Publish dateThursday 13 September 2018 - 22:40
Story Code : 170716
Haley Warns Russia, Syria: “Don’t Test Us Again”
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has once again warned Russia regarding what she described as Moscow’s plans to stage another chemical weapons attack in cooperation with Tehran and Damascus.
AVA- “What we told, you know, the Syrians, the Russians and the Iranians was, well, twice we have warned you not to use chemical weapons; twice you have used it, and twice President Trump has acted. Don’t test us again. Because I think the odds are very much against them,” Haley said during an interview with Fox News.
Haley’s remarks came just a few days after she warned Russia and Iran of “dire consequences” if they continue airstrikes against militant-held areas in Syria’s Idlib province, adding that the US would respond to any use of chemical weapons there.
“I also want to reiterate what I said last week to the Assad regime and anyone else contemplating the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The United States followed through when we said that we would respond to the use of chemical weapons. We stand by this warning,” she noted.
Earlier this week, Syria’s Ambassador to China Imad Moustapha told Sputnik that the Syrian authorities had received dozens of reports from eyewitnesses about ongoing preparations for a false-flag chemical attack in Idlib province in northwestern Syria.
He specifically referred to the reports about transporting hazardous chemical material to certain areas around Jisr al-Shughur and kidnapping more than 40 children from neighboring areas of Idlib province for use as ‘victims’ of the planned attack.
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