Publish dateSunday 19 February 2023 - 10:02
Story Code : 265687
Delay over Russia
Dmitry Zhirnov*/ Almost a year has passed since the start of special military operations by Russia in Ukraine, the Kiev regime continues to coolly shell Russian civilian cities, including in new regions. For example, on January 29, the armed forces of Ukraine inflicted an unimaginable attack on a hospital in Novoidar region (Donetsk People's Republic) in the height of ignorance and Nazism, as a result of which 14 people died and 24 others were injured. On the same day, Ukrainian forces also shelled a children's hospital in the new Kakhovka region, which fortunately did not harm anyone.
The Russian side will focus deeply on each of these crimes and investigate each of them in order to prosecute all those involved in the crimes.
The obvious point here is that even Western non-governmental organizations confirm the war crimes of the Kiev regime. For example, Human Rights Watch has to admit that the Kiev regime has violated all the commitments that this regime and the "common West" signed on behalf of the so-called "international community".
In a document recently published on the website of the Human Rights Monitoring Organization, it is mentioned about the use of "Lipistok" type anti-personnel mines by the Ukrainian armed forces in Izium region and its surroundings (in Kharkiv province). Also, in this document, the Ukrainian authorities are asked to carry out detailed investigations on all cases of the use of anti-personnel mines and to comply with the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines, which was approved by Ukraine in 2005.
Will the request of this international organization be implemented on behalf of Ukraine? Never! There will be no investigation and no work, just because something is being done in Kiev that is ordered by the United States of America, Great Britain and NATO structures. For now there is an order, namely the order to exterminate human beings regardless of their nationalities and religions, for the purpose of the so-called "strategic defeat" of Russia. Killing every last citizen of Ukraine from the point of view of the United States of America and all the mechanisms of the North Atlantic. Kiev will not conduct any kind of investigation.
Now, the documents of the Human Rights Monitoring Organization may face the same fate as the previous documents belonging to similar institutions. They keep those documents away from the access of western controlled media and change their form. They have observed how the German press quoted this information and instead of focusing the main attention on the crimes of the Kiev regime, substituted words about Russia in the documents.
In the meantime, peaceful life in the liberated areas from the control of the Kiev regime is gradually returning to normal. More than 32 thousand hectares of land have been cleared of mines by Russian soldiers. More than 2,800 buildings and 28 kilometers of roads have been controlled. At the same time, more than 975,000 explosive objects have been destroyed and active work is underway to rebuild new territories belonging to Russia. 575 kilometers of roads, 16 bridges and 3500 projects in the energy sector have been repaired and constructed. The work of reconstruction and construction of new residential houses in Maripol and other cities in the liberated areas is going on intensively.
At the same time, the belligerent rhetoric of most Western officials can be seen, who are not ashamed of making loud statements about the war in Ukraine. They have felt the impasse in their positions and the absence of reasons to argue it.
Announcements about the supply of Western weapons to Kiev increase the endless appetite of the Ukrainian regime, which, by shelling hospitals and mass killings, clearly demonstrated how the Western military injection apparently "does not lead to an escalation of the war".
It is clear that the West pursues its biased goals with its aid to Ukraine. For one reason: it does not help the Ukrainian people, but the Kiev regime at war with Russia. The price of all supplies to Kiev has been paid with the blood of ordinary Ukrainian citizens who are sent to the war front to defend the financial interests and geopolitical efforts of the United States of America and its allies. These bloody adventures have no other meaning. The United States of America was looking for someone to carry out this mission for a long time. The only person he found is Rezhik Kiev, who has neither conscience nor reason.
In this context, the negotiations on confiscation of Russian funds seem insulting. This is a contradiction: taking money from illegal means to rebuild Ukraine, which the Westerners are now destroying by sending their weapons.
The responsibility of the poverty situation in Ukraine is conscientiously on the shoulders of the NATO member states. Western jurists are trying to find "legitimate" ways to confiscate these properties. It is certain that these resources do not reach the hands of the ordinary citizens of Ukraine, but instead go into the pockets of the treasury thieves in the Kiev regime and their foreign criminals. In addition, there is no legitimate and legal way to acquire Russian capital.
It is better to think about the return of peace and the prospect of reconstruction in Ukraine; It means to take action in terms of demands and good conditions of Russia and accepting the past realities. You have to live in a real world, not a fantasy world.
By arming Kiev and turning it into a tool to listen to orders against Russia, the "Common West" continues to support the neo-Nazis of Ukraine, while ignoring their brutality and crimes. In this context, the decision of the American company "Meta" that H The neo-Nazi forces Azov (known in Russia as a terrorist organization responsible for numerous crimes, including crimes against civilians) appears very prominent on the list of dangerous individuals and entities. On the other hand, in 2015, Azov was accepted by the United States Congress as an "openly Nazi" and "fascist" organization. Alas, the values of the West are reduced to the fact that they are influenced by the considerations of the day, the situation of the day and election periods.
They make good use of all resources and facilities in the so-called "work" of the West against Russia; That is, from the transfer of weapons to the puppet regime in Kiev to the "brainwashing" of the Ukrainian people, by publishing fake reports about Russia, imposing distorted values and playing games using technologies. It is as if the authorities of Kiev and their Western owners consider the Ukrainian people as "cannon fodder" and are ready to sacrifice their people for their personal and ambitious interests without hesitation.
No matter how the West tries to harm Russia and try to mislead the world community about their true and completely biased goals in Ukraine, history will once again put everything in its place and give everyone what they deserve.
* Russian ambassador in Kabul
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