Publish dateTuesday 12 February 2019 - 11:00
Story Code : 179515
U.S. Reaffirms Support to Afghan Forces amid Rising Peace Efforts
The U.S. Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Monday at the Presidential Palace, where he reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to Afghanistan through the implementation of South Asia strategy.

According to a statement by the U.S. Department of Defense, the leaders discussed a broad range of defense issues, including the importance of the U.S.-Afghanistan security relationship and of achieving a political settlement to the war that ensures Afghanistan is never again used as a safe haven from which terrorists can plan and launch terrorist attacks against the United States and its allies.
“Secretary Shanahan praised the sacrifices made by Afghan and Coalition troops, and reaffirmed our continued support to Afghan forces as they lead the fight to defend their country,” the statement noted.
Separately, the Presidential Palace in a statement said that President Ghani hailed the U.S. South Asia strategy and said that it has positive outcomes.
Ghani, however, said that the elimination of the militant groups’ sanctuaries in the neighboring countries which is part of the strategy, has not been achieved yet.
The statement noted that both sides also shared views regarding the Loya Jirga on peace which will be held in Kabul next month with participants of different sects from across the country.
According to the statement, after Loya Jirga, the third meeting of the Kabul Process will be held in Kabul which will focus on peace.
This comes as the U.S. and the Taliban representatives are expected to hold another round of talks in Qatar on February 25 and further discuss the issues related to Afghan peace.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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