Publish dateMonday 29 August 2022 - 11:26
Story Code : 257794
Afghanistan Over the past year
The last UK evacuation flight left Kabul following the Islamic Emirate coming to power in Afghanistan one year ago (28 August).
Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, This anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect on the current situation in Afghanistan and look ahead to the future.

Underpinning the UK’s approach is our strong sense of commitment to the Afghan people. While we no longer have a physical presence in Kabul, this bond means that we remain closely engaged in supporting the livelihoods and wellbeing of the Afghan people.

Afghans have seen enough conflict over the years, and we want to see a more peaceful and secure future for Afghanistan and the wider region, where everyone is able to live in peace, with their basic needs and rights met.
Over the past year, the country has changed dramatically.

While there are a number of concerning developments, the fact that there has been a significant reduction in violence and civilian casualties following the end of large-scale conflict is beyond debate. This is positive and should be welcomed.

The Afghan people have suffered from conflict for far too long, and further violence will benefit no one. For our part, we have made clear that we do not support the use of violence as a means of pursuing political goals in Afghanistan. But we do regard peaceful political activity not only as legitimate, but also more important than ever.

If there is anything the conflict over the past four decades has shown, it is the need to balance the drive for central control with the need to represent the interests of all groups in Afghan society.
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