Publish dateTuesday 31 July 2018 - 08:55
Story Code : 168053
Yemen War Closer to Home for Saudi Arabia, UAE: Report
Attacks by Yemen’s Houthi revolutionaries on the economic interests of Saudi Arabia and the UAE appear to be increasing in number, Forbes reported, adding that this indicates a transition of the Yemen war from the Yemeni soil to Saudi and Emirati soils.
AVA- In an analysis article by the expert political journalist, Dominique Dudley, the global media company reported that revealed information that an Emirati delegation recently visited a number of companies which manufacture anti-drone systems in France and Finland in early July, citing Emirati “real concerns” about the Yemeni drone attacks against UAE facilities.
“Ansarullah’s attacks on economic places, transfer the war from Yemen to Saudi Arabia and the UAE,” the report said.
The writer built his analysis on three main attacks by Yemeni forces against Saudi and Emirati targets:  Aramco refinery in the Saudi capital Riyadh, Abu Dhabi airport in the UAE capital and Saudi oil tankers in the Bab al Mandeb strait.
“While Saudi and Emirati officials have denied that some of the attacks took place, other incidents have been confirmed,” Dudley said in the report.
Taken together, these incidents highlight the fact that Houthi rebels remain a real threat to Saudi Arabia and the UAE more than three years after the two countries launched a campaign (with other allies) to oust the rebel movement from power. The targeting of the oil and transport sectors goes to the heart of the Gulf countries’ economies and, if the attacks prove more successful in the future, could have wider repercussions beyond any immediate damage to infrastructure.”
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