Publish dateMonday 26 September 2022 - 15:14
Story Code : 259057
New Power Station Opened in Balkh
Local officials of Balkh province said that, a new power station opened to provide electricity for dozens of Balkh production factories.
Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, The power station with a capacity of 20kv will provide 24 hours of power to dozens of production factories of Balkh, which is the power for the station supplied from the government power networks.

According to the provincial local officials, in the meantime 30 factories benefited from the power supply of the station in their daily operations.

The construction of the power station cost 13 million Afghans said Sardar Wali Saqib the head of Da Afghan Breshna Sherkat in Balkh.

He said at the current time there is no power shortage in Balkh, all the residents and factory owners benefited from 24 hours of power.

During the inauguration of this power station, Mawlawi Qudratullah Abu Hamza the governor of Balkh said: “with the opening of this power station the factories’ operation will sparkle significantly,”.
Seizing the provided opportunities in the country the governor of Balkh promised full support from investors in that province.

Meanwhile, factory owners expressed happiness saying from now on they will be able to produce 24 hours daily in that province.
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