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Attack on Kabul, shoot at Doha agreement

3 Aug 2022 - 13:54

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Daily View: The US air attack on Kabul takes place while the US and the "Islamic Emirate" have signed a historic peace agreement based on which the US will withdraw from Afghanistan and will no longer have the right to violate the country's air and land space under various pretexts.

"Islamic Emirate" confirmed on Monday (August 1) that the attack on Saturday in Kabul was carried out by American drones and condemned it.
Zabihullah Mujahid; the spokesman of "Islamic Emirate" wrote in a statement that the attack was carried out on July 31 against a residential house in Shirpur area of Kabul.
He said: "The nature of this incident was not clear at first. The security and intelligence organizations of the Islamic Emirate investigated the incident and found that the attack was carried out by American drones.
He condemned the attack and said that it violated international principles and the Doha Agreement.
In this way, the "Islamic Emirate" has not officially taken a position on the death of the al-Qaeda leader in this attack; therefore, what was stated by America is just a claim that may or may not be true.
However, the fact that there is no doubt about its correctness is that America once again violated Afghanistan's airspace and national sovereignty and carried out an air attack on the heart of the country's capital.
American officials have clearly said that they do not ask permission from anyone to attack their desired targets. This is coercion, hegemony and a blatant and obvious violation of the national sovereignty of independent countries.
In this way, America actually violates international laws and regulations and the United Nations Charter; the same rules that target other countries under the pretext of defending them and overthrow established systems.
The US air attack on Kabul takes place while the US and the "Islamic Emirate" have signed a historic peace agreement based on which the US will withdraw from Afghanistan and will no longer have the right to violate the country's air and land space under various pretexts.
"Islamic Emirate" was also able to achieve victory as a result of two decades of struggle against foreign occupation and aggression; therefore, if the occupation and aggression continue, then no peace agreement is valid, and the "Jihad" mission of the Islamic Emirate to defend the homeland and confront the invaders and aggressors has not ended either.
America launched an air attack on Kabul while it has repeatedly warned the "Islamic Emirate" not to target the security of other countries from Afghanistan. "Islamic Emirate" also emphasizes its adherence to this commitment; but it is America that violates it; because it unilaterally gives itself the right to target other countries under false pretenses. With this in mind, do they no longer have the right to respond to America's aggression?
America claimed to have killed Ayman al-Zawahiri in this attack. No document has been provided to prove this claim; as no document was published about the death of Osama bin Laden and the Americans falsely claimed that they threw his body into the sea!
Perhaps this new claim is also a big lie to justify the American air attack on Afghanistan and prevent the "Islamic Emirate" from reacting to it. Perhaps the democratic government dominating the White House for its political and propaganda purposes on the eve of the elections, needed a new propaganda feed to show itself as effective and in control of the situation.
Perhaps Biden orchestrated this staged attack and then claimed to have killed Ayman al-Zawahiri to neutralize widespread criticism of his disastrous and shameful performance during Operation Escape from Afghanistan and its dangerous consequences for US national security.
This was what was evident in Barack Obama's reaction. He said that this attack showed that the US can fight terrorism even without the need for a war in Afghanistan. In this context, he admired Joe Biden.
This propaganda position of Obama shows that the White House's goal in implementing this scenario, which was done at the cost of violating the national sovereignty of an independent country, was to contain the critics of Biden's shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan and to improve his political position against the Republicans in the domestic equations of the United States. Is.

Story Code: 256574

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