Publish dateSunday 8 October 2023 - 10:44
Story Code : 277888
We consider the defense and resistance of the Palestinian for the freedom of the land and holy places to be legitimate
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate issued a statement while announcing its support for the Palestinian resistance operation against the "occupiers of Al-Quds" and said that we consider any type of defense and resistance of the Palestinian people for the freedom of their land and holy places to be their legitimate right.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Hafiz Zia Ahmad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate, published a message on his X page on Saturday, October 7, 2023, announcing his support for the Palestinian resistance operation against the occupation of Jerusalem, and said that any kind of defense and resistance We consider the Palestinian people to have their legitimate right for the freedom of their land and sanctuaries.
The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs states: We are carefully monitoring the recent incidents in the Gaza Strip and consider the occurrence of such incidents to be the result of the violation of the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation by the Zionists and repeated insults and disrespect to the holy places of Muslims.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs added: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan declares its support for the legitimate, historical and legal right of the Palestinian people to have an independent state in the historical land of the Palestinians.
The statement also states: We ask the Islamic countries, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the international community, and especially the influential countries in the region, to stop the violence of the Israeli occupying forces against the innocent people of Palestine and to resolve the issue of Palestine based on granting the legitimate rights of the Palestinians.
It should be mentioned that the Palestinian forces started extensive operations inside the occupied territories early this morning. According to reports, more than 100 Israelis have been killed and about 1,000 others have been injured.
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