Publish dateThursday 28 December 2023 - 14:20
Story Code : 283055
The countries of the region should recognize the Islamic Emirate to solve their political and economic problems
Experts in international relations say that the Islamic Emirate has completed all the conditions that a government should have, according to international laws. Therefore, the countries of the world, especially the countries of the region, should recognize the existing government in Afghanistan in order to solve their political and economic problems, because the crisis in Afghanistan causes the crisis in the region.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: This statement of experts in international relations is raised while Maulavi Abdul Kabir, Political Deputy of Prime Minister, said yesterday in a ceremony held on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Red Army in Kabul that we want good relations with all countries and we do not want our soil to be used against any country, we want problems to be solved through dialogue.

Toryali Sarwari, an expert on international relations, said in a conversation with AVA that the Islamic Emirate, according to international laws, has completed all the conditions that a government should have, therefore, the countries of the world, especially the countries of the region, should work together to solve their political and economic problems. Recognize the existing government in Afghanistan, because the crisis in Afghanistan causes a crisis in the world and the region.

He said that the countries of the region should take the lead in recognizing the Islamic Emirate compared to other countries of the world, adding that Afghanistan has a very geographical basis in the region, any crisis that arises in Afghanistan will also fuel the countries of the region.

This expert on international relations pointed out that if the leaders of the countries of the region want peace and stability in their countries, they should recognize the government of Afghanistan, because without the cooperation of the Islamic Emirate, the countries of the region cannot stop the spread of terrorism and drug trafficking.

Mr. Sarwari had the means that no matter how much the leaders of the region delay in recognizing the Islamic Emirate, the activity of terrorist groups and the humanitarian crisis in the region will increase.

At the same time, Seyed Zakir Hosseini, a university professor, also told AVA that the leaders of the countries of the region should recognize the Islamic Emirate in order to improve their economic situation and trade, otherwise they will face many commercial and political problems.

He added that if the countries of the region do not recognize the government of Afghanistan, the crisis will increase and the Afghans will be forced to resort to illegal immigration to save themselves, and in that case, the migration crisis will spread to all the countries of the world, especially the countries of the region. .

He emphasized that the recognition of the Islamic Emirate from the countries of the region will help the global charity organizations so that they can deliver their aid to all parts of Afghanistan through this country, even though there are banking problems.

According to his words, in the current situation, the only effective forces in Afghanistan from a political and military point of view is the Islamic Emirate, which has sovereignty over the entire territory of Afghanistan. Accordingly, the countries of the world and the region do not have an address for dialogue to solve the problems of Afghans.

It should be noted that more than two years have passed since the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, but the countries of the world have not recognized the existing government in Afghanistan for reasons that the Islamic Emirate does not consider justified.

Officials of the Islamic Emirate have repeatedly said that the Islamic Emirate wants to interact with all the countries of the world and that the current government in Afghanistan has completed all the standards and norms that are important for recognition and that we see in today's world.
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