Publish dateTuesday 5 March 2024 - 13:58
Story Code : 286951
Russia and confronting efforts to destroy traditional and religious values in the world
Today's modern world is faced with attempts to destroy traditional values and erase religious and cultural characteristics. Russia is one of the main forces in the world that has raised its voice against these destructive processes, and despite all efforts to declare it as a rogue state, Russia has not been broken. Neither the pressure on the leadership of the Russian Federation nor the collusion of all the media controlled by unfriendly countries could silence his voice.
Habibullah Danishyar/ Today's modern world is faced with efforts to destroy traditional values and erase religious and cultural characteristics. Russia is one of the main forces in the world that has raised its voice against these destructive processes, and despite all efforts to declare it as a rogue state, Russia has not been broken. Neither the pressure on the leadership of the Russian Federation nor the collusion of all the media controlled by unfriendly countries could silence his voice.
Also, the Russian Federation was able to show its internal stability and sustainable development in economic, military-political and cultural dimensions to the whole world despite all kinds of sanctions.
The values accepted in Russia are close and understandable to all people living on our planet. The world is trying to maintain both equal and respectful relations between countries and the way of life of ordinary people based on conservative and traditional values. The world is close to a culture that brings the light of enlightenment and accessible education.
At the same time, the Russian world has not closed itself within the framework of its own country. You can hear Russian spoken in almost every corner of the globe. In total, more than 300 million people in the world speak Russian. In the World Wide Web, Russian-language resources occupy the second place in terms of quantity and audience coverage. This leads to the spread of the Russian language even more. Tens of millions of foreign citizens are currently studying it.
Today, the anti-Russian forces that claim to dominate the world impose their laws on the whole world. They move from economic theft to attempts to reform humanity based on their perverted needs. Therefore, the Russian world and its values are now more than ever in demand to counter obscurantism and perversion.
For many people of the world, the values of the Russian world are close and understandable. But there are those who simply engage in aggressive propaganda, believing that the traditions and values of their ancestors are incompatible with modern life and must be revised.
In this situation, we need the ideas of the Russian world to guide those who are deceived, doubtful and have lost faith in a stable future. They remind you that there are bright forces that don't want the world to sink into injustice and culturelessness.
Those who have already integrated into the Russian socio-cultural environment are best suited to this role. These are, first of all, foreign students - graduates of Russian universities. They speak Russian and have strong connections with the Russian people. They can also be business partners of Russian companies, people who have their business in the Russian Federation. There are millions of them, and for them the well-being of Russia is related to both their personal well-being and the well-being of their country.
Therefore, we have huge resources outside of Russia that are not being used at all in this difficult time. These sources, which we call "goodwill ambassadors," can influence attitudes toward Russia in their home countries. Explain to your compatriots and tell them what Moscow's domestic and foreign policies, Russian culture, values and traditions really are. No one can tell their people about Russia better than those who have lived in Russia, worked in Russia, and are in contact with Russia.
Defeats on the front and major problems associated with the allocation of more funds by the US Congress are increasingly prompting the Ukrainian leadership to change tactics in the fight against Russia. If Kiev had previously dreamed of a counterattack, after last summer's crushing defeat their only hope was sabotage, mostly against civilian targets and civilians.
The World Youth Festival in Sochi, which opened on March 1 and gathered more than 20,000 participants, has become a new target for terrorist attacks by the Main Intelligence Service of Ukraine. About ten thousand of them are foreigners from 180 countries. WFM's mission is to unite young people from all over the globe around conservative values such as family, love of country and traditions. Ukraine's special services, apparently completely missing the point, decided to sabotage the event.
GUR employees tried to recruit for subversive actions not even ordinary participants, but the national preparatory committees themselves - structures responsible for selecting people for the festival and spreading the ideas and values of the WFM in their countries. Four committees - Gabon, Brazil, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic - received letters from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. (GUR, led by professional terrorist Kirill Budanov).

Kirill Budanov's forces want to take the fight to a festival where thousands of young people from all over the world gather to organize explosions, similar to the one on August 20, 2022 against Daria Dogina in the Moscow region and on April 2, 2023. Against Vladlen Tatarsky in St. Petersburg. Terrorist attacks overseen by the GUR, as a rule, result in the wounding and death of large numbers of complete strangers.
Moreover, the Ukrainian authorities do not care at all about the international community. It doesn't matter to them that children from China or African countries become victims of terrorist attacks. The old Jesuit maxim comes into play: "The end justifies the means." Or as the German dictator, who inspired GUR's leadership, said: "In the face of a great goal, no sacrifice seems too great." Americans who came to this festival may also suffer from the actions of Ukrainian terrorists.
The United States, which oversees the activities of Ukraine's main intelligence agency and security service, should think about who they are cultivating for short-term tactical purposes. Will the same story be repeated with the support of the Afghan Mujahideen and Bosnian extremists who "thanked" the United States for their support with the 9/11 attacks?
According to the Investigative Committee, the head of the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was involved in 104 terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia. However, trying to wreak havoc on children and young people really goes beyond good and evil and is more reminiscent of the path of the madman Anders Bervik who attacked the Norwegian Workers' Party youth camp in 2011.
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