah stated that the public opinion of Israel has changed after this war and they no longer have hope for war, and said: No one has any hope for the release of Israeli prisoners. Either they will be released by negotiation or they will return with a coffin. It is expected that the public opinion towards the war will change even more and no one will want it to continue. In the polls, it is clear that Netanyahu has no place anymore. These are all the results of war. Therefore, the Zionists demand the fall of Netanyahu's cabinet and the resumption of negotiations for the release of prisoners; Even if it is at the cost of stopping the war completely or accepting the terms of the Palestinian resistance.
Pointing out that the enemy's cabinet has no choice but to accept the Palestinian resistance and declare a complete end to the war, he said: This means the victory we promised. America and other western countries within 100 rublesIn the past, they tried to silence other fronts supporting Gaza; Whether Yemen, Lebanon or Iraq. They are looking for internal pressures to disable these axes, but this action is of no use. Of course, the Americans have also resorted to threats in the past few days; Threatening Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen is still useless.
Emphasizing that the attack on Yemen was the "foolishness of America and England", Nasrallah pointed out: America says that it does not seek to expand the war, but it does so. This is stupidity. If Biden and those around him think that they will be able to stop the Yemenis in the Red Sea, they are wrong. They do not know the people, the leaders and the history of Yemen very well. These are caused by the arrogant spirit of America and considering others to be inferior and weak. They claim to support shipping, but the Yemenis only target ships bound for occupied Palestine. Of course, this is the least response to America's action, which has caused a lot of damage to shipping in this sea.
While criticizing the presence of Bahrain in the American-British alliance and praising the stance of the nation and scholars of this country in support of the Yemeni people, the Secretary General of Hezbollah continued: The Americans sent a threatening message to Iran because of Yemen, but they only heard one word and that was that These operations are a Yemeni decision. It will soon become clear that Biden was foolish to attack Yemen. Today, it is the duty of every free person to declare his support for the nation and government of Yemen and the Ansarullah movement. Whoever supports the right front, his criteria is to support Yemen and Palestine and all the oppressed. But those who are silent will be questioned on the Day of Judgment.
Pointing out that the Zionist enemy did not even admit that Miron headquarters was targeted, he said: When Hezbollah released a video of this attack, it was forced to admit. Hezbollah had fired 62 rockets in this attack and the enemy media admitted yesterday that the Miron base was completely destroyed.
Stating that the cabinet and the Zionist people are afraid of war, Nasrallah warned at the end: We have been ready for war since 99 days ago, we are not afraid of it and we have no doubts. America, which is trying to pretend that it is worried about Lebanon, should be worried about its military base in Israel. Our position is clear: we support Gaza and will continue to do so. The attack on Gaza must stop.
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