Publish dateTuesday 25 October 2022 - 10:13
Story Code : 260093
Hussaini Mazari
Hussaini Mazari in a large public conference entitled "Afghanistan; "Achievements and capacities, challenges and solutions" about the current issues of the country. Explaining the achievements of the people and the government over the past year, expressing the capacities of Afghanistan in various fields, pointing out two important challenges of the country in the current situation and its factors, clarifying about the hashtags these days in the name of supporting the Hazara people and presenting four important solutions for leaving Afghanistan. The crisis was the focus of the speeches of the head of Tabyan Center in this conference, which you will read below.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: A large popular conference, under the title "Afghanistan; "Achievements and Capacities, Challenges and Solutions" was held on Thursday, 28th, by the central office of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center with the presence of government officials, scholars, clerics, university professors, students, youths and teenagers and different strata of people in Kabul.
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the head of the Tabyan Center and one of the speakers of this conference, in the beginning of his speech, discussed the achievements of the people and the country after the developments of the last year. He mentioned the failure and expulsion of America from Afghanistan as the first achievement of the people of the country and said: What is the reality is that the Americans faced a disgraceful defeat against the invincible will of the Afghan people and were expelled from the country, not that they left the country, the Americans They were kicked out of the country and their noses were rubbed on the ground and they were broken not only in Afghanistan but in the region and the whole world.
However, according to this expert on political issues, unfortunately, during the past year, not much has been discussed about this important achievement to show what a masterpiece the Afghan people created on the hard and soft fronts and what a great power they defeated and expelled from the country. . Around this issue, various meetings and seminars, analyses, researches and surveys should be conducted to clarify the minds of the people of the country, the minds of the region, and the minds of the world, that the people of Afghanistan did not bow down to the Americans, the West and NATO despite a 20-year war.
The head of Tabyan Center considered the departure of American mercenaries from the country as the second achievement of the Afghan people and said: At the same time as the West was in the country, some American mercenary elements had entered Afghanistan along with the NATO and Western military forces and they fell into the country like termites and in the structures From administrative and military to cultural and media structures, they infiltrated and took responsibility and worked to attract and train forces and worked in line with Western policies in Afghanistan and to deprive our people of religious and Islamic culture, but this group came The Taliban escaped to Kabul and left the country, which was a great achievement for the people of Afghanistan.
Dismantling the secular culture from Afghanistan was another achievement of the people in the developments of the past year, which this expert on religious issues pointed out, and while dividing this culture into three sides of liberal democracy, Turkish and Indian in the form of films and media productions, this kind of culture promotion He called secularism the appearance of work and explained: Hollywood, Turkish, and Indian films were the appearance of work, but in the interior, Westerners established cultural and media centers in big cities, districts, and villages, and did educational work in order to promote secular culture until the people of Afghanistan To distance themselves from religious culture and not only to distance themselves but also to equip people against religious culture and Islamic culture and to stand against their religion, school.
He added: With the defeat of America and the expulsion of the forces of this apparently powerful but disguised country from Afghanistan, the secular culture also disappeared. On the other hand, the Islamic Emirate is on the scene against any secularist manifestations and is careful that this culture no longer has a presence and place in Afghanistan.
Hussaini Mazari stated that removing the culture of takfir from the country is the next achievement of the people of Afghanistan, he divided it into two branches of Salafism and Wahhabism as well as British Shia and said: these two branches tried to institutionalize the culture of takfir in the country. The culture of excommunication was carried out by Salafists and Wahhabis through the establishment of schools and attracting our children and teenagers. Although the English Shia section does not have a direct and responsible role in the field of killing and war, it was active in preparing food for war and religious and scholastic conflict. The provinces, especially the Shiite provinces, have expanded further, and we hope that this sector will also receive the attention of the government.
He continued: Another great and important achievement of the country is that with the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, a unified Islamic narrative was established over all government structures in Afghanistan. If you had entered Afghanistan in the past, especially in the last 20 years, you would have seen the manifestations of debauchery, disbelief and hypocrisy in a wide and wide way, but now there is no such thing. When you enter Afghanistan, you feel that it is an Islamic country and this narrative is maintained in all dimensions. This is a very big achievement.
The head of Tabyan Center pointed to the existence of various types of corruption in different layers of society and government during the republican era and stated: In our opinion, the fight against veiling is a great achievement because the westerners tried to take away the modesty and chastity of our women by removing the veil. . Unfortunately, moral, administrative, economic, cultural, security and military corruption had covered Afghanistan from head to toe this did not allow our people to see the face of goodness and blessings, peace and reform. With the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, a serious fight against various types of corruption was undertaken, and today there is no news of such corruption on a wide scale.
Emphasizing the above achievements, Hussaini Mazari pointed out: It is these achievements and opportunities and these conditions that have forced and encouraged Tebyan Center for Social Cultural Activities as a large and active organization at the national and regional levels to take steps in the field of interaction with the Islamic Emirate and encourage the rest of the people and currents and the rest of the real and legal personalities to step in this direction.
Referring to some speculations about the behind-the-scenes deal between the Tebyan Center and the Islamic Emirate, he said: "My dears, don't think that Hussaini Mazari or the Tebyan Center have a behind-the-scenes deal. No sir! There are no trades. As soon as the republic fell and the Islamic Emirate came, the Tabyan Center expanded its activities and with the correct perception and insight and with research, it came to the conclusion that there should be an interaction with the Islamic Emirate and the duties that the people have towards the Emirate should be fulfilled and the Islamic Emirate fulfill his duties and responsibilities and there should be mutual cooperation between the people and the Islamic Emirate.
This expert on political issues stated that the value of the general interests of Islam and Afghanistan is much higher than sacrificing our personal and current issues, and said: Although we emphasized on the approach of interaction, our offices have been closed for six months due to developments and developments. The Emirate was suspended and finally last week a delegation from the Islamic Emirate came and announced that we are allowed to operate and work, but in these six months that we were under pressure and faced with serious security, political and social problems, even for a moment We did not back down on the issue of interaction with the Islamic Emirate and emphasized in various media and non-media circles here and in Iran that there is no reason to deviate from the position of interaction because we are facing problems.
Hussaini Mazari considered the most important current issue for the country to be the discussion of existing challenges and expressed: We have two major and important challenges today. One is internal problems and challenges and one is external challenges. Internal problems are mostly related to the economy and also the security issue, and these two problems also have two factors. The first cause of our internal problems is rooted in the past. We have had economic and security problems for decades. In the last twenty years, unfortunately, the Americans and the West did not only do something positive, but also destroyed our economic foundations and not only did not bring us security, but also destroyed our security infrastructure and not only destroyed our security, but also took away our sense of security. If there is security in a country, but there is no feeling of security, it creates problems in the path of investment, peace and stability and all the growing trends of the country.
He added: The second factor of the internal problems is due to the ancientness of the Islamic Emirate, which was not ready to take over the country at all. The Doha meetings were supposed to result in a 550 division of power, but with the escape of Ashraf Ghani and leaving the country destitute, the Taliban were forced to enter Kabul and occupied the citadel and various places and were faced with an accomplished act.
It is natural that when a movement is not ready to rule the whole country but is suddenly exposed to this task, it will definitely face serious problems in terms of literacy and expertise of the management staff. In addition, it is possible that some of the US-affiliated forces from the previous regime have remained in different levels of the country's administrations, and these elements not only do not work in the direction of consolidating the foundations of the Islamic Emirate, but also work towards dissatisfaction and inciting emotions and creating problems among the people.
But according to this expert on political issues, Afghanistan's main challenge is in the area of ​​external problems: if the external problem is not in our way, the internal problem can definitely be solved by the steel and iron will of the Afghan people and the cadres and officials and the leadership of the Islamic Emirate. But unfortunately, the enemies don't let us rest. On the one hand, they incite terrorist groups to carry out massacres inside the country, and on the other hand, they themselves advertise and make noise outside that the problem is in the Emirate region, and sometimes they include in their propaganda that the Emiratis themselves may be involved in these suicides. Have.
The head of Tabyan Center stated that American and western mercenaries are considered as our enemies who are now working as their soldiers and in the name of supporting the Shiites of Afghanistan and said: During 20 years, there have been various explosions and suicides in Afghanistan. More than 170,000 people have been sacrificed by America and the government of the Republic of our people. There have definitely been such problems in the country and all our people have seen it.
He added: What is the need for us to come and use hashtags and consider a nation as the target of the enemy? Those who founded ISIS and are coming to kill us inside Afghanistan, they are establishing other currents to make propaganda fodder from them and to create serious problems against us inside the country. You must know about hashtag creations, who are the founders of these hashtags? There is a council called "Global Millennium Council". This council was established by England.
Hussaini Mazari addressed the council and foreigners who create and manage genocide hashtags and said: Why are you doing something to create differences among our people? Why do you expose our people to suspicion? Why do you do this people and that people? We do not say that killing is good, but if it is a question of killing, everyone has been killed and we condemn everyone, but we must pay attention to how to deal with it in order to ensure security in the country. We must stand against terrorist groups, but not to add to the fire of disunity and division and controversy in the country.
He pointed out: They say we use hashtags so that the world knows! Were they not present in Afghanistan before? Aren't forty European, American, Eastern and Western countries in our country? were not our people killed in the presence of these countries? were not our mosques and cultural and educational centers attacked in the presence of these countries? Today, his own enemy is training terrorists and killing us, and training other cultural and media currents to take advantage of this food and create pessimism against the government, and create division and hypocrisy among the Afghan peoples, and ultimately seek war and insecurity.
This expert on political issues also said that the first solution is for the Islamic Emirate to fulfill its commitments and promises. Because currently, the excuse of foreign forces and domestic excuse seekers is that the emirate has this problem and that problem. The first argument is that the Islamic Emirate should terminate the caretaker government. How long is the caretaker government? A year and a few months have passed. I am sure that if the caretaker government ends and a fixed and clear government is established, many of our questions will be answered and many of our wishes will be fulfilled in the non-supervisory and fixed government.
Forming an inclusive government, creating a progressive constitution, freedom of expression, freedom of parties and also civil assemblies, establishing the guarantee of the continuation of the legitimacy of the Shiite religion, securing the citizenship rights of Shiites, appointing committed and expert elements in responsibilities, realizing general amnesty in real terms, activating girls' schools and Also, consideration of priorities was one of the issues that Hussaini Mazari mentioned and demanded that the Islamic Emirate pay serious attention to these issues.
The head of the Tabyan Center considered the recognition of the Islamic Emirate by the countries of the region and the world as the second solution to the country's exit from the current situation and explained: "Definitely today, the lack of recognition of the government has created serious problems for our country. Our economy depends on the recognition of foreign governments. Our security and social issues and growth and development in various fields can be provided by the officialization of the emirate by the countries of the region and the world. Therefore, I request again from this platform, on behalf of a group of Afghan people, the countries of the world, especially the neighboring countries and the Jeddah region, to recognize the Islamic Emirate.
He added: The third solution is to free the money of Afghanistan. Blocking our country's money in America is another cruel move by America and Western powers. What did you say, you blocked our people's money? What did you say, you spent this act of theft and took our money hostage there, while our people are facing serious problems and dilemmas?
Hussaini Mazari considered the fourth solution for the country's exit from the crisis to be related to the people themselves and said: Until the people cooperate and stand with the government, the problems and insecurities will definitely not be resolved. All the scholars, academics, educators, members of the media and people should understand that it is useful to be next to the Emirate, which I said has created very positive indicators that were not formed by any government during the past decades and only this system and the structure has brought these opportunities and capacities to our people. Let's stand by them and make suggestions and if there are problems in your neighborhoods, report them and write them down to the government officials, the high-ranking officials of the emirate will definitely take care of them.
At the end of his speech, this expert on political issues emphasized the need for people not to pay attention to people who shout slogans in the direction of division and hypocrisy and seek the division of Afghanistan, and noted: One of the slogans related to our people is the slogan of Hazaristan. This is a completely dangerous word and slogan for the people and it leads Afghanistan to disintegration and exposes it to the negative view of other nationals of the country. We want a united Afghanistan. We want Afghanistan with complete territorial integrity and we work towards rapprochement with positive interaction with all ethnic groups and followers of all religions.
The full text of Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari in this conference will be published later.
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