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Political and religious experts in conversation with AVA:

The most important consequence of the Al-Aqsa storm was the return of Israel's fake regime to zero point / Israel has the mission of developing insecurity in Central Asia

7 Oct 2024 - 21:31

Coinciding with the anniversary of Al-Aqsa storm operation; In a conversation with AVA, political and religious affairs experts stated that the most important consequence of the Al-Aqsa storm is the return of the fake Israeli regime to the zero point and say that "this regime has the mission of developing insecurity in the Central Asian region with the aim of milking the milking countries".

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: At the same time as the first anniversary of the "Al-Aqsa storm" on October 7, 2023, a number of political and religious experts, in a conversation with AVA, expressed their views on the impact of this attack on regional and extra-regional developments.
Seyyed Zakaria Rahel Mousavi, an expert in political and media affairs, during a conversation wiAVA va reporter, described the Al-Aqsa storm as changing the regional equations in a wide way and on a large scale, and the first consequence of this unprecedented operation against the Zionist regime was disruption in the process of normalizing relations. The capitals of America's leading Arab countries are called Tel Aviv.
He considered the collapse of the security and intelligence hegemony of Israel and the vulnerability of this regime against the faith and heavenly will of the Muslim Mujahideen of Hamas and the axis of resistance throughout the region as another consequence of the impact of the Al-Aqsa storm operation on October 7, 2023, and added: that hegemony And the bully of Mabi, with the support and by force of propaganda of the media empire of the West, had been accepted into the collective mentality of the people of the region and the world.
This analyst of political issues also added: The return of the axis of resistance from the margins to the text and the steering of the political, military and security developments and deals in the region is one of the other happy consequences of the Al-Aqsa storm.
Emphasizing that one of the most important transformative consequences of the Al-Aqsa storm operation was to return the Zionist regime to the conditions it had to struggle to maintain its existence, he said that nothing is more important and vital than preserving life for the rabid dogs of Tel Aviv. It is not political itself and the existence of a regime called Israel.
Mr. Mousavi also added: The goals that the usurping Zionist regime is pursuing today by resorting to the merciless killing machine of women and children in Gaza and Beirut will definitely not go anywhere and will not be achieved.
He considered the reason for the full support of the Western countries to the Zionist usurper regime as the result of the product and extract of all the arrogant Western powers in the region and said: This repulsive and hated regime, with the tools of violence and blood-sucking and intimidation and terror and intimidation, has the mission of developing insecurity in The Middle East region as the heartland has the energy to make American and Western dairy cows in Arab countries more fertile and milkier.
This media expert called the occupying regime the protector of the macro and strategic interests of America and Europe in the Middle East and added: for this reason, it is forbidden to commit any kind of crime and cross all borders and moral standards and human rights in genocide and destruction of the regime's infrastructure. Israel has
While stating that Al-Aqsa storm proved that wealth and submission to the satanic powers of the West is not the only option for playing a role in global and regional equations, he said: What is an equation-maker in this part of the earth is standing firm and saying "no" to the divine covenant. It is by force, oppression, verbal abuse and land grabbing.
Mr. Mousavi, referring to the least achievement of the Al-Aqsa storm, called it the cause of depriving the Zionist regime of security and peace in the occupied territories until the end of history and emphasized that this masterpiece of the Mujahideen of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, all the roles and plans of mercenary and reactionary Arab states in The future will play a role.
Meanwhile, Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Amir Bakhsh Fahimi, one of the religious scholars and Mullah Imam of Hazrat Waliasr Jame Mosque in east of Kabul, in an interview with AVA reporter, said: The Al-Aqsa storm, based on the Quranic orders and the traditions of the innocents, on October 7th of last year, with the initiative Mujahideen Hamas and Islamic Jihad began.
Citing one of the noble verses of the Holy Quran, he emphasized that if the Islamic society does not repel the evils of the enemies of religion and Islam.
While pointing to the brutality and barbarism of the Zionist usurping regime, this religious scholar said: The fake regime has no mercy not only on Muslims but also on human beings and humanity, and blood vampirism and depravity are one of its distinctive features.
He also pointed out the mercenary and ration consumption of some Islamic countries towards America and added: If the rulers of the Islamic countries were true and zealous. "If every single Muslim threw even a bucket of water at the usurping regime, this regime would be washed away."
Mr. Fahimi also called silence and indifference against the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza as betrayal of humanity and expressed his gratitude to those who have taken practical measures in this regard, and emphasized that it is necessary for all Muslims to support the people of Lebanon and Palestine.

Story Code: 298171

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