Publish dateMonday 26 December 2022 - 10:13
Story Code : 262882
The moral and social scandals of the past two decades must be recounted/ Society needs transformation and illiterate women cannot create transformation
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari during a speech at the meeting "Afghanistan; "Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions" in the holy city of Qom noted: As soon as the issue of suspending the continuation of women's studies in universities was raised, I immediately issued a statement and opposed it and told the Islamic Emirate that this move of yours is against the clear text of the Qur'an and hadiths. He added: The society needs transformation and this transformation can be implemented mainly by the women of the society. But can illiterate women create change? Women must be literate, committed, Muslim, knowledgeable, and scholarly, so that they can transform the society. Banning women's education in universities takes the society to the Stone Age and ignorance and causes it to face problems.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - The holy city of Qom: Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, during his speech at this meeting, stated that the current conditions of the country are an indication of wasted opportunities during the republican era, and said: Some people outside the country reflect a very dark and black atmosphere from Afghanistan, and the performance of the Taliban and the Islamic Emirate is a very bad performance. They raise violent, dangerous and subversive and seek to provoke public opinion and the minds of the domestic, regional and international community, but there are two issues regarding their action.
He added: The first issue is that activity against the emirate from abroad is completely pointless, except to confuse people's thoughts and create intellectual and psychological turmoil in the society. These people who sit outside and make propaganda very easily, first of all, they don't understand the inner atmosphere and they don't understand the interests of the people, and even if they do, they are stubbornly trying to expose the people to danger and expose our country to another controversy and disorderly war.
In addition to the above article, the head of the Tebyan Center pointed out: Secondly, these people should be asked that you, who are spreading propaganda and declaring the Taliban ineffective and showing the country's conditions as complicated, during the last twenty years that you were on the scene and all the possibilities and power And you had the budget and high responsibilities of the country, why couldn't you do something for Afghanistan? Because during two decades, you had nothing to do other than corruption and dishonor, other than theft, entertainment, and foolish movements.
Hussaini Mazari addressed the officials of the previous governments who are campaigning against the current government and said: You have expired and no one trusts you anymore, neither the people nor the neighboring countries nor the international community. On the assumption that if it is a transaction and you are returned, you are still the same corrupt people who corrupted the society for 20 years and brought Afghanistan to the ground from an economic point of view, you can't do more than this.
This expert on social issues pointed to some of the actions and programs of Western countries and Western-oriented people in Afghanistan, especially in the field of women and family. They are shouting that women's rights are underfoot or that women are in cages. What have you done for women during these 20 years?! In the current situation, at least our women are safe at home and no one can look at them and their honor and chastity are safe, but you were destroying the women of the country from all aspects of life.
The head of Tabyan Center emphasized that the goal of foreign western institutions was to destroy the foundation of the family in Afghanistan, and pointed out: They neither cared for us nor cared about human rights. They came to destroy Afghanistan completely and they succeeded to a large extent in the last two decades.
He went on to compare the hard and soft war of the Westerners in Afghanistan and said: In the last 20 years, the Americans along with their internal mercenaries killed more than 170 thousand of our people, but more and more important than this killing by the hard war are the silent killings that committed by the soft war in Afghanistan. Not tens of thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands of our people were killed silently in the soft war of the Westerners, which we will have to endure for tens of years, which of course cannot be compensated.
Hussaini Mazari criticized the lack of entry and enlightenment of Hazara and non-Hazara scholars regarding the propaganda of genocide of Hazaras in recent months and noted: Genocide is raised by the World Hazara Council, which was established by England in London, and ISIS is on the other side of the people. Afghanistan. If ISIS is killing and killing in Afghanistan and terrorizing people to leave Afghanistan, the World Hazara Council will create another terror for people to leave the country by propagating genocide.
Condemning the ban on women's education in schools and universities, the head of Tebyan Center said: There are definitely problems and wrong policies in the administrative structure of the emirate. I do not approve of the current status of women in the discussion of schools and universities in the country, and as soon as the issue of suspending the continuation of women's education in universities was raised, I immediately issued a statement and opposed it and told the Talib brothers that this move of yours is against the clear text of the Qur'an and hadiths. It is against the progress of society.
He added: "Society is changing." and this transformation can be implemented mainly by the women of the society. But can illiterate women create change? Women must be literate, committed, Muslim, knowledgeable, and scholarly, so that they can transform the society. This move you made is against this development. You take the society to the Stone Age and ignorance and lack of evolution and you face it with problems.
The explanation of the words of Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Isa Hosseini Mazari is as follows:
Praise be to Allah (SWT)
First of all, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima Zahra, peace be upon her, I offer my condolences to the presence of Imam Asr (a.j.) and his deputy, Imam Khamenei, may God protect him, and to you present in this assembly. Then I am happy that I am once again in the presence of friends and colleagues and a group of dear immigrants at the office of Tabyan Center in the holy city of Qom and I use your brave and faithful faces. Thanks to Mr. Hajj Mr. Mubarez who organized this program so that I can be your servant. The program is not a lecture; It was decided that the meeting would be a meeting of the same mind and I would attend and if anyone has any questions or ambiguities regarding various issues, I would be at the service of the loved ones.
First, as an introduction, I will take a few minutes and then I will leave the microphone at the disposal of other interested people to ask questions and talk;
The current situation in Afghanistan is telling of big, broad and deep interactions and developments. After the fall of the so-called Republic and the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, although a series of capacities and opportunities that should have been used before were lost and our people could not take advantage of those opportunities, but after the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, very pure and serious opportunities and capacities and A new use case was created that may not have been created with such opportunities and capacities during different decades.
The existing conditions indicate the burning of opportunities during the republican era
Although there were many good opportunities in the last 20 years, they were not exploited properly, and the current conditions reflect these opportunities and capacities. Naturally, there are threats and obstacles against the exploitation of these opportunities and capacities, and it is not the case that the whole of Afghanistan is full of opportunities without obstacles or that a red carpet has been rolled out so that it is easy to use and take advantage of these opportunities, no! There are many obstacles and very serious threats, but it is natural that one can turn these threats into opportunities and remove obstacles from the path and fight against all obstacles and make the path without obstacles or at least fewer obstacles. To be able to take advantage of the current space and opportunity.
Activity against the emirate from abroad has no result except intellectual and psychological anxiety for the society
Some claim to be very serious against the Islamic Emirate; They make a lot of wide and extensive advertisements in the virtual space and in the media, and they reflect a very dark and black atmosphere from Afghanistan, and they present a very violent, dangerous and subversive performance of the Islamic Emirate, and they seek to provoke the public opinion and the minds of the local and regional society. and are international; But there are two issues regarding these advertisements: The first issue is that the activity against the Emirate from abroad is completely pointless except to confuse people's thoughts and to cause intellectual and psychological disturbance in the society. You sit outside very easily and you don't understand the inner atmosphere, you don't understand the interests of the people, and even if you do, you are trying to expose the people to danger and our country to another controversy and chaotic war with your stubbornness.
Those who show the country's situation as complicated, why couldn't they do anything in the last two decades?
The second issue is that these gentlemen who have advertisements in different spaces, which are poisonous and disturbing advertisements; These gentlemen were on the scene for twenty years and all the facilities, power and responsibilities of a country were at their disposal! Well, you who are talking so much now, cursing and declaring the Taliban to be ineffective and showing the situation as a complicated situation and the elements as very violent elements, why didn't you do the right thing during the 20 years that you were in power in Afghanistan? Your government, which was recognized by dozens of foreign countries, had hundreds of thousands of army troops, national police, national security, hundreds of tanks, tens of planes, geography and people, and you talked about democracy, you talked about elections, well All these capacities and facilities were at your disposal, why couldn't you?!
In the last 20 years, you did nothing but have fun, steal and be dishonest!
All these facilities that you had were not at the disposal of the Taliban, they finally had a motorcycle and a Kalashnikov, and if you consider many facilities, they were Rangers and Humvee tanks that they had looted from the government, they had something else. But you had everything; You had hundreds of billions of dollars, tens of thousands of Western forces were present in Afghanistan, so why couldn't you? During 20 years, you had nothing to do other than corruption and dishonor, theft, entertainment and foolish movements! You ruined the country and created various problems in Afghanistan!
During the republic, there was a name of religion, but it was empty of content
If the republic continues to exist in 10 years, believe me, nothing will be left of Afghanistan, of the social structure, and of the foundation of our families. Either you were not in Afghanistan or if you were, you do not have the amount of deep information that I or a group of our colleagues had about the situation in Afghanistan. Hemi The people who have started riots and riots abroad now, if they were here in 10 years, there would be nothing left of the people of Afghanistan, nothing of Islam, the school, and even nothing called Shia. At all, Shia existed only in name during the republican period, but there was no Islamic and Shia movement, program, and content. When you entered Afghanistan, it was a space where all the manifestations of debauchery, hypocrisy and disbelief were observed. You have easily lost these 20 years and now you are making a fuss outside that the Taliban did so-and-so and caused an avalanche?!
The collapse of the country's economy is the result of two decades of improper management
First of all, you have expired and no one trusts you anymore, neither the people, nor the neighboring countries, nor the international community. On the assumption that if it is a transaction and they return you, you are still the same corrupt elements who have corrupted the society for 20 years, you can't do more than this. The expatriates brought Afghanistan to the ground in terms of the economic field. During the last 20 years, nothing was done, especially in the field of national economy. Today, more than 90% of our people are below the poverty line. Now they started chaos when the Taliban came and ruined the economy. Dad, the economy is not ruined now. It has been 16 months since the Islamic Emirate came into operation. Do you realize that the dollar has not risen above 87, while at the end of the Republic it reached 100, 125. Now it came back from 125 to 87 and despite all the sanctions and problems and all the stone-throwing, they have kept the price stable. But with that apparent authority and greatness that you had, you increased the dollar from 41 to 125. At the beginning, when the Afghani money came, the dollar was 41, then it became 49, and then it slowly came up to 125.
What did you do for women that you are now talking about women's rights?
They ruined the country in cultural, social, moral and all fields. One of the topics that are being talked about in these days and nights is the status of women, where they say that women's rights are underfoot or that women are in cages. What have you done for women during these 20 years? In the current situation, at least our women are safe at home and no one can rape or look at them. The honor and chastity of a woman is currently safe and no one dares to create problems for a Muslim woman in Afghanistan. But you were destroying our women culturally, religiously and from all aspects of life. You have threatened and destroyed the foundation of our families.
A corner of moral corruption in the west of Kabul during the republic
Ladies and gentlemen! Honestly, I can't talk openly in front of you now about what they had done to our women and what kind of situation and problems there were. I heard from one of the elders of the seminary that in 2009 there were about 850 brothels in the west of Kabul. I used to look at his words with skepticism and I didn't talk much anywhere, but yesterday I met with one of the military officials who was the commander of several areas there and I asked him the same thing if it was true or not! He said that In 2017 or 2018, which was almost the last of our responsibilities there, there were 960 brothels in the west of Kabul. This gift of your presence and leadership and responsibility in the Afghan society was only in the west of Kabul.
The American Embassy, in cooperation with Afghan youths, under the title of helping Afghan youths come to use an environment with some free facilities, including free internet, and learn how to work on social networks, will provide villa environments and houses, for example, in the dimensions of two thousand They had allocated a garden, trees, flowers and plants, and in the middle of it was a stylish building, one part of which was an internet cafe and the other part was a coffee shop. This was an environment where young people, boys and girls, used to come there whenever they had a chance to use the internet cafe.
Referring to one of the plans of the American Embassy in diverting Afghan youth
In these environments, there used to be organized people who, as soon as a girl entered that environment, immediately went to her and greeted her next to her and said, "Are you good, are you fine, what's your problem, what are you thinking, what are you doing, and slowly out of the girl's mouth" They used to say that, for example, one percent had problems at home, so they cultivated this and worked on it, why should you have problems, we are at your service, and if you are ever upset at home, your father, your mother, we have a place here. We have, you can come independently and we will be at your service. Slowly, the girl was led astray and ran away, and the girls were taken to the so-called safe houses until her head popped out of nowhere. There were more than twenty or thirty such centers in different parts of Kabul, whose function was to divert our boys and girls.
The moral and social scandals of the past two decades must be recounted
It is necessary to recount the scandal that the gentlemen created during the republic. People should understand what the situation and tragedies were during the republic. Now, I am not saying Hazrat Ayatollah or Hazrat Hojjat-ul-Islam, but, for example, a person from Karbala, a Haji, or a deceased person, had drawn water, but he did not know that his daughter was engaged in prostitution when she left home. The situation of our society had become like this, now let the relatives stay, the situation of our own people in the west of Kabul was a catastrophic situation. Do you agree that the origin of Afghanistan's Christianity was Jaguri? That is, the leadership of Afghanistan's Christianity was managed by a Jaghur boy. I went to Bamyan in 1986, and then when I came back, it was necessary to have a team Let's send the truth. We sent 3 or 4 colleagues from the office as investigative reporters and they brought audio, photos and text that really showed that the situation there was catastrophic. In Bamyan, you didn't see women's tents there, for example, in Bamyan, where at that time it was not more than 10 minutes from one side of Bamyan to the other, but girls in such a city with very few facilities dressed and walked as if This girl is walking in Jordan, Tehran.
200 foreign institutions were based in Bamyan alone
You would attract 20 thousand boys and girls under the idol of Bamiyan and hold a mixed dance. Didn't this happen under your leadership and management? Didn't you make the women and girls of Bamiani a mess? We have a voice from one of the military officials of Bamyan, who is currently based in Mashhad, who says that at that time, two hundred foreign institutions were based in Bamyan. You see, Bamyan is a small city, but two hundred foreign institutions were located there. The focus of the work of all these two hundred institutions was to spoil the women and girls of Bamiyan and destroy the foundations of the family. In Mazar-i-Sharif and Herat and throughout Afghanistan, the West's main focus was to destroy the foundation of our family. Put the woman in front of the man, put the children, the girl and the boy in front of the mother, the girl should not follow the words of the mother and the boy should not follow the words of the father.
The budget of 170 million dollars for the Afghan Women's Empowerment Institution
Ms. Rola Ghani, who was the head of the Afghanistan Women's Empowerment Organization, had a budget of 170 million dollars in one year. Well, this lady was responsible for spoiling our women. They worked and toiled in this direction. For example, they would hold a class with 40, 50, or 100 people, on the first and second day they would raise a series of social, cultural and intellectual issues, but on the fourth and fifth day until the end, there was no news of these social issues and when the women finished this class, Their relationship with their husband was ruined. 170 million dollars in one year is not a small amount of money; Mrs. Rola Ghani was at the head of this project. Now this was in recent years. They came from the previous years and the Karzai era, when the foundation stone was laid. Most projects from foreign institutions were accepted by women. If a hundred men, even professors and capable ones, took a project for a western institution, it would not be accepted, but even if a girl with 12 passes said I have a project, they would accept it! Why? Because through the projects women were dragged into misery.
The working methods and programs of one of the foreign institutions supporting the employment of Afghan women
I am aware of one of the institutions that had a project to teach sewing to five thousand women in Kabul. You must know those who have worked with Westerners or the discussion of the project that foreigners and foreign institutions do not pay one year's money all at once for those who have a contract, for example they divide it into four parts. The first installment was paid in three months, the second installment in three months, and so on in three months, three months to four times. Well, Ms. Meiroud is requesting a project, they say that we are at your service, we are studying your project, for example, this year we will allocate 60 thousand dollars for you, and each installment will be 15 thousand dollars. This lady is also happy to come, see the house, get the office, buy a sewing machine and equipment, and hire the staff, and it is also stated in the contract of her project that all female professors, computer technicians and female administrative officials, female security guards, female tea makers, etc. A curtain should be placed to protect the hijab. The foreign institution accepts this and says it is completely correct because we understand the situation of the Afghan Muslim woman. This woman, a servant of God, comes to build a team for herself, spends money, gets facilities and recruits, here are other very heavy obligations for this woman.
Three months are over, and when three months are over, he has to prepare a report and take this report to a foreign institution to get the next installment of his money. This time, the institute says that we should send a delegation; The board comes and conducts its investigation and tells the official of the institution that we have done our investigation, you come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and get the next installment with the opinion of the board. When the lady goes to the institute, they say that this curtain at the door is not necessary at all, take it off, what is the need for this tea shop to be a woman, this must be a man, the bodyguard can't protect even a woman, the bodyguard must be a man, this computer worker must be a man, that person must Being a man, what can this lady do?! Unless it is a very strong religious faith that says that if you give me your whole world, I will not accept it. Therefore, the lady also sees that she has no choice and because she has paid a lot of money and made a commitment, so she accepts and the work environment becomes mixed. That western institution offers another proposal in the third installment until the fourth installment, in which the account of this lady and this workshop and the ladies and gentlemen who came there will be finished in terms of ethics and various corruptions.
The West did not sympathize with the people of Afghanistan, they came to destroy the country from scratch
See what these foreign institutions have done in Afghanistan in the last 20 years. Do you think that they were so heartbroken and human rights would be lost on them?! no! They came to destroy Afghanistan and succeeded in this in the last two decades. Yesterday, in a meeting with Iran's Ministry of Guidance, I said that over the past 20 years, the Americans, along with their internal mercenaries, killed more than 170,000 of our people, but more than this murder by hard war, there are silent murders committed by soft war in Afghanistan. . Not tens of thousands but hundreds of thousands of our people in soft war They were killed silently, and we will have to bear the losses for decades, which cannot be compensated. Today, social disintegration has occurred in our country. Today, the disappearance of religious and school foundations is observed in Afghanistan.
Where is all this ethnic nervousness in our religion?
And if it is religion, school, and religion, what is the meaning of this discussion of Hazara, Sayed, and Qazalbash?! Mr. Hazarei, you have so much sensitivity against Sadat! Who is Sadat? Why, for example, there is so much sensitivity! Dear Mr. Sayed, what do you mean by all these so-called ethnic issues? Where is this debate in our religion? Why are there so many ethnic tensions? what happened god What happened to religion? What happened to the school?
If ISIS forces people to leave the country by killing them, the World Hazara Council does it by promoting genocide.
In the last two or three months, so many issues of genocide and genocide of Hazaras have been raised. I was waiting for a religious Hazara cleric to come to the middle of the stage and say that there is no genocide in Afghanistan, and why are you raising this issue? The issue of genocide is raised by the World Millennium Council, which was established by England in London, and the other side of ISIS is against the people of Afghanistan. If ISIS is killing and killing in Afghanistan and terrorizing people to leave Afghanistan, the World Hazara Council will create another terror for people to leave the country by propagating genocide.
Where did they have a burning heart for Hazara? It means that you are from London with English money, your heart is burning for the millennium. Hazara Shia Muslims, all our religious and educational foundations are based on these people. Islam is and will be based on these people. These conspiracies will lead nowhere.
Not a single clergyman was found to enlighten against the propaganda of genocide
Believe me, as long as I waited for some white turban scholars and clerics to work against these conspiracies, no one was found. Neither Syed's world nor Hazare's world was found. We had to hold a ceremony and give a speech in Al-Zahra Mosque (s.a.) and enlightened in this regard that it is enough sir, Hazara Malik Talaq is not someone that no one else can talk about, and if someone wears a black turban, let him say Hazara. Make a taboo and make noise against him. Our discussion is religious and national. If there is any discussion or conspiracy regarding Pashtuns, Uzbeks or any other people, we will definitely enter. We belong to this nation, and every person and population of this nation is subject to evil conspiracy and plot, as a Muslim, we have a duty to enter and enlighten.
America knows that people sacrifice themselves for religion, but not for ethnicity
Look what America did. America understood that if the people of Afghanistan are religious, they cannot be confronted, because everyone is ready to die for their religion and imams, but no one dies for the people. If someone tells me that you will die for your sovereignty? I say in no way, Astaghfirullah Rabi wa Atub Alia, unless I have a free life to give only for the defense of the Sayed. A millennial will definitely not do this, so they came and highlighted the issue of ethnicity.
Any cleric with any appearance and any dress who has spoken in support of ethnic issues since the past decades, is either a mercenary of the enemy or is an ignorant and uninformed person who caused our people to face all these problems. Today, anti-religious discussions have reached a peak in Afghanistan, and if anyone speaks against it, they will immediately be accused of ethnocentrism and Sidism. What is the connection? Is Hazara your property, you four scumbags, vile, lowly, disgraceful, corrupt, and fajr, your heart aches for Hazara, but a spiritual and pious student who fought and gave blood in the field of Afghanistan doesn't?! Or an irreligious person whose hand is connected to all the holes of the embassies has become the owner and leader and spiritual father of Sadat! Shame on the head of Siddhartha, who has been so busy that an irreligious person becomes his leader.
I condemn the bans for women to study in schools and universities
This is the situation they have created in Afghanistan, now they come and chant that the situation of women is so-and-so and it is Bahman. I do not approve of the current situation of women in schools and universities in the country, there are problems in the administrative structure of the emirate. There are wrong policies. As an Afghan citizen, while I am in the country, I have also expressed the good things of the Islamic Emirate. In this regard, I have written an article in seven parts and friends can read it from Ava news agency or my Telegram channel. The Islamic Emirate that has come has created about 15 very pure opportunities that did not exist during the past decades. One of those capacities is that a unified Islamic narrative has emerged in the country. We did not have this narrative in the past. But there are also problems and dilemmas that must be solved. But anyway, you don't deserve to criticize. If you had not been involved in creating calamities for the people of Afghanistan during the past twenty years, perhaps we could say that you are caring and reformed people, and it would be meaningless. But you have made a big mess in your country and now you are talking against the people and your emirate from outside the country?!
Society needs transformation and illiterate women cannot create transformation
It is not acceptable to criticize from outside. Anyone who is a man and criticizes should come to Afghanistan. The Tabyan Center and myself have not had the most criticisms against the Taliban in the past 25 years, and now inside We are Afghanistan. We are trying to talk and work in relation to the interaction with this structure, and we also have criticisms. As soon as the issue of suspending the presence of women in the university was raised, I immediately issued a statement and opposed it. I told the Talib brothers that this move of yours is against the clear text of the Qur'an and the traditions of the Imams (a.s.) and against the progress of society. Because the society needs transformation and this transformation can be implemented mainly by the women of the society. But can illiterate women create change? Women must be literate, committed, Muslim, knowledgeable, and scholarly in order to create change. This move you made is against this development. You take the society to the Stone Age and ignorance and lack of evolution and you face it with problems. There are many issues related to opportunities and capacities, challenges and solutions. I spoke about this in a large assembly in Al-Zahra Mosque in the presence of dozens of audio, video, print and electronic media, and I will not take your time here.
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