Publish dateMonday 24 June 2024 - 21:22
Story Code : 292415
Is the meaning of Mula in Ghadeer
The word Mula is more important and bigger than the issue of love, according to the content of the verse of Tabligh, which God says, If the Prophet had not communicated this love, would the issue of mission not have been accomplished? Also, saying that you love Ali (a.s.) did not lead to fear, so that God would assure His Messenger that I will protect you from the evil of people.
Yar Mohammad Rahmati/ After the angel of revelation came and gave the good news of the completion and completion of the blessing of religion, the voice of the Messenger of God was raised and said: "Allah Akbar Ali Akmal al-Din, the completion of the grace and the pleasure of the Lord with the kingship and authority for the next Ali." Then the Prophet ordered the Muslims to pledge allegiance to Ali (peace be upon him) and consider him as their Amir and Imam.
The Muslims congratulated Ali (peace be upon him) and pledged allegiance to him, and they said this word: Bakh Bakh Ya Ibn Abi Talib Asbaht wa Amsit Mulai wa Mula Kul Momin Wa Momina. O son of Abi Talib, you had breakfast and dinner while you became my master and leader and all believing men and women.
It is with great regret that we see people who raised the flag of opposition and obstinacy about the revelation of the revelation of the verse and said that none of the scholars narrated the revelation of the verse about Ali. But some others have confessed about the Ghadir incident. But according to unjustified justifications, they want to deny the caliphate and leadership of Ali (peace be upon him). In this way, they have interpreted the word Mullah in such a way that the meaning of caliphate and succession after the Prophet cannot be obtained from it.
Here, dear friends, I need to explain a little the meaning of the word Mullah in my hadith, Count Mullah, this is Ali Mullah.
Ahl al-Sunnah and Jamaat scholars have said that the word Mullah has multiple meanings. In this hadith, the word "mula" does not mean "province" or "leadership". It means to love.
According to the mentioned article, it is necessary to explain the meaning of Moli in Ghadeer's Hadith. The word "muli" is based on the content of the ayah Tabligh, which God blesses and exalted says: And if you do not do this today, you have not fulfilled the duties of the mission, which is more important and bigger than the issue of love. If the Prophet had not communicated this love, would the issue of mission not have been accomplished?
In addition to the above, saying that you love Ali did not contain any fear, so that God would assure His Messenger that I will protect you from the evil of people.
From what has been said, it became clear that the hadith of my current Count Molly, with its temporal and spatial conditions and according to the verse of the announcement that was revealed on this occasion, never fits with the meaning of Dost and Nasser. Secondly, the word "Moli" without reference and evidence in a meaning is preferable.
According to the mentioned article, the meaning of the word Moli is in the meaning of guardianship, leadership and government, not in the meaning of loving people. Also, they understood the proof of Imamate and leadership from the hadith of Ghadeer when this story was published in the cities.
Upon hearing Ghadeer's story, Noman Ibn Harith Fahri understood that the Prophet had nominated Ali as his successor, so he immediately came to Madinah to honor the Prophet and said, "You ordered us to testify, we have testified." Then we accepted the order of Jihad, Hajj, fasting, Zakat, all these. You were not satisfied with these until you introduced this young man, who was meant by Mullah Amirul Momineen, as your successor. Is this a word from you or from God?
The Holy Messenger of Islam said, I swear by God, there is no god but Him, it is from God. Noman while saying
O Lord, if this statement is true and it is from you, send down a stone from the sky or make us suffer a painful punishment.He turned away from the Prophet and returned to his way. At the same time, a stone fell from the sky on his head and destroyed him, and this verse was revealed.
Most Sunni commentators and hadith narrators have narrated the same theme with a slight difference.
Allamah Amini, the late Sahib of Al-Ghadir, narrated this matter from thirty famous scholars of Sunnis, and he provided the proofs of it in Al-Ghadir.
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