Publish dateSaturday 3 September 2022 - 16:04
Story Code : 258047
The head of the center of social and cultural activities of Tebyan gave a speech on behalf of Afghanistan to the participants of the seventh general meeting of the international meeting of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) at the reception of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In appreciation of the Islamic Republic of Iran for seriously entering the positions of this country on the issue of Afghanistan and especially against the Islamic Emirate, especially two personalities Mr. Kazmi Qomi and Seyed Hassan Mortazavi in this context. In order to solve the problems and fulfill the demands of the Shia of Afghanistan, it is necessary to contact the Islamic Emirate, but unfortunately, there is no unity at the level of the Shia in this regard, and it has made it difficult to find a solution to this problem, In another part of his speech, Hussaini Mazari asked Iran to pay attention to the issue of giving Iraqi visas to Afghan pilgrims for Arbaeen Hussaini and also to give free Iranian visas to these pilgrims.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) -Tehran: Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, General Director of Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center, who participated in the 7th General Meeting of the International Ahl al-bayt (AS). He gave a speech at the meeting held in Tehran on the 3rd of September, which was organized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the participants of the summit from 117 countries.
The blessings of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the importance of the international meetings of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS).
Pointing out that the Islamic Republic of Iran has many blessings for the people of Iran and the people of the region and the world, especially the Islamic world, he added: One of these blessings is a blessed existence. . The World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) is responsible for providing numerous services by organizing various assemblies.
He spoke about the importance and efficiency of holding the international meeting of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and added: The first importance and efficiency of these meetings is to strengthen communication between the leaders and scholars of all Shias. The world as well as the Shia should be aware of the situation and create harmony and harmony among them.
Hussaini Mazari pointed out the importance of organizing these meetings to produce content and said: In these meetings, leading figures and researchers present very good materials that are useful for Shia to create a strategy that Shia Can be It should be used to adopt modern methods.
This renowned religious scholar called the message of the Shiites to the world as another important feature of these meetings and said: Such meetings mean that the world should understand that the Shiites are an international, strong, progressive and influential group. But she is with the Sunni brothers. On the right are; The Shiites are peace-loving and want peace, they are not aggressors and do not violate the rights of others, but they stand against all kinds of oppression and violation and will definitely not be silent in the face of international and regional conspiracies. Against arrogance, in the face of truth, they will be serious and effective.
Iran's wisdom and effective positions are in the interest of our people
Referring to the presence of a number of scholars and leaders of Afghanistan, he welcomed the Shias of Afghanistan in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Hazrat Imam Khamenei (May Allah Grant Him Peace).
Hussaini Mazari thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country on behalf of the Shia personalities and the people of Afghanistan. First, the Islamic Republic of Iran's wise and effective positions on the issue of Afghanistan in the past year, which have benefited the people, peace, stability and territorial integrity of our country. And the thing is that in the last year, the movements of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have become very serious.
Appreciation for the efforts of Mr. Kazmi Qomi and Sayed Hasan Mortazavi
In this context, he thanked the efforts of Mr. Kazmi Qoumi, the Special Representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan Affairs, for his active role as a desired element in the field of the government's policy regarding the issue of Afghanistan. He has taken it and is trying every day. Day and night, effective work should be done for the benefit of the government and people of Afghanistan and the region. The head of the Tebyan Center especially thanked the deputy ambassador of Iran in Kabul, Seyed Hassan Mortazavi and his team, for their effective activities in Afghanistan at all times and stages. In terms of supporting the Islamic Emirate and seriously interacting with it, as well as providing services to the people of Afghanistan in various fields, especially in the humanitarian field.
Effective effort of the Tebyan center to thwart the conspiracy to spoil the relations of Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate with Iran.
The head of the Tebyan center has provided a better opportunity for the Shiites in the past year than any other time in Afghanistan, he said, referring to the activities of the center, especially the Gulbaran issue of the Afghan embassy. In Kabul, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran said: As the only major regional organization that has a serious presence in Afghanistan, the Activities Center of Tebyan Socio-Cultural Organization of Iran Managed and led the parade in response to the protests in front of the embassy. However, later faced serious challenges, which were solved with the efforts and activities of colleagues.
Referring to the move to please the Islamic Republic of Iran in front of the Iranian embassy and consulates in Kabul and Herat, he said: That is why we feel that the group is trying to damage the relations between the Islamic Emirate and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Interaction with the Islamic Emirate; criticizing the lack of unity among the Shia of Afghanistan
According to this member of the International Council of the Ahl al-Bayt, AS, the only way to solve the problems and meet the demands of the Afghan Shiites is to negotiate with the Islamic Emirate. That we share more than 70% with the positions of the Islamic Emirate and the remaining 30% with the presence of Shiites and real and legal Shiites in the country, so this problem is definitely solved by talks, efforts and relations. Ways can be solved.
He explained: Since we have had many talks and discussions with the representatives of the Emirate in the last three months, we feel that the opportunity presented is a good opportunity and there is a very serious flexibility at the level of the Islamic Emirate.
This is while Hasina Mazari sadly said: The problem is that there is no unity of words at the level of the Shias of Afghanistan, but there is also disagreement at the level of the Shias and unfortunately these differences are caused by this. That's how we got together. Today, we are a little confused and unable to express our demands in front of everyone, now let's sit down and encourage the personalities and officials of the Islamic Emirate to seriously and actively enter the scene and hold the hands of the Shia people.
This is at a time when the people included in the Islamic Emirate have realized that without the presence and cooperation of the Shiites, it will be difficult and complicated to ensure peace and stability, because the truth is that in Afghanistan, ten More than millions of people are Shiites and without considering the rights and obligations of these people, there will be no security and stability in Afghanistan, and the Islamic Emirate and its officials know and recognize this issue. But it is our duty and responsibility to appear in a serious scene and solve our problems through dialogue and interaction.
There is no capacity and ground for war in Afghanistan
By saying that there is no more capacity and ground for war inside Afghanistan, he examined the regional and international causes of this problem and said: No country in the region supports the war in Afghanistan. There is no power in the world that can work to create problems in Afghanistan no matter what they want. Of course, some intelligence and political actions of the Americans at the regional level and inside Afghanistan are with the cooperation of their servants and mercenaries, but the truth is that both the people of Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate are serious about ensuring security and stability. And protecting the territorial integrity of Afghanistan is working and we are active and working in this field as a large Shia community.
Two important requests from the Islamic Republic of Iran
In another part of her speech, Hussaini Mazari asked the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to make efforts to return Afghanistan's philanthropists and scholars from Afghanistan's madrassas and universities; because the conditions are suitable and these conditions should be met. On the one hand, the rule of Afghanistan and the rule of the people are being misused, and on the other hand, some people and very limited groups in the Islamic Republic of Iran are working to spoil the relations between Iran and Afghanistan, which should be dealt with by the responsible institutions.
 Stating that most of these saboteurs are seeking to spoil the relations between the two countries through virtual and media and this sabotage is definitely effective, he mentioned: I am in Afghanistan and I see how effective they are. We hope that Iran-Afghanistan relations will improve in the development of this process and that Iran will have a greater role in Afghanistan's issues, especially in supporting the people of Afghanistan.
The problem of Afghans in obtaining Iraqi visas and the need for the attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran
At the same time, Hussaini Mazari talked about Arbaeen Hussaini and the problems of Afghans in getting Iraqi visas and said: Afghanistan has more than 10 million Shiites who live in Iraq, but unfortunately this year there is no news from the Iraqis. Visas are not for people.
He asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran to intervene in this matter and, if possible, provide conditions for the issuance of Iraqi visas for Afghan tourists and even free visas for Afghan tourists from the Islamic Republic of Iran. to give Just as Iraqis accept pilgrims freely, Iran should also accept pilgrims freely, until a great flood of lovers of Imam Hussain and Ahl al-Bayt (AS) will go to Karbala and thus benefit from this route
At the reception of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the speech of Hojat al-Islam Wal-Muslimin Seyyed Isa Hussaini Mazari, General Director of the Center for Socio-Cultural Activities of Tebyan, from 117 countries of the world at the 7th General Assembly of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS). Meetings in the presence of guests are as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful
First of all, I salute the soul of the great leader of Islam, Hazrat Imam Khomeini (RA) and salute the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Hazrat Imam Khamenei (May God bless him and grant him peace).
Then we would like to thank the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran for organizing this wonderful event and providing him with some materials. He also thanked the head of the International Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and the staff of this holy organization who organized the seventh session of this assembly in Iran.
Wishing the success of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran has brought many blessings to the people of Iran and the region and the world, especially the people of the Islamic world. One of these blessings is the blessed existence of the International Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), which is responsible for providing countless services by organizing various gatherings and gatherings.
The importance of meetings of the International Assembly of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)
Considering the importance of holding the meetings of the International Assembly of the Ahl al-Bayt, AS, I would like to present a few words to my dear ones:
The first importance and effect of these meetings is to strengthen the relations between the scholars and scholars of the Shias of the whole world and to inform them about the situation of the Shias and to create harmony and harmony between them.
The second point is the production of content that is presented in meetings and lectures of philanthropic personalities and researchers and is effective and useful in making a strategy for the Shiites. By using these materials, the Shia can use them to adopt a modern approach.
The third point and the third importance is the message of this summit to the world that the world wants to know that the Shiites are an international, powerful, modern and influential group, but they are standing against the truth. Sunni brothers. The second is that they are peace-seekers and want peace, they are not aggressors and they do not violate the rights of others, but they stand against any oppression and violation, they will definitely not remain silent in the face of international and regional conspiracies.
My greetings to the Shias of Afghanistan
Regarding the importance of this meeting, which undoubtedly has many points, there is no opportunity and little time, but in the end, I would like to greet the Shiites of Afghanistan in the presence of Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace). To the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Raisi, the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic Mr. Dr. Amir Abdullahian and all the Iranian stakeholders related to Afghanistan as well as the attendees of the meeting.
In this meeting, under the leadership of Ustad Alami Balkhi, a number of Afghan scholars and intellectuals, the ambassador of Afghanistan in Kabul and a number of members of the International Council of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in Afghanistan and the General Council of Shia Ulemas of Afghanistan, Hazrat Ayatollah Salehi participated.
The people of Afghanistan are grateful to the Islamic Republic of Iran
On behalf of every Afghan, I thank the Islamic Republic of Iran and His Majesty for several reasons.
 The first reason is that until now and especially in the last one year, the Islamic Republic of Iran has adopted a very wise and effective position on the issue of Afghanistan, which has benefited the people of Afghanistan, peace, stability and territorial integrity.
The second point and direction is the serious intervention of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Of course, in the past one year, the movements of the Islamic republics have become more serious about the issue of Afghanistan. On behalf of the government, Mr. Kazmi Qomi who has really entered the politics of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as a desirable element and works day and night for the interests of the government and people of Afghanistan. Effective work will be done in the region and in Afghanistan in terms of the activity of its embassy. We are truly grateful, especially to the Deputy Ambassador of Afghanistan, Syed Hassan Mortazawi and his team, who have done effective activities in relation to Afghanistan at all times and stages. They also discussed the support of the Islamic Emirate and the serious interaction with the Emirate and the provision of services to the people of Afghanistan in various fields, especially in humanitarian fields.
It is natural that this kind of action and procedure needs the gratitude and appreciation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Now more than ever, a better opportunity has been provided to the Shias of Afghanistan
In fact, in the last one year in Afghanistan, Shias have been given a better opportunity than any other time. Mr. Wazir, of course, this may not be the position of other personalities, but these are my words as the head of the Center for Socio-Cultural Activities of Tebyan, as the only major regional organization that has a serious presence in Afghanistan, and Iran. In response to the discussion and demonstration in front of the embassy. Of course, after that, he faced serious challenges, which were solved by the efforts and activities of his colleagues.
More than 70% of us agree with the position of the Islamic Emirate
In any case, there is a very good opportunity and the solution in Afghanistan is interaction with the Islamic Emirate, because more than 70% of us agree with the position of the Islamic Emirate and the remaining 30% agree with the presence of the Shiites. Elites and real and legal personalities in Afghanistan can definitely be resolved through dialogue and negotiations with the authorities of the Islamic Emirate.
We, who have had many talks and discussions with the representatives of the Islamic Emirate in the last three months, feel that the presented opportunity is a good opportunity and there is a very serious flexibility at the level of the Islamic Emirate.
Afghan Shia There is no word of unity at the level of organizations
But the problem is that there is no unity of word at Shia level. There are also differences at the level of the Shiites and unfortunately, due to these differences, we could not express our demands and encourage the personalities and officials of the Islamic Emirate to seriously and actively enter the stage and hold the hands of the Shiites.
Security and stability cannot come without the presence of more than ten million Shiites in Afghanistan, while the officials of the Islamic Emirate have also realized that without the presence and cooperation of the Shiites, it will be difficult and complicated to establish peace. to be And stability, because the truth is, there are more than 10 million Shias in Afghanistan, and without considering the rights and obligations of these people, security and stability cannot come in Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate and its officials know and recognize this issue, but here it is our duty and responsibility to be more present in the serious scene and resolve our issues through dialogue and interaction.
Reasons for lack of combat capacity in Afghanistan
Because in reality, there is no possibility or capacity for war in Afghanistan. No country in the region supports the war in Afghanistan. There is no power in the world that even if it wants to work to create problems in Afghanistan, except for some intelligence and political work that the Americans do in the region with the cooperation of their servants and mercenaries. Inside Afghanistan. But the truth is that the people of Afghanistan are both looking for security and the Islamic Emirate is working seriously to ensure security and stability and to protect the territorial integrity of Afghanistan. We as a large Shia population are active and working in this field and we hope to achieve the desired results.
Requests from the Islamic Republic of Iran
My first request to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to all parties involved in public and private institutions is to make an effort to provide ground for the return of those elites who are living in Iran if they are university students. Or madrassas, to Afghanistan. The current conditions are suitable for the attraction of these elites and these conditions should be used for the rule of Afghanistan and the rule of the people.
Another point, Mr. Minister, we are looking for good relations between Afghanistan and Iran. You are certainly aware of the action in Kabul and the demonstration in front of the embassy that was held in front of the Consulate of the Islamic Republic in Herat and also your embassy for the satisfaction of the Islamic Republic. Kabul. It was for this reason that we felt that some circles were working to spoil the relations between the Islamic Emirate and the Islamic Republic of Iran and we believed that the presence and presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran alongside Afghanistan was working. Also, I told the personalities of the Islamic Emirate that if you want to rule in Afghanistan, have the atmosphere of an Islamic Republic, if you want stability and if you want to be official at the regional and international level, join the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran has this ability and a loyal country and people, and if it befriends a country and people, it will not lose its friendship easily, because its friendship is proven in Syria and other countries that are under the threat of terrorism.
Some people in Iran are ruining relations with Afghanistan
There are some individuals and limited groups within the Islamic Republic of Iran who are working to spoil the relations between Iran and Afghanistan. Therefore, we request all the responsible institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the honorable Ministry of Foreign Affairs to stop these destructive actions. Most of them do these destructive activities through cyberspace and media, and this destruction is definitely effective. I am in Afghanistan and I see and know how effective the destruction is.
We hope that if this process progresses, Iran-Afghanistan relations will improve and Iran will become more involved in Afghanistan's issues.
Arbaeen Hussaini, the problem of giving Iraqi visas to pilgrims
And the last point which is very important is related to Arbaeen. More than 10 million Shia people of Afghanistan love to go to Iraq, but unfortunately this year, the news of giving Iraqi visas to the people of Afghanistan has not yet been announced. I personally request you, Mr. Amir Abdullahian, to intervene in this matter and, if possible, provide a basis for issuing Iraqi visas for Afghan pilgrims. We even request you to make Islamic Republic of Iran visas free for Afghan tourists. Just as the Iraqis freely accept pilgrims, you also freely accept them, so that a great flood of lovers can go to Karbala and enjoy the pride of Iran.
I will not take my loved ones time anymore.
Peace be upon you and may Allah have mercy on you
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