Publish dateWednesday 9 August 2017 - 08:50
Story Code : 147907
Photos: 235 civilians rescued from Taliban and ISIS captivity in North of Afghanistan
At least two hundred and thirty five civilians were rescued from the Taliban and ISIS captivity in northern Sar-e-Pul province of Afghanistan, days after the militants brutally massacred dozens of people in this province.

AVA- The provincial government in a statement said the civilians including women and children were rescued after the local tribal elders intervened for their release along with the central government’s efforts.

The statement further added that civilians were kept as hostages for the past four days and since the insurgents captured the key Mirza Awlang area in Sayad district.

In the meantime, the office of the President, ARG Palace, in a statement said a high level meeting of the security and defense officials was organized in the palace this evening which was chaired by President Mohammad Ashraf.

The statement further added that the meeting focused on the recent security upheavals in the country, specifically the security situation in northern and northeastern provinces, including Sar-e-Pul province.

The security officials were instructed to take immediate steps to bring the situation under the control in Sar-e-Pul, Faryab, Jawzjan and Balkh provinces, ARG Palace said, adding that the necessary instructions were also given to security institutions to suppress the insurgents in Mirza Awlang area in Sayad district of Sar-e-Pul province besides taking immediate steps to assist the local residents.

Other instructions including dispatch of emergency aid to the affected residents in the area were also given to the security institutions during the meeting, ARG Palace added.

This comes as the provincial governor Mohammad Zahir Wahdat said Sunday that the militants have massacred at least ۳۰ to ۴۰ people, including women and children after they captured a key area in Sayad district.

However, certain sources are saying that more than ۵۰ people were killed and the brutal act was reportedly carried out jointly by the Taliban insurgents and ISIS loyalists.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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