Publish dateMonday 30 January 2023 - 10:30
Story Code : 264568
Hussaini Mazari in a meeting with a group of young people who are members of Tebyan Center in Kabul:

The goal should be holy and significant and be manifested in life/ the life of a fighting man is melting in the bush of the goal

The goal should be holy and significant and be manifested in life/ the life of a fighting man is melting in the bush of the goal
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari during a speech at the weekly meeting of the youth of Tebyan Center in Kabul titled "Goal in Life"; He considered sanctity, being an indicator and having an appearance in life as one of the important characteristics of the goal of a Muslim fighter, and in an advice addressed to the youth, he said: If you want to be the leaders of the society, you should learn from prominent figures in the past, from the seminaries and current leaders of the society. By being in the current critical situation, you should define your life situation and organize it. If you are going to be like millions of people without impact and consequences; But if you want to be a head and neck higher than the rest of the society, you must choose a sacred and important goal and finally talk and act around this important goal.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, at the beginning of this meeting, emphasized the role of purpose in human life, discussed some important points about the characteristics of the purpose of Muslim fighters and stated that the purpose of a Muslim person should be sacred. He said: The purpose of the explanation center is to enlighten and increase religious knowledge in the society. If the knowledge of religion becomes dominant and widespread in a society, the path to reach Allah will be provided, and people and society will go to Allah through the formation of the Islamic government.
In completing the above article, he added: Of course, our primary goal is not to establish an Islamic government, we just want to enlighten and raise public awareness and culture. The center of culture is also religious knowledge. It is clear that when the society becomes familiar with religious knowledge, the members of the society cannot live without a religious government, and then they will realize the necessity of forming an Islamic government whose purpose is to guide people to Allah.
This religious scholar listed the second characteristic of the goal of a fighting person as the indicator of that goal and said: Many people may have a holy goal, for example, in the Afghan society, many people have a holy goal, especially the Shia community, but their goal was not and is not an indicator. What does the index mean? That is, it must be clear what we are looking for. If we don't have an index goal, we can't work around our goal and be a flow maker.
By raising the question why we had problems in Afghanistan in the last twenty years and could not take advantage of the opportunities that arose, the head of the Tebyan Center found the answer in the absence of a common goal among personalities, parties and organizations and pointed out: When the personalities were asked Why are you not on stage and not working? They said there are considerations. In his speech, the speaker mentioned western scientists and then said that one of the religious leaders also said the same, while he meant Imam Khomeini (RA). Can we call such a person a fighting Muslim and an absolute servant of Allah? Is Imam Zaman (A.J.) proud of such a person who cannot mention the name of his deputy at the head of the pulpit?
He added: Whoever wants to manage and lead the society, his goal should be an indicator and he should act based on it. The motto and actions of such a person should be based on his main goal and he should not be afraid of death, pain and prison. Prophets and imams of the infallibles, peace be upon them, who are the leaders of the human society today, had a prominent goal and everything was Allah, so today they are the leaders of all humanity. After them, all the religious elders were among those who had a holy and significant goal.
Hussaini Mazari said in an advice to the young people present at the meeting: "If you want to be the leaders of the society in the current situation, you should take advice from prominent personalities in the past, from the seminaries, and from the current leaders of the society. You are in a good, sensitive and fateful situation, from now on you have to define your life situation and organize it. If you are going to be like millions of people without impact and consequences, you can; but if you want to be a head and neck higher than the rest of the community, you must choose a holy goal and be a leader, and finally talk and act around this goal."
This religious scholar considered the third point about the characteristics of a Muslim man's purpose to be the manifestation of that purpose in his life and said: To have the manifestation of a man's purpose in life means to be purposeful and to be melted in the bush of purpose and not to calculate anything for ourselves. When the goal is Allah and reaching Him and we say to Imam Zaman (A.J.) that we are your soldiers, we should not claim anything special for ourselves in any political, economic, social and cultural field, if we claim, we will no longer be active and influential elements and we cannot Let's be managers of society and lead it to Allah.
He stated that a purposeful person should live in such a way that he takes advantage of his smallest personal problems in order to achieve the goal, and noted that a fighting person is never ashamed of working hard to achieve the goal. He proudly says that he is a member of a certain movement and he will not be afraid of his opponents, because whoever is in the domain of Allah's power becomes powerful. If you don't have such a view about your goal, you will be passive people and you are no longer active. We must take action and move aggressively in line with our thinking, if we always react against action, we are considered weak human beings.
In the end, Hussaini Mazari noted: You young people should think correctly and make a decision on your life path and choose a goal that is sacred and important, and at the same time, this goal will manifest itself in your whole life, that is, your whole life should be devoted to that goal.
The explanation of Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari's speech in this meeting is as follows:
In the name of Allah
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Fazelpour, who bears the trouble of such programs; A good topic has been chosen and I used the words of the gentlemen. In the discussion of having a purpose in life, it is unlikely that humans do not have any purpose. Every person has a goal in his life; except a person who is unconscious and does not understand so that he does not have a goal. For a Muslim fighter, several things seem important in terms of having a goal.
The goal of the Muslim warrior must be holy
First: The goal must be holy. A person can have different goals in life, but definitely a Muslim cannot have an unholy goal. Like Tebyan Center, whose purpose is to enlighten and increase religious knowledge in the society and religious awareness. If the knowledge of religion becomes dominant and widespread in a society, the path to reach Allah will be provided, and people and society will go to Allah through the formation of the Islamic government.
The goal of Islamic government is to guide people to Allah
Of course, our primary goal is not to establish an Islamic government, we just want to enlighten and raise public awareness and culture. The focus of our cultural work is to raise public religious knowledge. It is clear that when the society becomes familiar with religious knowledge, the people of the society cannot live without a religious government, and then they will realize the necessity of forming an Islamic government. The goal of Islamic government is to guide people to Allah. This holy goal is considered as one of the requirements of a Muslim person's struggle.
The goal should be indicative; Not having an index goal means not being a flow maker
The second point: the goal must be an indicator. Many may have a holy goal, for example, in the Afghan society, many people have a holy goal, especially the Shia community, but their goal was not and is not an indicator. What does the index mean? That is, it must be clear what we are looking for. If you don't have an index goal, you can't be a movement maker, because we, as fighters, want to work in the society and then manage and lead the society, well, if our goal is not an index, how can we work around our goal? On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to have a goal under the quilt! A person who is a Muslim and seeks Allah and reaches Him and says, Allah, I am your absolute servant, this should be reflected in his life. Allah should know how much this servant of mine died, brave and follow me and is ready to sacrifice his life for me.
Can a considerate and cowardly person claim to be Allah's absolute servant?
Why did we have problems in Afghanistan in the last 20 years and could not take advantage of the opportunities that have arisen and today we entered such a situation? Because our personalities and parties and currents and organizations did not have a specific goal. If you said why you are not on stage and not working, they would say that there are considerations; The famous speaker talks about Socrates, Galileo and Aristotle in front of hundreds of people, but at the end of his speech he says that one of the religious leaders said the same thing. When he finishes, I ask who was this one of the religious leaders that you didn't name? He says Imam Khomeini (RA), I say, how is it that you mention all-Western scientists, but not religious figures? Haj Agha says there are concerns (fear). Can we call such a person a fighting Muslim and an absolute servant of Allah? Is Imam Zaman (A.J.) proud of such a person who cannot mention the name of his deputy at the head of the pulpit?
Our motto and actions should be based on our main goal
A person who wants to manage and lead the society should have a clear goal and act based on it. The motto and action of such a person should be based on his main goal, he should not be afraid of death, pain and prison. Prophets and imams of the infallibles, peace be upon them, who today are the elders of the human society and we are their sacrifices and are ready to give blood and give up everything for their sake, had a prominent goal. Allah was their everything and today they are the leaders of all humanity. Well, a number of ignorant people may not accept them, but today the whole world is indebted to our imams. After them, the religious elders were among those who had a holy and significant goal.
Well, if we want to be the managers of society in the current situation, we should be like that. We should take advice from prominent figures in the past and from seminaries and current leaders of society. You young people are in a good and sensitive and fateful situation, from now on you have to define your life situation and organize your life. If you are supposed to be like millions of people without impact and consequences, you can; but if you want to be a head and neck taller than the rest of society, you must choose a holy goal and be a leader, and finally talk and act around this goal.
The goal must be manifested in life; A fighter does not think anything of himself
The third point is that the goal should be reflected in our whole life. It means to be purposeful and to be melted in the bush of purpose. It means not to calculate anything for ourselves. When Allah's goal is to reach Him and we say to Imam Zaman (A.J.) that we are your soldiers, we should not claim anything special for ourselves in any political, economic, social or cultural field. If we believe that we will not be effective as fighting elements, we cannot lead the society towards Allah as the managers of the society. Those who do not have a purpose in their lives, it is not like saying that we do not have a purpose. For example, you who are a member of Tebyan Center have a goal. When the staff goes home from 4 o'clock, when you call him, he says that he is from 4 o'clock onwards, we are related to the family, or if you call at 10 o'clock at night, he may not pick up the phone, such people have no purpose in their lives.
A fighter has no fear or shyness to achieve his goal
A purposeful person plans his social, economic, political and cultural life in such a way that he uses every bit of his personal issues in line with the goal. For example, sir, take this money, go get some fruit, you take this money and immediately think of how to attract the fruit seller in line with your goal. If not attracted, at least participate in our circles. A purposeful person uses this amount of work in line with his goal. A fighting man is never ashamed of working hard to achieve his goal. He proudly says that he is a member of a certain movement and he will not be afraid of his opponents. If you don't have such a view about your goal, you will be passive person and you are no longer active. We must act; we must move aggressively in line with our thinking, because we are weak human beings if we always react to action.
You enter a wedding party, you are a student, you want to discuss with your friends after class, you have to choose unfamiliar people to discuss and fight for your goals in small and large gatherings. Earlier, a friend said that if the goal was the world and Allah? No! If the goal is only Allah; if you are in the domain of Allah's authority, you will be strong. If the goal is only the hereafter and Allah, then you can be strong. Those who fought in the path of Allah are not humble people. I don't see For example, Hazrat Soleiman (AS), who had the whole world under his feet, the infallible Imams (AS), whose entire existence, personality and life were for Allah, were they humble people? After the infallible imams (AS), you see the personalities, do you know how much was his inheritance when Imam Khomeini (RA) passed away? A six-meter carpet! He had no apartment, house, land and nothing. Was Imam Khomeini (RA) a humble person? no! He was a capable person who, after the emergence of the Imam, a transformation took place in the world that continues and expands until today. Or Imam Khamenei who has tarps under his house that can be seen on his house! This is the situation of his personal house. His food is eggplant and potatoes and such, but this way he has greatness in the world.
If we are in the domain of Allah's power, we will become powerful
Naturally, if someone is placed in the domain of Allah's power, he becomes powerful. Allah, who is omnipotent, how can he accept that this man is an absolute slave but leave him in the cultural, economic and other fields?! We, who are servants of Allah, do not have such a belief. Does Imam Zaman (A.J.) allow someone to struggle on his path and then fall to the ground and look at him and say, "What about me?" Such a thing is not possible, brothers! Therefore, the third point is that we should devote all of our personal lives to Him. If you choose such a process in life, you will definitely succeed.
People who differentiate between personal life and purpose, like someone who differentiates between organizational and personal work, or for example, they create two Facebook accounts, one person has many aliases for organizations or Facebook accounts, but there is no post in the virtual space under his own name. Definitely, this gentleman is not on the path of religion and religious thought. A number of personalities in this explanation center have personal channels, which, although they contain good content, have nothing to do with the organization's programs; what does it mean? Anyway, a personal goal is seen that distances this person from organizational work.
Personally, I have nothing, neither in virtual space nor in other dimensions; I have said this in various meetings, but I see some young people here, so I say it for them. I have been in the field of struggle for 43 years, but I don't have a personal property, I don't have a personal car, I don't have a personal bank account, even my clothes belong to Baitulmal, why? Because I fight with all my heart for my goal. I spent every personal income I had on my campaign. I still think the same. Allah willing, I pray that Allah will make my future good so that from now on I won't have to worry about my own house, car and personal property. I am satisfied and happy with Almighty Allah that at least I have nothing to calculate in the hereafter. But in other areas, such as thinking, if there is a shortcoming, may Allah forgive. May Allah grant us the opportunity to be absolute servants and soldiers of Imam Zaman (A.J.) and become martyrs in this way.
If our life is dedicated to the goal, we will be effective
These were some points regarding the goal; There is a lot of talk about this, and we hope that you young people will think and make a decision on your life path and choose a goal that is holy and significant, and at the same time, this goal will manifest itself in your whole life, that is That your whole life is devoted to that goal and consumed. In this way, you will become an influential person in the society.
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you!
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