Publish dateMonday 11 March 2019 - 00:09
Story Code : 181183
Blackwater CEO: Kabul will collapse in 6 weeks without foreigners’ support
The founder of Blackwater private security firm Erik Prince said during an interview on Saturday that he believes Afghan security forces, without skeletal support, will collapse in 6 weeks.
AVA- “The Afghan forces are dying between 30 to 40 per day,” Mr Prince said during a head to head program with Aljazeera.
“If there is not a skeletal support provided to them, Ashraf Ghani himself said the Afghan forces will collapse in less than 6 months. I say is more like six weeks,” he said.
Mr Prince also said that he doubts very much that Ashraf Ghani will win in the next election.
“If there is not a skeletal structure support of the Afghan forces, the next president going to wind up like Dr Najibullah did,” he added, saying that Zalmay Khalilzad will not help. Because he does not control the military, the intelligence funding …”.
The United States of America spends 62 billion dollars in Afghanistan every year, of which 5 billion is for supporting the Afghan security forces, 57 billion dollars is the cost of US presence there.
The founder of Blackwater claimed that he had met with high-level Afghan officials, including Uzbek, Hazara, Tajik and Pashtun, and that they have agreed with privatizing the Afghan war.
The remarks come as former president Hamid Karzai strongly opposes the privatization of the war in Afghanistan.
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