Publish dateSaturday 16 July 2022 - 09:14
Story Code : 255695
World Food Organization assistance to more than 18 million people in Afghanistan
The World Food Organization says that with the increase in the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, it has provided humanitarian aid to more than 18 million people since the beginning of this year.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The World Food Organization wrote on its Twitter page that since the beginning of this year, it has distributed 410,000 tons of food and more than 115 million dollars in cash to vulnerable people.
According to this organization, it has been agreed to transfer 10,000 tons of aid wheat from India to Afghanistan through Iran, and these aids will be distributed to the needy in this country.
The memorandum of understanding for the transfer of this Indian aid package was signed three days ago between Indian officials and the United Nations in New Delhi.
This United Nations body says that India's humanitarian aid to Afghanistan is important for nearly 19 million people who are facing malnutrition and has called for more aid to the people of this country.
According to the World Food Program, this is the last part of India's wheat aid to Afghanistan, which was previously pledged to deal with the current crisis in this country.
This United Nations agency has emphasized that four stages of India's wheat aid have been transferred to Afghanistan and distributed to the needy throughout the country.
India had previously pledged to donate 500,000 tons of wheat to prevent the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The first phase of the wheat aid of this country started on February 22 from Pakistan to Afghanistan.
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