Publish dateTuesday 28 February 2023 - 10:25
Story Code : 266180
The resistance media in Afghanistan was formed with the beginning of the people
The head of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and one of the prominent media activists of Afghanistan, in a speech at the first memorial of the resistance media martyrs in Tehran, stating that Afghanistan and its people were the first arm of the resistance after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in the region and against the two world superpowers. They achieved victory, he said that the resistance media in Afghanistan was also formed with the beginning of the people's jihad and played a very important role despite the limited facilities and serious problems. Hussaini Mazari emphasized that in the last 20 years, the media activity in the soft war front, along with the hard war front against the US, continued effectively, so that the blood of the martyrs of the resistance media in Afghanistan resulted in the hard defeat of the US. In a broader dimension, he called for more convergence, coordination, alignment and cooperation of resistance media.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The first commemoration of martyrs of the resistance media yesterday, Monday, February 27, with the presence of the families of the martyrs of the resistance media from the six countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen in the international conference hall. Iran Broadcasting Organization was held in Tehran. This commemoration was organized by the Islamic Radio and Television Union, the Broadcasting Organization, as well as the Iranian Martyrs and Veterans Foundation. In this memorial, the families of the media martyrs of Afgha Voice Agency (AVA) and Tamdon and Rah Farda TVs were present in this memorial.
Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, head of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and one of the prominent media activists of Afghanistan, was one of the speakers of this meeting on behalf of Afghanistan.
At the beginning, he sent greetings and salutations to the pure soul of Imam Khomeini (RA), as the main exponent of the axis of resistance and the continuation of this axis, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Hazrat Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace), the martyrs of the axis of resistance and the resistance media, especially Sardar Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mehdi Al-Muhandis.
The head of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) mentioned several points and in the first point he noted: the resistance is connected with the Islamic revolution and its victory under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and its glorious continuation under the leadership of Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace), and today is the most glorious presence.
He emphasized on the second point: Afghanistan and its people were the first arm of the resistance after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in the region and during the past four decades, they fought and fought jihad as one of the important axis countries of the resistance. These mujahid and resistant people against two global superpowers; The Soviet Union and now the United States of America won and brought them to their knees, which is a great honor for the Islamic world.
Hussaini Mazari specifically said about the disgraceful withdrawal and defeat of America as a result of the two decades of struggle and jihad of the Afghan people in the past year and a half: As a result of the struggle of the Afghan people, a severe defeat was inflicted on the American forces in Afghanistan, as today America It is the most defeated power in the world and this honor was once again given to the arm of the axis of resistance, that is, the people of Afghanistan.
In the third point, he said about the history of the resistance media in Afghanistan: The resistance media in Afghanistan was formed with the beginning of the people's jihad. Although this media was not modern during the 14 years of Jihad, but was working traditionally, but slowly, despite the use of mosques, mosques and other tribunes, from publishing magazines, weeklies and newspapers, as well as photos and Film and radio used it. In this period, valuable and revolutionary media played a very important role in the leadership and direction of Jihad and Mujahedeen, despite limited possibilities and serious problems.
The head of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) continued, referring to the aggression of America and the West and the occupation of Afghanistan in the past 20 years, and said that this aggression was done with the aim of breaking Afghanistan as an arm of the resistance and turning it into a non-Islamic country under the control of the West.
According to him, in this regard, in addition to the fact that America and the West sent tens of thousands of military forces to Afghanistan, in the field of media, they created hundreds of television and radio channels, newspapers, magazines and news agencies with their direct support and from the ground and Hawa started very heavy attacks against the people of Afghanistan.
But Hosseini Mazari emphasized that the people of Afghanistan did not sit quietly and took up a fierce struggle both on the front of hard war and soft and media war. Along with the forces of the Islamic Emirate and the military opponents of the presence of the US and the West in Afghanistan, media activities were followed in the soft war front, and although the number of valuable resistance media was small, they had an influential movement against the US.
He clarified that during the past 20 years, these media have paid a heavy price with the martyrdom of dozens of their forces and journalists, including the Afghan Voice (Ava) news agency, which in the explosion of its main branch in Kabul, only 9 AVA journalists were killed. They were martyred along with 31 clerics and students, who were also members of the media. During this period, Tamdon TV and some other media also gave martyrs on the way of struggle.
But according to this prominent media activist in Afghanistan, the labors and blood of these martyrs did not go in vain and with the hard defeat of the United States in the country, it bore fruit, and today, following the withdrawal of the United States, we have witnessed a great transformation and the creation of a new structure in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is that it should be caused He considered the efforts of the media as an arm of the axis of resistance.
Although according to him, arrogance is still trying to create problems against Afghanistan, but the resistance media are still present on the scene and hope that they can fulfill their duties.
In the fourth point, Hussaini Mazari pointed to the situation of the resistance media in the region and the world and said: Arrogance is always trying to inflict terrible blows on the axis and the countries of the resistance area through media activities, which after the recent attacks against the Islamic Republic of Iran, once again It was clearly seen. These attacks continue using the media arm against other countries including Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc.
But what he stated as a solution is the issue of convergence, coordination, alignment and cooperation of resistance media. Although, according to the head of Ava news agency, very valuable work has been done in organizing the resistance-oriented media, especially by the Islamic Radio and Television Union, but it is necessary to do more and establish the necessary coordination between the resistance-oriented media and against conspiracies. There should be a serious fight against the media against the axis of resistance.
This media activist expressed hope that the strengthening of resistance media activities and its successes will ultimately lead to the emergence of Imam Zaman (A.J.).
This is despite the fact that the resistance-oriented media over the past decade, due to the developments in the region and major conspiracies such as Takfiri terrorism and the emergence and empowerment of the Daesh group, in exchange for their enlightening and awakening role, have suffered many losses and casualties, especially the martyrdom of journalists and have become their own employees. But before these developments, journalists and media activists in Palestine have been under pressure, arrests and assassinations by the Zionist regime for decades and have lost their lives in defense of this holy land.
In Afghanistan, Afghan Voice agency (AVA) has contributed the most martyrs to the society with 9 martyred journalists. In a suicide attack and bombing under the guise of the ISIS terrorist group, but in reality by American circles in 1396 AH, at the central branch of this news agency in Kabul, 52 people, including 9 journalists of AVA and one reporter of the Jomhur news agency, were martyred and more than 140 others were injured.
May the name and memory of the culture and media martyrs of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) be honored.
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