Publish dateWednesday 20 December 2023 - 14:36
Story Code : 282559
Not giving the seat in the United Nations to the Islamic Emirate is a violation of the rights of the Afghans
International relations experts say that according to international laws, the government of the Islamic Emirate has completed all the conditions for recognizing the existing government in Afghanistan, therefore, not handing over the seat of Afghanistan in the United Nations to the Islamic Emirate is a clear violation of the rights of the people of Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: These statements of experts in international relations are raised while the United Nations Credentials Review Committee has suspended the decision to hand over Afghanistan's seat to the Islamic Emirate for the third time.
The United Nations General Assembly has said that it has received two letters from Nasir Ahmad Faiq and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate with the aim of handing over the seat of Afghanistan's representative.
Sohail Shaheen, the head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, in response to the non-transfer of the seat of Afghanistan's representative in the United Nations to the Islamic Emirate, said that the non-transfer of the Afghan seat in the United Nations to the Islamic Emirate is an unprincipled, unfair and discriminatory act and it is against the dignity And the reputation of this international organization is damaged.
Ahmed Fawad Niazi, an expert on international relations, said in a conversation with AVA that the Islamic Emirate has completed all the conditions for recognizing the existing government in Afghanistan according to international laws, therefore not handing over Afghanistan's seat in the United Nations to the Islamic Emirate is a clear violation of the people's rights.
This expert on international relations also emphasized that the United Nations delegation in Afghanistan arranges and adjusts its reports according to the negative interests of the United States and presents them in the official meetings of the United Nations in order to divert the opinions of the world.
Mr. Niazi, stating that the best way to solve Afghanistan's problems is direct dialogue and interaction with the Islamic Emirate, added that by putting pressure on the existing government in Afghanistan, the international community and the United Nations will not achieve their own wishes.
He lamented that the United Nations follows the policy of Western countries towards Afghanistan and does not really want to solve the problems in our country, because he knows that the delay in recognizing the Islamic Emirate increases the problems.
At the same time, Dawood Ehsani, a political expert, while talking to AVA, said that the current government in Afghanistan has completed the four basic conditions for recognition, which are population, government, territory and sovereignty, therefore, the United Nations should recognize the Islamic Emirate. recognize and hand over Afghanistan's seat in this organization to the existing government in Afghanistan.
He added that handing over Afghanistan's seat in the United Nations to the Islamic Emirate will solve the problems of the Afghan people and the relations of most countries with our country, and international organizations can easily provide their assistance to vulnerable people.
This political expert emphasized that the United Nations has adopted a dual policy towards Afghanistan. On the one hand, the leaders of the Islamic Emirate are supposed to be blacklisted, and on the other hand, they want the interaction of the Islamic Emirate with the countries of the world.
Mr. Ehsani continued to point out that the United Nations should search for a basic solution. By applying pressure, a basic solution cannot be reached in the case of Afghanistan.
It should be remembered that more than two years have passed since the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, but so far no country has recognized the Islamic Emirate. The United Nations, in order to recognize the Islamic Emirate, wants to establish an inclusive government, provide The field of work and education for girls and women and freedom of expression.
But the Islamic Emirate has always said that their government is inclusive. The work and education of girls and women are related to internal issues that other countries should not interfere with.
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