Publish dateMonday 23 January 2023 - 10:00
Story Code : 264164
Afghanistan and the devastating consequences of the American disaster
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: Afghanistan is witnessing a full-scale human disaster, poverty and hunger are widespread and people are suffering a lot; But all this is not because of America's shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan; Rather, it is the result of the disaster that America imposed on Afghanistan and its people and is still ongoing.
General David Petraeus; The former head of the CIA and the former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan said that there are no signs of progress in Afghanistan. He also added that the situation in Afghanistan "is going from bad to worse."
Despite the disappointing claim of the former head of the CIA, the biggest progress in Afghanistan is that it is no longer under the domination and occupation of the United States, the occupying forces have been pushed out of our country with humility and Afghanistan has regained its national independence and sovereignty for the first time in the past few decades.
From the point of view of this American general, who led the occupying forces in Afghanistan for about a decade, this is not only progress; Rather, it is backward, and the fact that America, despite heavy investments and numerous casualties suffered in Afghanistan during the 20 years of occupation, now does not control even a fraction of our land, for General Petraeus, it means that "from bad to worst" It's time to move on."
In an interview with the BBC, he said that the future prospects of Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban seem "completely ambiguous".
He added: "What you are seeing is the re-imposition of a kind of regime with an 8th century interpretation of ultra-conservative Islam that has returned to Afghanistan, after 20 years of opportunity that we provided by our presence there."
It is obvious that the establishment of an Islamic system in any part of the world is not desirable for America; Because true Islam considers America to be the great devil, it stands against the arrogant dominance of America and does not allow the fate of Islamic countries and the Muslim Ummah to be determined by Washington, NATO, and the usurping Zionist regime.
Therefore, General Petraeus is very angry and angry that Afghanistan is controlled by an Islamic state; Because he knows very well what heavy costs his country has borne during the 20 years of occupation of Afghanistan so that Afghanistan is no longer Islamic and America prevents the formation of an Islamic system by the choice and will of the Muslim people of Afghanistan. This arrogant American project failed, and now General Petraeus is clearly witnessing the failure of all American colonial projects, and he sees that America's investments of two trillion dollars are pitifully destroyed, and America is doing nothing in desperation and desperation.
Petraeus stated: "The situation is very disappointing.”It goes beyond malnutrition to starvation for a very significant period of time."
According to him, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan was not only "heartbreaking and sad"; rather, it was completely disastrous, and this assessment has been increasingly confirmed over the past year and a half.
In this context, he is right; Because Afghanistan is witnessing a full-scale human disaster, poverty and hunger have spread and people are suffering a lot; but all this is not because of America's shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan; rather, it is the result of the disaster that America imposed on Afghanistan and its people and is still ongoing.
If America had not occupied Afghanistan, no disaster would have happened. After the withdrawal of the occupying forces, the cruel US sanctions continued, the country's national assets were frozen, and the government and people were under increasing pressure from Washington and its allies for various reasons.
Even Western NGOs have stopped their aid activities under the pretext of banning the work of women in these organizations by the Taliban, and this is while Afghanistan is currently struggling with an unprecedented and deadly cold. It has taken dozens of people, destroyed tens of thousands of farmers' livestock, frozen fields and crops, destroyed agricultural products and seriously disrupted the lives of millions of people.
In this way, what is going on in Afghanistan now is the direct and indirect results of the devastating American disaster; it is a disaster that, of course, people like General David Petraeus, as the former head of the CIA and the former commander of NATO, simply put the responsibility on the shoulders of the Taliban and exonerate America.
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