Publish dateSunday 1 July 2018 - 19:40
Story Code : 166329
US conduct over 20 airstrikes in support of nationwide resumption of ANDSF operations
The US forces in Afghanistan have conducted more than twenty airstrikes in support of the Afghan national defense and security forces who resumed operations against the Taliban at the end of the extended ceasefire announced by the government.
“Elsewhere in the nation, U.S. forces have conducted more than 20 strikes targeting selective Taliban irreconcilables in Ghazni, Helmand and Uruzgan provinces in support of the nationwide Afghan-led offensive,” according to a report by Resolute Support Mission.
The report further added “In addition, the Afghan Air Force conducted at least two independent strikes in Uruzgan province.”
“Multiple Afghan National Army Corps and Afghan Special Forces also began operations around the country, demonstrating the full and extensive capabilities of the Afghan National Defense Forces. It is from this position of strength that the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces maintained a unilateral ceasefire for more than two weeks,” the report added.
In the south of the country, U.S. Army Brig. Gen. John W. Lathrop, Train, Advise, and Assist Command-South (TAAC-South) commander, met, June 27, with Rahmatullah Yarmal, Zabul Province provincial governor, to discuss the offensive there, according to Resolute Support Mission.
“The outcome of the operation will have a big impact on Zabul,” said Yarmal. “We need to make sure the Government of Afghanistan is in control.”
“The Taliban should heed the calls of the Afghan people, the international community, and the Islamic world, and respond positively to their request to end the violence and start the peace process.  In fact, some have already responded to the social and diplomatic pressure,” said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Martin L. O’Donnell, Resolute Support and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan spokesman.  “The alternative for those that cast-off peace is defeat through relentless military pressure.”
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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