Publish dateWednesday 16 August 2023 - 08:58
Story Code : 274926
The Islamic Emirate has been more successful than the Republic in the economic field
At the same time as the second anniversary of the fall of the Republic and the inauguration of the new government; Experts in economic affairs say that the Islamic Emirate has significant achievements in the economic field compared to the previous government.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: On the second anniversary of the escape of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai and the overthrow of the republic, the reporter of AVA discussed the economic performance of the Islamic Emirate in a conversation with economic experts.
Lal Zazai, an economic expert on the economic achievements of the Islamic Emirate from increasing exports; reducing inflation; stability of the Afghan currency; standardized extraction of mines; reducing administrative corruption in customs; He called the prevention of dollar smuggling and capital flight and normalization of Afghanistan's trade relations with neighboring countries as the biggest achievements of the Islamic Emirate in the last two years.
Stating that the Islamic Emirate has provided a better and easier environment for businessmen, Zazai added that for the first time, the level of Afghanistan's exports reached two billion dollars last year, which we did not see in the past.
He added that in the last two years, the value of the Afghan currency has been kept stable and the country's currency has been placed in the category of the most reliable currencies in the world.
Zazai also pointed to the decrease in inflation in the country and said that although the inflation rate was high in the first year of the establishment of the Islamic Emirate; But in the next year, fortunately, it was managed by the government and the rate of "imported inflation" dropped below negative.
In the other part of his speech, he said that the country's mines were also extracted in the form of theft and smuggling; However, with the establishment of the new government in the mining sector, easements have come and investors have become interested in investing in the mining sector and other sectors due to the establishment of security and the reduction of administrative corruption.
An increase of 30 billion afghanis on customs revenues compared to 1400 and a reduction in corruption in customs; Facilitation in the field of investment to prevent capital flight from other economic achievements of the Islamic Emirate was mentioned by Zazai.
Based on Zazai's statements; In the past two years, problems such as the lack of government recognition; reducing foreign aid; There has also been a 53% reduction in the development budget and banking restrictions, which will also be solved by solving the first case.
At the same time, Abdul Nasir Reshtia, a businessman and economic expert, told AVA reporter that despite the imposition of banking restrictions and the decrease in people's purchasing power; But after the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, not only "capital flight" did not occur from the country; But we have seen an increase in the interest of domestic and foreign businessmen to invest in Afghanistan.
Reshtia added that in the last two years, a large number of businessmen have invested in various sectors and created employment in the society.
According to his words; after the establishment of the Islamic Emirate and increased investment; despite the negative competition from neighboring countries and dumping, we reached self-sufficiency in 61 types of goods and these goods are no longer imported.
He pointed out that investment has recently been attracted in the country, while after 2014, due to widespread corruption and lack of security, we saw capital fleeing the country every year.
He emphasized that the Islamic Emirate should increase its support policies for businessmen and attract more capital in the country by removing banking restrictions.
Based on Reshtia's statements; With the imposition of banking restrictions, traders have been forced to pay a commission of more than 4,000 dollars for every 100,000 dollars; While before this they used to pay about 300 dollars through bank transfer.
At the same time, Abdul Salam Akhundzada Javad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, told AVA reporter that the Islamic Emirate has provided many facilities for domestic and foreign investors to invest, which has encouraged domestic and foreign investors and they are trying to invest in different sectors.
He added that due to the inactivity of Afghan agencies in some countries, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has established a special office in Kabul airport for easy access of investors to Afghanistan visas.
Based on Javad's statements; Foreign investors can come to Afghanistan without any problem and after issuing an invitation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade and get their visa at the airport.
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