Publish dateMonday 24 April 2023 - 09:09
Story Code : 268854
Zelensky: Our field situation is not good!
The President of Ukraine stated that the field condition of the country's forces is not good, and at the same time said that the President of Russia will not achieve his goals in this war.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The war in Ukraine has entered its second year, while the situation of the Ukrainian forces is not good, but the president of this country, Volodymyr Zelensky, claims that he is confident of victory.
In an interview with Al-Arabiya news channel, Zelenskiy stated that he is confident of regaining control over Ukrainian lands, and at the same time admitted: "The situation on the ground is not good, but we have liberated a part of our territory."
He said about the attack that the Ukrainian forces are going to carry out against Russia and they have spoken about it several times: This attack will definitely take place and we are sure of its success, but it is difficult to say anything about it now. ; Because we are still in the preparation phase [for this attack]."
The President of Ukraine, while verbally attacking Russian President Vladimir Putin, claimed: Putin will be defeated by us like Saddam Hussein who was defeated by Kuwait. Putin will not be able to achieve his goal in this war and will lose the trust of his people.
These statements were made by the president of Ukraine while the disagreement between the members of the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the way of dealing with the developments of the war in Ukraine has become more public than in the past. Even the efforts of the members of the Group of Seven to cover up these differences have not led anywhere, and many disputes have arisen between Paris, Berlin, London, Washington and other actors regarding the continuation of the war and the method of calculating the costs caused by the erosion of the war.
In such a situation, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who is spending the last days of his presence in this post, is busy solving Ukraine's concerns through speech therapy, and last Thursday, he made an unexpected visit to Kiev and met with Ukrainian officials.
In this meeting, the president of Ukraine explicitly asked Stoltenberg that NATO members send warplanes, artillery and armored equipment to Ukraine far more than before. Instead of answering this request, the NATO Secretary General claimed that Ukraine's membership in NATO is certain.
NATO leaders said in 2008 that Ukraine would one day join the NATO alliance, and Stoltenberg has repeated this promise many times over the past 14 months.
These words take place while not long ago French President Emmanuel Macron, whose country is considered an effective member of NATO, emphasized that Kiev should think about options such as "priority partnership" with NATO and permanent membership in this Forget the collective agreement little by little!
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