Publish dateSunday 12 February 2023 - 15:03
Story Code : 265357
The fugitive "leaders" no longer have a place in the eyes of the people
Political experts: the people who were engaged in looting and plundering the treasury and ethnocentrism in the name of "Leader" during the past 20 years, no longer have a place among the people; because they didn't do anything for the citizens of Afghanistan and only thought about their interests and their families.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: These statements of those who are aware of political affairs are raised while a number of political leaders of the opposition of the Islamic Emirate were in a gathering on the occasion of the commemoration of Khair Mohammad Andrabi, one of the commanders of the National Resistance Front, which was held in London. They wanted unity and preparation for revenge against the Islamic Emirate.
Akbar Noori, an expert on political affairs, said in an interview with AVA: "Those people who were engaged in stealing and plundering public funds in the last 20 years under the name of "leaders" no longer have a place among the people. Because they didn't do anything for the citizens of Afghanistan, they only thought about their interests and their families.
He added that if the political leaders were sympathetic to the country and the people and preferred national interests over their personal interests during the past 20 years, the citizens of the country would not be facing this unfortunate economic situation now.
Noori emphasized; Over the past 20 years, the fugitive leaders have proven that they did not achieve anything for the citizens except for looting, creating differences between ethnic groups, and abandoning people in difficult times.
Meanwhile, Shoaib Ahmadi, an expert on international relations, said in an interview with AVA: "Those fugitive leaders who are now raising their voice from different countries have not paid much attention to the economy and enlightenment of the people in the past 20 years, but rather to the blood of the nation." They built palaces for themselves.
He noted; All the crises and adversities during the last 20 years in the country were the result of the hypocrisy of the political leaders who now want to draw another line of demarcation between the people by raising their voices against the western countries under various pretexts.
This political expert added that the corruption, selfishness and inaction of political leaders during 20 years caused citizens to face various problems and migrate to different countries of the world.
It should be remembered that the Islamic Emirate established a commission in the last days of 1400 solar year in order to provide communication with "Afghan personalities" and encourage them to return to Afghanistan. The head of this commission is Shahabuddin Delawar, Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum.
The Islamic Emirate said that all military and political figures, representatives and civil servants who have gone abroad due to lack of immunity or those who oppose the Islamic Emirate inside, will be identified and then contacted to bring them back to normal life.
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