Publish dateMonday 17 April 2023 - 09:29
Story Code : 268546
The General Director of Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities, stating that the global demonstrations of Quds Day, which are held more magnificently every year, have played a serious role in weakening the Israeli regime and gaining power of resistance groups, emphasizes that people should work harder for the glorious celebration of Quds Day in the coming years.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: A ceremony commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali and glorifying the International Quds Day under the title "Palestine is the axis of the unity of the Islamic world, Quds is on the threshold of freedom" on Saturday (April 15).
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, General Director of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), spoke about "the honor of the Islamic world depends on supporting the movement of the Palestinian people" and said that the honor of a human being, especially a Muslim person and a country Islam and even the entire Islamic world is definitely not and will not depend on supporting a country and exploiting special means, facilities and capacities; Rather, the dignity of a Muslim depends on worship.
Mr. Mazari added that if a person or a group of Muslims and countries serve the Almighty Allah and act according to the commands of the Almighty Allah and submit to his command in various religious and political fields, then the Muslims will be respected and honorable and will be free from the authority of the world. And they will enjoy the happiness of the hereafter; But otherwise, they will never step on the path of honor and authority.
Mazari stated that one of the fields of obeying Allah's commands and orders is "fighting the oppressor and supporting the oppressed", adding that following this order is actually worshiping the Almighty Allah and the path of dignity, honor and authority for us.
Based on Mazari's statements; One of the places where the issue of oppressors and oppressors exists, and where there has been crime for seventy years, is the occupied lands of Palestine, which is occupied by a handful of criminal Zionists, and the Muslim people of this land have been deprived of all their material and spiritual rights. More importantly, they have arrested the first Qibla of Muslims.
The general head of Tebyan Center further said that if we Muslims enter here and use every opportunity in the field of fighting against the occupation regime of Al-Quds, and the oppressed people of Palestine, who for decades to take back their home and liberate Al-Quds Sharif with empty hands. We should support them against the most powerful army in the world, we have worshiped the Almighty Allah.
Mazari clarified that even though the struggle and jihad of the Palestinian people passes every day, this struggle becomes more violent, dynamic and serious, and the power and greatness of the Palestinians ten years ago cannot be compared to now, and it has become much stronger and more powerful than in the past. ; But this is not an excuse for our laziness and lack of action, and the Almighty Allah does not accept such procrastination, and we must, according to the instructions of the verses and traditions of the infallible Imams, peace be upon them, enter the field of support for the oppressed people of Palestine and stand tall against the degenerate Israeli regime.
Mazari clarified that although we are not in the actual scene in the land of Palestine and our brothers are there as our proxies in the trenches; But we also have a duty in this field to take advantage of every opportunity and seek to use every possibility for confrontation.
He added that Quds Day is a very appropriate religious and religious occasion that obliges us to be present on this day and while declaring hatred and disgust against the Israeli regime, expose the crimes of this regime and also the Palestinian people. Let's support and reflect their sleeping cry.
According to Mazari's statements; if someone claims to be a Muslim and says I am a revolutionary mujahid; however, he is not a Muslim if he is careless and unconcerned about the Palestine issue. Because we, as Muslims, are obliged to stand up and support the oppressed in the face of oppression anywhere in the world.
Mazari also said that apart from this discussion, we are obliged to address the Palestinian issue from a political and security point of view and take action against the Israeli regime, because the crimes and betrayals of the Israeli regime are not only limited to the occupied territories, but also outside the occupied territories of the Israeli regime.
He added that the Israeli regime and the networks related to this regime are involved in the insecurity of Afghanistan and the problems that we have had for 44 years and innumerable wars and disasters.
However, the head of the Tebyan Center clarified that although the power of the Israeli regime has weakened and now it does not have the power of the previous decades, and the radius of the physical presence of the Israelis, which is more than It was two thousand kilometers and they officially ruled in most Islamic countries like Iran, now it has been reduced and the Israeli regime is currently confined inside the occupied territories.
Mazari clarified that in addition to the problems within Israel and the rebellion of the citizens of this regime against it, the resistance groups - Gaza, Lebanon and Syria - have also become stronger and there is a serious problem in this area against the Israeli regime, and these three resistance groups have a joint operation room. They create and act against the Israeli regime.
He added that although Israel is in the worst state of its political life; but he still does not stop the crime against the Palestinian nation.
Mazari also emphasized that although we are not currently worried about Israel in our land and other Islamic lands and this regime is no longer a cancerous tumor; But again, from a political point of view and from a security point of view, we have a duty to take action against this regime and start working and act in support of the oppressed people of Palestine until the evil of this regime is removed as soon as possible.
Mazari referred to the speech of Imam Khamenei, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that the life of the Israeli regime will not reach 25 years and he said that we should try to make this opportunity less, if it is already less, and the discussion of Al-Quds Day and the international demonstrations of Al-Quds Day that It becomes more glorious every year. It has played a serious role in weakening the Israeli regime and strengthening the resistance groups.
Mazari emphasized that the people should make more serious efforts for the glorious celebration of Quds days in the coming years so that the life of this regime will be shortened and not only 25 years but not even 5 years.
Based on Mazari's statements; the purpose of establishing Quds Day by Hazrat Imam Khomeini is the motive of worship. Because all the Imam's messages and plans during his lifetime were based on the orders of Allah and the orders of the Qur'an, and Iranian or even national motives were not involved in it.
Based on the statements of the head of Tebyan Center; Imam knew that if he acts against this regime according to Allah's orders; The security of the Islamic world is ensured, that is why this day was established and raised, and from the day that this day is celebrated, the Israeli regime is becoming weaker and more limited day by day, and the strength of the resistance groups is increasing.
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