Publish dateWednesday 4 January 2023 - 10:34
Story Code : 263353
Ayatollah Raisi commemorated the anniversary of Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom in a large public gathering in Tehran;

Today and in the 21st century, "Martyr Soleimani" is a symbol of the fight against terrorism and arrogance

Today and in the 21st century, "Martyr Soleimani" is a symbol of the fight against terrorism and arrogance
The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a speech at a large public conference on the third anniversary of the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani in Tehran, stated that Martyr Soleimani was a figure not only in the stature of the Iranian nation, but also in the stature of the Islamic world, and said: Those who wanted a revolution in the 20th century to think or act, some world revolutionaries like Mr. Cheguara were mentioned, but in the era of Imam Khomeini, Imam was introduced as a symbol of fighting against oppression, arrogance and freedom, and today and in the 21st century, we should proudly remember Martyr Soleimani as a symbol of the fight against terrorism and arrogance. His greatest work was to defeat America's hegemony in the world.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: At the same time as the 13th of January, the third anniversary of the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani, the senior commander of the resistance front against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq, the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran, and also the International Day of Resistance In the name of General of Islam, a public conference was held to honor his character, with the presence of thousands of people from Tehran and government and military officials of Iran, including the president of this country, the family of this martyr, as well as dozens of fighters and fighters from 100 countries of the world. Afghanistan was held in the large mosque of Imam Khomeini (may Allah be pleased with him) in Tehran. Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of the Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) from Afghanistan were also among the foreign guests of this conference.
Ayatollah Dr. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, who spoke in this huge public gathering, honoring the memory of martyrs of the resistance and at the head of them Martyr Soleimani as heroes of the fight against terrorism and global arrogance, said: Commemorating the memory of Martyr Soleimani glorifies all goodness, affection and sincerity and Declaring hatred and aversion to oppression, arrogance and domination system.
He added: This ceremony and the huge attendance of people is not a normal celebration and attendance, but a message to all free men and women of the world that they should stand up and resist arrogance and oppression to block the way of oppressors and arrogant people.
Dr. Raisi stated: Honoring the martyrs of the resistance and especially our dear martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani is a message to all the oppressors, oppressors and arrogant people of the world to know that they are facing decline and destruction and what remains in this field are the people who want to change and love God. They are right-seeking and justice-seeking.
Martyr Soleimani had a personality in the stature of the Islamic world for the freedom of nations
He went on to state that the martyrdom of Soleimani brought both sadness and hope to the people of Iran and clarified: On the one hand, we are very distressed and sad because we have lost a proud general and a lover of the revolution and our dear Islamic homeland, but On the other hand, we are very proud and proud that a personality not only in the stature of the Iranian nation but also in the stature of the Islamic world, who thought and acted for the freedom of the nations, reached the lofty position of martyrdom on this path.
Martyr Soleimani was brought up by the Islamic Republic of Iran and is a proof of the legitimacy of this system
Dr. Raisi stated that Martyr Soleimani was a person who sought and loved God, therefore it is very important to know his school so that we know that the Islamic Republic is a cycle of self-made people who strive in the way of God, and added: This cycle has no end and no end, and the great martyrs, veterans and Our martyrs were transformed and flourished in this cycle and in this context.
He stated: Martyr Soleimani was brought up in the school and bed of the Islamic Republic, which he described as a sanctuary, and he is a document of the legitimacy of this system. The bed of the Islamic revolution has always been and will be the breeding ground of cultured, mujahid and effective people.
Martyr Soleimani was an objective symbol of efforts for unity and solidarity of different religions and nations in the region
The President of Iran mentioned another point of the transformation in the field and stating that Martyr Soleimani was very prominent in this regard, he clarified: Martyr Soleimani's actions in the field were unique actions; Structuring in the field and the growth of resistance forces in the region from Sunni, Shiite, Muslim, Christian, Yazidi, Lebanese, Palestinian, Yemeni, Syrian, Iranian and Afghani were among his significant achievements.
He continued: Contrary to what some people said that Martyr Soleimani was seeking to make the region Shiite or Shiite, he was seeking to remove the root of oppression, corruption and evil from the region. Therefore, when the forces of the resistance front saw his movements, words, manners and behavior, they accompanied him sincerely and lovingly.
The greatest work of Martyr Soleimani was to break the America's awe
Ayatollah Raisi pointed out that those who wanted to think or act revolutionary in the 20th century used the names of some world revolutionaries like Mr. Cheguara, but in the era of Imam Khomeini, the Imam was introduced as a symbol of fighting against oppression, arrogance and freedom. He stated: Today and in the 21st century, we should proudly mention Martyr Soleimani as a symbol of the fight against terrorism and arrogance. He defeated the United States and the supporters of the terrorist movement and ISIS in the region, but his greatest work was to defeat the American hegemony in the world.
Martyr Soleimani established Islamic identity in Iran and the region
He stated that the Americans and arrogance are seeking to de-identify the nations, they want to make the nations and the youth defenseless and unarmed and to instill their desired identity into the nations, he clarified: Martyr Soleimani was a personality who was both an identity maker and a revivalist of Islamic identity. . He is not only for the dear people of Iran but also for logic He created an identity and established it. He stood with all his might so that he does not forget his Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Afghani, Yemeni, Muslim and Christian identity and to know that what determines his personality and dignity is the identity of a human being.
The great presence of the Iranian people in the funeral and commemoration ceremony of Martyr Soleimani neutralized the propaganda of the enemy about the weakening of the people towards the values of the revolution.
The President of Iran noted: Although today's enemy wants to insinuate with propaganda that the people have become weak towards the values of the Islamic Revolution, we saw that at the funeral of Martyr Soleimani in the cities of Iraq and in the cities of Iran, an apocalypse took place that was not just for that year. And even today, you can see how his tomb attracts people from all over Iran and the Islamic world. Is this propaganda or is it what God said, whoever does business with him, God will direct hearts to him.
He clarified: "You can see the manifestations of the revolutionary identity of the Iranian nation and their love for the Islamic Revolution in the magnificent funeral of the security martyrs and 400 unknown martyrs of the holy defense across the country, as well as the magnificent presence in the anti-arrogance ceremony of the 13th of Abar and the huge crowd of martyrs gathered next to the grave. See Soleimani in Kerman, the people of Iran are this roaring flood that has gathered in the name of revolution and glory of this heroic martyr.
The high spirit of Martyr Soleimani and the affection of his young companions will stand against the enemies until the final victory
Addressing America and the enemies of the Islamic Revolution, Dr. Raisi emphasized: We are telling you that just as yesterday General Soleimani stood up against your extravagances, injustices and arrogance and created resistance in the region, today Martyr Soleimani with that high spirit and love and His youthful affection will stand in front of you until the end.
Referring to the promise of revenge for the blood of Martyr Soleimani, he clarified: Let me announce today, through you and all the resistant and mujahid forces in the world, that we have not forgotten and will not avenge the blood of Martyr Soleimani, and let them know that the promise of revenge is certain. We will not let the killers and perpetrators of this crime rest easy.
Referring to the defeat of the enemies in all conspiracies and seditions against the Iranian nation, the President of Iran stated: After failing in the military war, you launched a cyber, media, political and economic war against the Iranian nation, and as a party war, you used all your power. You brought and used all your strength and capacity, but you saw how the great nation of Iran failed you with the example of the resistance martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani and by listening to the instructions of our insight maker.
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