Publish dateTuesday 31 January 2023 - 14:15
Story Code : 264675
Hussaini Mazari in a conversation with the "Islamic World Development" news agency:

The way to get rid of Afghanistan from America is to pay attention to internal resources and give priority to neighbors

The way to get rid of Afghanistan from America is to pay attention to internal resources and give priority to neighbors
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari in a conversation with the Islamic World Development news agency, examines the relations between Shia and the Islamic Emirate, the formation of new movements against the Emirate in Tajikistan, the comparison of the previous government and the Islamic Emirate government, the creation of an inclusive government and the participation of Shias in the future government of Afghanistan and also, the recent activities of America in Tajikistan and the nature of their new threats against Afghanistan and the strategies to deal with them were analyzed.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Qom: You can read the full text of Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of the Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities, with the "Islamic World Developments" news agency analysis series below:
1- What is the relationship between the Shias and the Islamic Emirate after the Emirate came to power in Afghanistan? What is your opinion about the various media reports of forced migration, arrests, and the Islamic Emirate's disregard for the rights of Shias, and what do you think is the solution?
In response to this question, Hussaini Mazari emphasized the healthy and good relations between the Shias of Afghanistan and the government of the Islamic Emirate and said: As the only national Shia organization in Afghanistan, we have not felt any particular problem from the government in legal, security, economic and social matters and there is even a discussion of courts of interaction and cooperation, and they try to behave according to the personal circumstances of Shias. The talks have been about the legitimacy of the Shia religion and this concern has existed since the past and the caretaker government of the Islamic Emirate has not made any comments against the Shias and it is supposed to be discussed after the end of the caretaker government and when the system is established to discuss the rights and legitimacy of the Shia religion and Other religions should take appropriate and positive action.
2- What is your opinion about Maulavi Mehdi Mujahid and the clashes that happened in Balkhab?
Maulavi Mahdi had nothing to do with Shias. Maulavi Mehdi was one of the soldiers and small commanders of the Islamic Emirate. He was also in the service of the Taliban during the republic and after the Emirate took control of the country, he was appointed as the head of Balkhab Intelligence.
We are sure that the powerful countries of the region are not interested in Afghanistan, which is the heart of Asia and whose security affects the security of Russia, China, India and Iran, to be insecure. Therefore, as a subsidiary country under the influence of Russia and a member of the Central Asia Security Treaty, Tajikistan cannot do much.
First, the Taliban and people associated with him tried to persuade him to change his path, either to go to Kabul for another responsibility or to live a normal life in Balkhab and not have anything to do with the Taliban, But he refused to interact with the Islamic Emirate, which of course was due to the instigation of elements related to the British and other places who wanted to draw issues between the Shiites and the Islamic Emirate through Maulavi Mahdi, but Alhamdulillah the Shiites were aware and did not involve themselves. Therefore, the Emirate's war with Maulavi Mahdi was the war of a rebel commander with the Emirate and has nothing to do with a Shia.
3- What is your opinion about the deployment of anti-Islamic Emirate groups, including Ahmad Massoud's forces, or the National Resistance Front, in Tajikistan? What is your opinion about the Islamic Council of Unity of Resistance against the Islamic Emirate, which was formed by Mohammad Ismail Khan in Mashhad?
Those who, as opponents of the Islamic Emirate, have created organizations in foreign countries and are making noise, are not very important in my opinion, because these people and these personalities were already present and responsible during the twenty years of the republican government, hundreds of billions of government money. And they had dozens of planes, hundreds of tanks, and more than three hundred thousand national army, police, and national security forces, dozens of foreign countries recognized them, and most importantly, all of NATO and its members, led by the United States, supported them. They could not do anything in Afghanistan and have proper management to create a unified and united Afghanistan, and the country fell apart due to their corruption and mismanagement, and the Taliban who had a Kalashnikov and finally a motorcycle, and the most of them were ranger cars, which were also among the soldiers. The government had taken booty, he was able to win over their fully equipped army. What does this mean? It means that those who were in charge during the republic were very incompetent and weak people. Now that they have left the country and are empty-handed, how can they do something and be effective?
Countries like Tajikistan, which try to provide the presence of these people in their territory, hurt their reputation and damage their relations with Afghanistan. We are sure that the powerful countries of the region are also interested
To make up for the defeat in Afghanistan, and by using the vacuum created in the region due to the lack of serious presence of the Russians and Iranians due to the issues of the Ukraine war and Iran's internal preoccupations, the Americans are trying to gain a foothold and most likely seek to establish military bases. They are in Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan or some Central Asian countries
They don't want Afghanistan, which is the heart of Asia and its security affects the security of Russia, China, India and Iran, to be insecure. Therefore, Tajikistan, as a subsidiary country under the influence of Russia and a member of the Central Asia Security Treaty, cannot do much.
4- As you mentioned in your previous talks, the presence of Americans in Tajikistan has recently increased. How do you evaluate the issue? What threats and security issues does it entail for Afghanistan?
Americans are just a nuisance. They were present in Afghanistan for 20 years with all the NATO members with hundreds of millions of American dollars, with more than 140 thousand military forces, hundreds of thousands of spies and cultural advisors, and hundreds of media were present inside Afghanistan, and what did they do for Afghanistan? They didn't do anything other than take victims from our nation and destroy its infrastructure, and they failed shamefully after twenty years. Now they came to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan or other places and are trying to be present.
In fact, to compensate for the defeat in Afghanistan, and by using the vacuum created in the region due to the lack of serious presence of the Russians and Iranians due to the issues of the Ukraine war and Iran's internal preoccupations, the Americans are trying to gain a foothold and most likely seek to create The military bases are in Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan or some Central Asian countries. Naturally, the presence of the American military base in Central Asia means the continuation of insecurity in Afghanistan and is not in the interest of Afghanistan and the entire region, and we hope that the Russians will think about it. After all, Tajikistan is related and influenced by their sphere of influence and strategic depth. Also, Iran, India, China and other countries in the region should take care so that America does not take advantage of their negligence.
5- In your opinion, what kind of government model is suitable for the future of Afghanistan and how can it be established in Afghanistan?
We have expressed our opinion about this in the past. The government should be an Islamic government, but based on the choice of public votes, Islamic rules and regulations, but people should participate in determining their leader.
6- How do you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the previous Afghan government as well as the current Taliban government?
The previous government was full of weakness and we did not see anything positive in previous government.
Although the republican government was called the Islamic Republic, there was no mention of Islam at all. All actions and movements of that government, from the president to the lowest level, were mostly based on non-Islamic and even anti-Islamic foundations.
We were in Afghanistan and we worked. Unfortunately, the losses that the republican government had in Afghanistan were very heavy for the people, and in addition to the fact that 170,000 of our people were killed by the Americans and hundreds of economic, cultural and military infrastructures of Afghanistan were destroyed by the Americans and their mercenaries, there is a heavy cultural damage to the family that we may not be able to compensate for these shortcomings. In general, the Americans used Afghanistan as a platform against Iran, China, India and Russia in the past years, and the interests of Afghanistan did not matter to them and they were abused. In a word, although it was called the Islamic Republic, there was no mention of Islam at all. All actions and movements of this government, from the president to the lowest level, were mostly based on non-Islamic and even anti-Islamic principles.
But there are many positive aspects regarding the Islamic Emirate. In my opinion, these positive aspects are more than 70%. The minimum is that when you enter Afghanistan, you feel that you have entered an Islamic country, but in the past it was not like that and all the manifestations of debauchery, polytheism and hypocrisy existed in the government of the republic.
Now there is a fight against corruption, economic corruption, administrative corruption, moral corruption, and cultural and media vulgarities are prevented. Compared to the past, security is maintained throughout Afghanistan and you can travel from one side of the country to the other with your own car. But there are a series of flaws that I published and printed these positive aspects and flaws in a pamphlet in our news agency and in meetings with the media.
7- In your opinion, how can Afghanistan get rid of American threats? America is still conducting airstrikes in Afghanistan and claims that al-Qaeda is active in Afghanistan.
Our way to get rid of American threats is to pay attention to domestic sources. That is, the Islamic Emirate should rely on the people and use the people's facilities and try to develop its social base and coordinations.
One of the ways to get rid of American threats is to pay attention to domestic resources. The Islamic Emirate should rely on the people and use the facilities of the people and try to develop its social base and establish harmony between the people and the government in a serious manner.
People and government should be established seriously. Secondly, the Islamic Emirate should use the facilities and opportunities of the countries that were aligned with the Emirate until now. The Islamic Emirate should interact with the countries of the region, from the China, Russia, Iran to India and Pakistan, who had good relations with the Emirate, and gain their attention and support, and if they do so, the Americans cannot do anything. If the Islamic Emirate is indifferent to the neighboring countries, if the whole world unites to establish security in Afghanistan, it will still be impossible, as in the past twenty years, the entire West and all NATO members were present in Afghanistan. Of course, I am not saying that we should not interact with the world. The Emirate can interact with all the countries of the world except Israel according to its national interests, but priority should be given to the neighboring countries. If these two components are observed, America cannot do anything wrong.
8- How can the Taliban government use Shias in its government? Is the idea of an inclusive government possible with the Taliban?
Yes, the Emirate has come to this idea, and even if it has not come, it will definitely come to that without the presence and cooperation of Shiites in Afghanistan, there will be no sign. And when will it not stand? Shiites in Afghanistan are not a passive, weak and ineffective group. Today, Shiites constitute more than ten million people and more than 30% of the population of Afghanistan. Well, it is natural that any government that is established in Afghanistan will not create a powerful and strong government without considering the contribution of this population. The government understands this and we know the state of the country. In the future government, the presence of Shiites will be certain, and an inclusive government with the presence of Shiite personalities, of course, not as the share of some party, some person, or the share of some province, which even we are against. In the past, these quotas were used in the government and people entered the government who only made themselves fat and did not do any service or work for the Shia community and the people. Qualified, expert, committed and pious personalities should be present in the framework of the government and establish an inclusive government.
9- What are the activities of Tebyan collection? Are the claims of some media about the center's military activity true?
The Islamic Emirate can interact with all the countries of the world except Israel according to its national interests, but it should give priority to the neighboring countries. If these two components paying attention to internal resources and prioritizing neighbors, are observed, America cannot do anything wrong.
Is it true that Tebyan Center recruit people for Fatemiyoun?
The Tebyan Center is an organization that was established 31 years ago to promote people's culture. Because we came to the conclusion 31 years ago that the weakness of indigenous culture in Afghanistan has caused various problems and dilemmas, so during this time we have done very big works in the form of fourteen departments in different provinces. For example, the section of women, youth, students, scholars, physical education and sports, education, publications and media (Afghan Voice agency) which is a part of Tebyan Center. We have done extensive work in intellectual and cultural issues, and we have made a powerful and inclusive movement in the media space. In terms of education, we have trained 88,000 people in short, medium and long term in various fields and have given scholarships to hundreds of people in Iranian universities. We have trained more than 500 people in media discussion, and one hundred of them are active in our own news agency, and the rest are active in other domestic and international media, from the BBC to various places.
The Tebyan Center has been the largest organization that has worked in Afghanistan in the past twenty years, and Sunnis and Shiites have never had such organizations of this size. We have been province-oriented throughout all our work and worked based on the idea of province in Afghanistan. We were critical of the republican government and worked against the Afghan invaders. This spirit and our approach caused the enemy not to tolerate us and we were exposed to the American attack and they formed suicide attacks against our headquarters and more than 50 of our colleagues were martyred and more than 140 people were injured. We paid a heavy price in the anti-American struggle and we told the Taliban in Kabul and other places that you should not say that we only fought against America. After all, there was a national anti-American movement in Afghanistan, and the Shiites played a prominent role in it, especially the Tebyan Center, which He was present in the front of the soft war against America. However, we did not work in the military field, although we entered the military base in 1357 AH, we still did cultural work and since then, this process has continued and we have not had any military activity in Afghanistan, and we do not like this approach, and we do not encourage anyone to take this path, and we strongly warn against this process.
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