Publish dateTuesday 10 March 2020 - 16:18
Story Code : 205235
Trump May Have Been Fleeced in Taliban Peace Deal: US Senator
A US democratic senator has warned that President Donald Trump may have been “fleeced” in the U.S. peace deal with the Taliban.
Sen. Chris Murphy, who sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee and Foreign Relations Committee, expressed his concerns, as U.S. forces began scaling back their presence in the country.
Under the terms of the agreement, all American and NATO troops could leave the country within 14 months. Initially, the U.S. has agreed to reduce its strength to 8,600 soldiers over 135 days.
But Murphy suggested it was premature to begin withdrawals and warned that the deal was too weak to hold the Taliban to account. “I have been a supporter of negotiations with the Taliban, but the more I learn, the more concerned I become that Trump got fleeced,” Murphy wrote.
A key element of the deal is the Taliban commitment that they will not allow Afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorist groups to plan and launch attacks against the West, as in the case of 9/11.
But Murphy said that the “security guarantees are so vague as to be effectively void. It’s not clear how we will track whether they are indeed renouncing terrorist groups.”
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