Publish dateThursday 27 October 2022 - 14:59
Story Code : 260225
The slogan of "Millennium" leads the country to disintegration/people should cooperate with the government and report the problems
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, who attended a large public conference entitled "Afghanistan; "Achievements and Capacities, Challenges and Solutions" in Kabul, stating that the slogan "Hazaristan" is a dangerous slogan for the people and the country, he said: This slogan has pushed Afghanistan towards division and exposed us to the negative view of other citizens of the country. While we want positive interaction with all ethnic groups and followers of all religions and are looking for a united Afghanistan with complete territorial integrity.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari in a large popular conference titled "Afghanistan; "Achievements and Capacities, Challenges and Solutions" in Kabul stated important topics about the current issues of the country. This report details the speech of the head of Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center in the above conference.
Commentary on the speech of Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari in the conference "Afghanistan; Achievements and capacities, challenges and solutions" in Kabul are as follows:
In the name of Allah
First of all, I offer my condolences to the martyrdom of the recent martyrs of the Afghan people in suicide attacks against mosques, schools and educational institutions, especially the oppressed and bloodied martyrs of Kaj Educational Institute. The title of the ceremony specifies what topic should be discussed and what points should be raised in this magnificent meeting. The first thing we need to address is the discussion of achievements. What achievements has Afghanistan made since the developments of a year ago? What opportunities and capacities has the Islamic Emirate brought to the people of Afghanistan by establishing its government in the country? Fortunately, today we have very, very important achievements that did not exist at least during the past decades.
The first great achievement of the Afghan people was the expulsion of America from the country
Although many words and hadiths are said about the withdrawal of America from Afghanistan and the coming of the Taliban to Kabul and the establishment of the Islamic Emirate government; For example, the Islamic Emirate came into being based on the Doha agreement, or there was no war at all and there was no resistance, now regardless of whether these words and hadiths are true or false, but the fact is that the Americans are against the invincible will of the Afghan people. They faced a disgraceful defeat and were expelled from the country, not that they left the country, the Americans were expelled from the country and their noses were rubbed on the ground, and they were defeated not only in Afghanistan but in the region and the whole world, and today the Americans are so rude in the world, especially in our region. We don't know any more eloquent than them.
Public minds in the country, region and the world should be enlightened about the glory of Afghan people's resistance
This is not a small achievement. Unfortunately, during the past one year, not much has been discussed about this achievement to determine what masterpiece our people created in hard and soft fronts and what great power they defeated and expelled from the country. Many meetings, various seminars, analyses, researches and studies should be conducted around this issue so that the minds of our people, the minds of the region, and the minds of the world will be clear about what kind of people the people of Afghanistan are and what resistance fighters exist in this border and land.
The Taliban fought against America in the hard trench and other currents in the field of soft war
In this confrontation, the Taliban were seriously present in the hard trenches and in the battle fronts in the mountains, deserts and deserts and secret activities in the cities, as well as other political, cultural and religious currents and schools in the soft arenas and soft war. Tebyan Grand Center was one of the Islamic organizations that stood up against Western policies and the occupationist presence of America in Afghanistan with all its might during the past twenty years, spoke, held demonstrations, held various meetings and conferences, and as a result gave price and Our headquarters was bombed, and that explosion was obviously carried out by the Americans and their agents in the republican government. In that attack, we killed more than 50 people and injured more than 140 people, as well as destroying the equipment and facilities of the Tebyan Center office. Therefore, the expulsion of America from Afghanistan is the first achievement of the people and the government. I will present the achievements in the form of a list for your service, and the details will remain in the next conferences.
The second achievement was the withdrawal of American national mercenaries from Afghanistan
Simultaneously with the presence of the West in Afghanistan, some American mercenary elements, both those who had previously immigrated and went to America and Western countries, and those who were born there to Afghan parents and entered Afghanistan with NATO and Western military forces And like a termite, it entered the life of the country and infiltrated from the administrative and military structures to the cultural and media structures.
With the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, Salafism and Wahhabism were seriously dealt with. Da terrorist group It is the nest of Salafism and Wahhabism that you can see how sensitive the Islamic Emirate is and how seriously it fights against this hated group.
had taken and tried to attract and train forces and then in line with western policies in Afghanistan and to deprive our people of religious and Islamic culture, this group, which numbered thousands of people, when the Taliban came to Kabul, they found an escape route.
The third achievement is the dismantling of secular culture in Afghanistan
The secular culture appeared in Afghanistan at the same time as the westerners came and it was supposed to be imposed on the people of Afghanistan by them, and the religious, Islamic and native culture of the country would be attacked and expanded, and instead of this pure religious and native culture, the secular culture would rule. .
American liberal democracy culture, Turkish and Indian culture; Three sides of secular culture in Afghanistan
The secular culture in Afghanistan had three aspects: American liberal democracy culture which was promoted through Hollywood movies. Turkish culture that spread through Turkish series and subcontinental culture especially Indian culture that was promoted by Indian movies. Of course, Hollywood, Turkish, and Indian movies were the outward appearance of the work, but in the inner world, Westerners established cultural and media centers in big cities, districts, villages, and villages, and did educational work in order to promote secular culture until the people of Afghanistan distanced themselves from religious culture. not only to distance themselves, but also to equip themselves against the religious and Islamic culture and stand against their religion, school, and religion; Alhamdulillah, with the defeat of America and the expulsion of this seemingly powerful but fake country from Afghanistan, the secular culture also disappeared. On the other hand, the Islamic Emirate has been on the scene against any manifestations of secularism, secularism, and secularism, and it is taking care that this culture no longer has a place in Afghanistan.
The fourth achievement is dismantling the culture of takfir in Afghanistan; Salafism and English Shia, two branches of Takfir culture
During the time of Mr. Karzai and also Mr. Ashraf Ghani, efforts were made to provide the ground for the presence of Takfiri groups in the country. Even Mr. Karzai signed protocols during his trip to Saudi Arabia and some other countries, and by providing money against this movement, he provided the ground for the presence of Salafi, Wahhabi and Takfiri networks and branches. Of course, I must say that the Takfir culture had two branches and two branches in Afghanistan. One branch of Salafism and Wahhabism and the other branch of English Shia. These two branches tried to institutionalize the culture of takfir in the country.
Islamic Emirate's decisive approach to Takfiri groups such as ISIS
The culture of takfir was spread by Salafists and Wahhabis through the establishment of schools and recruiting our children and teenagers in different schools, and they started a very heavy work in this field. In Balkh Province, which is my hometown, almost 15 thousand children were enrolled in these schools since the early eighties. In many provinces, tens and hundreds of schools were established by Takfiris; but with the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, the size of these madrassas and schools was gathered, and the thought of Salafism and Wahhabism was seriously dealt with. ISIS terrorist group is a branch of Salafism and Wahhabism, which you can see how sensitive the Islamic Emirate is and how seriously it fights against this hated group.
The need for the government to pay attention to British Shia activities
Although the British Shia section does not have a direct and stewardship role in the fields of cultivation, killing and war like Wahhabism, but it has been active in preparing food for war and religious and scholastic conflict, and unfortunately, with the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, this movement has taken a more active form and in some Cities and provinces, especially the Shiite provinces, have expanded further, and we hope that this sector will also be taken into account. This was the fourth achievement of the Islamic Emirate and the developments of the last one year in Afghanistan.
The fifth achievement is the rule of a unified Islamic narrative over all structures in Afghanistan
Another great and important achievement is that with the arrival of the Emirate, a unified Islamic narrative was established over all government structures in Afghanistan. If you had entered the country in the past, especially in the last twenty years, you would have seen the manifestations of debauchery, disbelief and hypocrisy in a wide and wide way, but now there is no such thing. When you enter Afghanistan, you feel that it is an Islamic country, and this narrative is established in all dimensions, which is a very great achievement.
The sixth achievement is the fight against various types of corruption
You have witnessed in the past that there were all kinds of corruption in Afghanistan and the government of the republic with the support of the US and other NATO members had a serious determination, effort and plan to promote this corruption. Moral corruption is rampant in the country. You could not go anywhere in the country without seeing moral corruption. Unfortunately, there was organized moral corruption in the layers of people's social life, and not in a natural way, but organized moral corruption that was subsidized and paid for by the Americans so that you set up nests of corruption in Kabul and do not take money from anyone. There were these centers in New City and Punt Punt of the capital and different cities.
In the last twenty years, unfortunately, Americans and Westerners who invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of improving the economic situation and under the pretext of improving our living conditions, not only did nothing positive, but which destroyed our economic foundations and not only did not bring us security but also destroyed our security infrastructure and not only destroyed our security but also took away our sense of security
He entered the citadel to stay, even ministers, deputy ministers, lawyers, chiefs, managers, governors, district governors and everyone could not occupy government positions without paying money. Also, the discussion of cultural vulgarity and cultural and media corruption was such that you could not easily watch Turkish and Indian series when you were sitting in your own homes with your wife and children. Other corrupt cultural activities that existed in the cities and caused serious problems for our society. Economic corruption, cultural corruption, and security and military corruption, unfortunately, corruption had spread all over this country and did not allow our people to see the good and blessings, peace and reform, and the situation was getting worse day by day, and there were discussions about veiling, veiling, and even nudity. And such topics that flowed in abundance.
When the Islamic Emirate came and established a government, it started such a fight against all kinds of corruption, and you see today that, Alhamdulillah, there is no news of such corruption. Now, it may exist in the subcutaneous layers that are not very visible and unpleasant, this cannot be doubted or rejected, but there is no such thing in the current situation, and certainly if information is obtained about small issues, the Emirate Islami decides to deal with this situation. In our opinion, the fight against modesty and modesty is a great achievement. Westerners tried to take the modesty and chastity of our women by taking the hijab. If, God forbid, the republican government would have continued for another ten years, there would have been no news of Muslim women and girls in Afghanistan and we would have faced various problems.
The Tabyan Center reached the approach of interaction with the Islamic Emirate with the right research and insight
These are the achievements and opportunities and these are the conditions that have forced and encouraged Tebyan Center for Social Cultural Activities to take steps in the field of interaction with the Islamic Emirate as a large Islamic organization that operates at the national and regional level and the rest of the people and currents and To encourage the rest of the real and legal personalities to step in this direction. My dears, don't think that Hussaini Mazari or the Tebyan Center have a behind-the-scenes deal. No sir! There are no trades. As soon as the republic fell and the Islamic Emirate came, the Tabyan Center expanded its activities and with the right perception and insight and with research, it came to the conclusion that there should be interaction with the Islamic Emirate and the duties that the people have towards the Emirate should be done and the Islamic Emirate fulfill their duties and responsibilities and there should be mutual cooperation between the people and the Islamic Emirate.
You are aware that our approach was interaction and we had such truths regarding the Islamic Emirate, but our offices were suspended by the Islamic Emirate for six months due to developments and developments, until last week a delegation from the Islamic Emirate came and announced that we I am virtual for activity and work. During these six months, when we were under pressure and faced with serious security, political and social problems, we did not back down for a single moment from our principled positions regarding the issue of interaction with the Islamic Emirate; We worked and talked in this field both inside Afghanistan, and when I went to Iran, I spoke in various meetings and very important meetings, both media and non-media, and I emphasized that it is not a reason because we are facing a problem, so from this Let's sit back and not say a word about this. no! The general interests of Islam and the general interests of Afghanistan are worth much more than sacrificing our personal and current issues.
Despite these achievements, there are still very large and important capacities, both in the political and economic, cultural, social and security fields, that we must discover these capacities and exploit them for the stability and establishment of security and stability in Afghanistan. . Because the discussion of capacities in Afghanistan is a long and detailed discussion, I will limit myself to mentioning this much.
The most important issue for the country today is the discussion of challenges
Afghan people, personalities, elites and parties and intellectual and cultural institutions should pay attention and emphasize in relation to identifying challenges and focusing on them and then solutions. We are facing difficult challenges today. Today, we are facing big and powerful enemies who not only do not give us the slightest help and not only look kindly towards us who have just been saved from big and dangerous crises and other crises have not engulfed us, but America and all America's satellites in the world and in the region are against our people and against our government.
Internal and external challenges; Two important challenges of the country
We have two major and important challenges today. One is internal problems and challenges and one is external challenges. Internal problems are mostly related to the economy and also the security issue, these two problems also have two factors.
The first cause of our internal problems is rooted in the past
We have had economic and security problems for decades. In the last twenty years, unfortunately, Americans and Westerners who invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of improving the economic situation and under the pretext of improving our living conditions, not only did nothing positive, but also destroyed our economic foundations and not only did not bring us security, but also our security infrastructure and not only ruined our security, but also took away our sense of security. Brothers! Even if there is security in a country and there are no suicides or explosions, the feeling of security is still there If it does not have D, it will create problems and obstacles for the people, for investment, for peace and stability, and for all the growing trends of the country.
You who are sitting outside, why are you doing something to create differences among our people? Why do you expose our people to suspicion? Why do you do this people and that people? If it is a matter of killing, everyone has been killed, we do not say that killing is good, we condemn it, but we must pay attention to how to deal with it in order to ensure security in the country and stand against terrorist groups.
This is where it should be said that the first cause of our internal problems is rooted in the past.
The second factor of Afghanistan's internal problems is due to the fledgling nature of the Islamic Emirate
The Islamic Emirate was not ready to take over the country at all because the Doha meetings were supposed to lead to the conclusion that the power would be divided fifty-fifty. They were faced with an action. A current and a movement that is not ready to rule the entire country, but is exposed to this task and this task, will definitely face serious problems. From the point of view of the management staff, there is definitely a problem, both in terms of high literacy and expertise, and the fact that some forces and even American affiliates from the previous regime may have remained in different layers of the country's administrations, and these elements are not only in the direction of consolidating the foundations of the Islamic Emirate. They don't work, but they work to make people dissatisfied and provoke people's feelings and to create problems among people. Anyway, this is another problem that exists in the country.
The main challenge of Afghanistan is the foreign problem
If the foreign problem is not in our and your way, the internal problem can definitely be solved by the steel and iron will of the people of Afghanistan and the cadres and officials and the leadership of the Islamic Emirate, but unfortunately the enemies will not let us rest. On the one hand, the enemies are inciting terrorist groups to carry out massacres inside the country, and on the other hand, they are promoting and making noise outside that the problem is in the Emirate area, and maybe sometimes they include in their propaganda that the Emirate itself may be involved in these suicides. To have these movements and activities are carried out by our enemies and unfortunately, most of our enemies are mercenaries of America and the West, who as their soldiers are against the country in order to create insecurity in the country, to create pessimism in the country, and to create war in the country.
People in different parts of Afghanistan have seen suicide attacks
You must have been informed about the explosion of the pine training course. Well, there have been various explosions and suicides in Afghanistan over the past 20 years. More than 170,000 people have been sacrificed by America and the government of the Republic of our people. Certainly, there have been such problems in the country and all our people have seen it. All our people have been killed. Most of our mosques have seen terror, suicide and explosions. All ethnic groups and followers of Afghan religions have been attacked. Before Kors Kaj, you must know about the mosque of Wazir Akbar Khan and how many people were killed. Before that, the Khairkhane Mosque and before that the Mujib al-Rahman Mosque in Herat, and before that in the Khalifa Mosque in Dar al-Aman, where hundreds of people were killed, and there were still massacres in the Sunni Mosque of Kunduz and elsewhere in the country.
Why consider only one nation as the target of the enemy?
Well, what is the need for us to come and use hashtags and consider a nation as the target of the enemy? Those who founded ISIS and are coming to kill us inside Afghanistan, they are the same ones who will establish other movements that will prepare propaganda fodder after these movements and create serious problems against us inside the country.
The World Millennium Council was founded by England
You must know about hashtag creations, who are the founders of these hashtags? There is a council called "Global Millennium Council". This council was established by England. You who are sitting outside, why are you doing something to create differences among our people? Why do you expose our people to suspicion? Why do you do this people and that people? If it is a matter of killing, everyone has been killed, we do not say killing is good and we are not happy about it and we condemn everyone and we are sensitive to killings and the agents of killing and we show sensitivity; But we must pay attention to how to deal with security in the country and stand against terrorist groups. We should not add to the fire of hypocrisy and division and create controversy in the country.
Our people were also victims of suicide attacks in the presence of foreign countries
Well, they hash tagged and said that it exceeded eight million and exceeded ten million! How many of our people are inside Afghanistan and how many of our people have migrated abroad? Who are these hashtags from? On behalf of which movement and on behalf of which groups? Anyway, our people should understand that foreign countries and the world will not be our fans in any way. They say we use hashtags so that the world knows! Were they not present in Afghanistan before? Aren't forty European, American, Eastern and Western countries in our country? We’re not our people killed in the presence of these countries? Didn't our office explode? Didn't the mosque of Imam Zaman (a.s.) explode? Wasn't the same Al-Zahra Mosque (PBUH) attacked by suicide? Didn't Imam Baqir (a.s.) mosque in Karte Sakhi and other places were attacked and faced with various problems?
Today, the enemy is training terrorists and killing us, and training other cultural and media currents to exploit and propagate this food, and in our country, there is a feeling of pessimism against Haq. To cause death and division and disunity among the Afghan peoples and ultimately seek war and insecurity in the country. Of course, war and insecurity in the country is dangerous, but war in Afghanistan is not possible. Unfortunately, I don't have time to talk about this here. But based on solid reasons and documents, I announce to all those who want war and talk about war that there is no possibility of war in Afghanistan at the moment. If anyone has any questions in this regard, I will explain
They say we use hashtags so that the world knows! Were they not present in Afghanistan before? Aren't forty European, American, Eastern and Western countries in our country? Were not our people killed in the presence of these countries? Didn't our office explode? Didn't the mosque of Imam Zaman (AS) explode? Wasn't the same Al-Zahra Mosque (PBUH) attacked by suicide? Didn't Imam Baqir (a.s.) mosque in Karte Sakhi and other places were attacked and faced with various problems?
And I wrote a seven-part article in this regard, which my friends prepared and distributed to the media. I wrote in that article and said why there is no possibility of war in Afghanistan. In any case, the best thing is for us to stand by the Islamic Emirate and fulfill our duties and do the things that are related to the people and the nation and real and legal personalities.
But what is the solution for us to get out of this crisis?
The first solution is for the Islamic Emirate to fulfill its promises and promises. Because at the moment, the excuse of both foreign forces and internal excuse-seekers is that the emirate has this problem and that problem. The first argument is that the Islamic Emirate should terminate the caretaker government. How long is the caretaker government? A year and a few months have passed. I am sure that if the caretaker government ends and a fixed and clear government is established, many of our questions will be answered and many of our wishes will be fulfilled in the non-supervisory and fixed government.
I have written down some things about "And the mention of this remembrance is for the benefit of the believers" and I say that the government of the Islamic Emirate should pay attention to these issues so that it is no longer an excuse for the enemies: first, inclusive government, second, a progressive constitution, third, freedom of speech, freedom of parties and As well as civil assemblies, the fourth is to ensure the continuation of the religious formality of Shiites, the fifth is to ensure the citizenship rights of Shiites, the sixth is to appoint committed and expert elements in their responsibilities, the seventh is to realize general amnesty in real terms, the eighth is to activate girls' schools, and the ninth is to consider priorities and other conditions. This discussion should be taken into consideration by the Islamic Emirate, and I am sure that all these issues will be resolved in the government that will be established after the caretaker government.
The countries of the region and the world should recognize the government of the Islamic Emirate
The second point is the recognition of the Islamic Emirate by the countries of the region and the world. Certainly, the informality of the government has created serious problems for our country today. Today, our economy depends on the recognition of the government by foreign governments. Today, our security, our social issues and our growth and development in various fields can be provided by the officialization of the emirate by the countries of the region and the world. Therefore, from this platform, on behalf of a group of Afghan people from the countries of the world, especially the neighboring countries and the Jeddah region, I request that the Islamic Emirate be recognized. Of course, this is not my talk today. In 1400, I raised this issue both in the speech I gave in Kabul and in two or three places in Mashhad and in Kandahar and Mazar-e-Sharif. This is our right to demand that the Islamic Emirate be recognized by the countries of the world as citizens of this country.
Blocking Afghanistan's money is a theft-like act by America
The third point is the freedom of Afghanistan's money. Blocking Afghan money in America is another cruel move by America and Western powers. What did you say, you blocked our people's money? What did you say, you spent this act of theft and took our money hostage there, while our people are facing serious problems and dilemmas?
People should cooperate with the government and be with it
Another point goes back to the people of Afghanistan. As long as there is no cooperation with the government and the people do not side with the government, the problems and insecurities will definitely not be solved. All the scholars, all the academics, all the cultured people, all the media people and all our people should understand that it is useful to be next to the Emirate, the Islamic Emirate has had and created very positive indicators that during the past decades no government and There was no system and only this system and structure has brought these opportunities and capacities to our people. Let's stand by them and make suggestions and if there are problems in your neighborhoods, report them and write them down to the government officials, the high-ranking officials of the emirate will definitely take care of them.
People should be patient and report existing problems
I said earlier that the emirate's nascent nature has created problems for the people in terms of local officials and low-level officials, but the people should bear and be patient and react positively to these problems and give reports and suggestions. On the other hand, they should stand by this government until, God willing, the process takes its natural course and the caretaker government changes, and a stable main government is established in such a way that all the people of Afghanistan see themselves in this government, and other problems that arise at the level of social and political issues. And there is an economic and security issue, God willing, it will be resolved and we will live in complete security and comfort in Afghanistan and maintain our unity lets not listen to those who chant and talk about division and hypocrisy and seek to divide and fragment Afghanistan.
The slogan of "Hazaristan" is leading the country to disintegration
One of the slogans related to us people is the slogan of Hazaristan. This is a very dangerous word for our people and it leads the country to disintegration and exposes us to the negative view of other citizens of the country and we face problems. We want a united Afghanistan. We want Afghanistan with complete territorial integrity, with positive interaction with all ethnic groups and followers of all religions, and we act in line with the rapprochement of religions. We recognize the rights of all the neighboring countries and we thank them for their all-round cooperation with the people of Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate during this period, and we thank all of you who have been present and tolerated me and listened to my words.
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