Publish dateThursday 14 December 2023 - 11:06
Story Code : 282180
The beginning of the investigation of the US House of Representatives on the impeachment of Joe Biden
Members of the US House of Representatives voted to officially begin the impeachment investigation of President Joe Biden for the abuse of political decisions.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): 221 members of the US House of Representatives voted for the resolution that Republicans believe paves the way for a legal proposal and gathering sufficient evidence and grounds in the investigation for Biden's impeachment, and against 212 Others opposed it.
According to IRNA, US President Joe Biden, in response to the vote of the US House of Representatives to start an investigation into his impeachment, said: Republicans are focusing on attacking me with lies.
So far, the Republicans have held several informal meetings behind closed doors about the impeachment of Biden and tried to provide the necessary grounds for the impeachment of the president.
Republicans claim that Biden and his family illegally benefited from decisions made by Biden during his time as vice president from 2009 to 2017. Republican investigation focuses on Hunter Biden's business dealings.
Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, said: Evidence shows that the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreigners.
The president blasted House Republicans for what he called a "shot in the dark," saying Republicans are focused on attacking me with lies and wasting time on a baseless political gimmick.
Joe Biden added: "I wake up every day focused on the issues facing the American people, the real issues that affect their lives and the strength and security of our country and the world, but unfortunately, the Republicans in the House of Representatives do not join me."
According to IRNA, Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, appeared at the Congress building on Wednesday local time, but refused to testify in private in the impeachment case against his father and announced that he would only be willing to talk about it in a public meeting. 
US President Donald Trump's son Hunter Biden defied demands from House Republicans to testify in private about his business dealings, raising tensions with lawmakers who plan to vote on Wednesday to formalize his father's impeachment inquiry.
At a news conference outside the Capitol, Hunter Biden called the investigation baseless and said he would not cooperate with the House Oversight Committee's subpoena for secret testimony.
He told reporters in front of the US Congress building that he is still ready to answer all the legitimate questions of the legislators in a public hearing.
Hunter Biden also denied all allegations that his father cooperated with him in his economic projects and said that there is no evidence that Joe Biden was involved in his business dealings.
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