Publish dateWednesday 1 February 2023 - 14:40
Story Code : 264756
The ten days of Fajr Occasion; The resurgence of Islam
Lila Aram Maher/ In 1357 AH, the Islamic world witnessed a tremendous transformation and a huge and popular revolution in history. In this month, the resounding of the Islamic revolution, due to its religious content and rich cultural background, along with the melodious and life-giving music of Imam Khomeini (RH), quickly caressed the ears of the world and the hearts of people who yearn for the truth and thirst for spirituality to the clear spring of Islamic thought.
The great leader of the Islamic Ummah, after years of exile, joined a huge crowd of people who were fed up with oppression. According to the Supreme Leader, Hazrat Imam Khamenei, "Imam came to guide the ship of salvation to the shore of victory in the name of Allah (SWT)
The glorious resonance of the Islamic Revolution
The resounding of the Islamic Revolution, due to its religious content and rich cultural background, along with the rhythmic and life-giving music of Imam Khomeini (RA), quickly caressed the ears of the world and the hearts of people longing for truth and thirsting for spirituality were guided to the clear spring of Islamic thought. This huge and unique Islamic revolution in a short time, by bringing Islam into the international political scene, was able to change the power equations in the world and place it as a new political and cultural force in the center of global attention.
History will not forget that the firm will of a religious and freedom-loving people, with the help of God and the prudent guidance of a benevolent and wise leader, was able to create a revolution and bring it to fruition by educating an informed and sincere generation.
A revolution that the most eloquent cry of history, that is, the Imam of the Ummah, led it and brought it to an end, and he tried with all his heart to preserve it. A revolution that was based on a deep monotheistic vision and inspired by the red revolution of Ashura Hussaini in which a few people, with a broad and firm belief, defeated the forces of disbelief and falsehood and dazzled the eyes of the powerful. It was by stepping into the circle of spirituality, sacrifice and martyrdom that the sages of Islam opened their wings to the heavens with a pure intention and became immortal until the end of history.
And but! The Islamic revolution is an opportunity to review values and ideals; the ideal of the freedom-loving nations of the world, nations that are tired of living under the yoke of colonialism and arrogance! Nations that need to know what they have done and what they want? The The ten days of Fajr Occasion is a reminder of a nation's trust in a leader, the The ten days of Fajr Occasion is a model of unification of beliefs and ethnicities to achieve the freedom of the motherland.
Before the Islamic revolution became a model for the world, its continuation was based on the determination and will of the people and the acceptance of the leadership, which has become the symbol of the word unity. Now our religion and school, that is, life-giving Islam, has created a glimmer of hope in the hearts of millions of disappointed and disillusioned people, and they are hopeful and happy for their salvation under the shelter of Islam, and they are working hard in this way.
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