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Political experts in an interview with AVA:

The pure blood of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah will be the source of Hezbollah's authority / The Islamic world must rise up against the crimes of the child-killing regime

29 Sep 2024 - 17:43

Political experts in an interview with AVA said that the martyrdom of Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Sayed Hassan Nasrullah (Sayyid al-Martyr of Resistance) is the source of Hezbollah's authority and say that his martyrdom will not only disrupt Hezbollah's struggles, but also strengthen the morale of its forces. They also add that the Islamic world is responsible for the crimes of the Zionist occupation regime and must stand up against its brutal attacks and prevent the continuation of Israel's genocide.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Following the intensification of Israeli attacks on various parts of Lebanon, especially the southern suburbs of Beirut, which led to the martyrdom of Hojjat-ul-Islam Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (Sayyid of Resistance) and Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah; Political experts in an interview with AVA, while expressing condolences, say that the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary General will strengthen the fighting spirit of the Front of Haq.
Sayed Zia Hosseini, a political analyst and spokesman for the High Commission of Shiites in Afghanistan, told AVA that the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against Hezbollah in Lebanon and Gaza have no legal or international justification. The 79th UN General Assembly strongly condemns these brutal attacks and takes practical measures to prevent them.
He pointed to the arming of the occupying regime by the US and added; By participating in the crimes of the usurping regime against Hezbollah and Gaza, the United States has practically trampled on the set of slogans it used to give under the title of defending human rights and territorial integrity of countries, and its false status has been destroyed.
The political analyst said that the current situation requires a strong and united response of Islamic countries to the usurping Zionist regime and called on the entire Islamic world to take constructive and retaliatory actions from slogans without action and prevent the continuation of such brutal and brutal attacks. become.
He also condemned the attacks of the occupying regime on Lebanon's Hezbollah, calling them genocide and crimes against humanity in accordance with all international law.
Abdul Ali Hassani, a university professor and political analyst, also expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of the true man of jihad and resistance (Sayed Hassan Nasrallah) to the rest of Allah (as) and all Muslims and freedom fighters of the world. The resistance has complicated the situation in the Middle East.
He said that the brutal attacks of the Israeli regime continue in the shadow of the passive position of Arab and Islamic countries and are expanding day by day, adding: It leads to a full-scale war.
The political analyst stressed that in such circumstances, the Middle East region is certainly pregnant with new events, adding that these attacks may be extended to other countries.
He called for increased international efforts to stop the brutal attacks of the criminal Zionist regime by Islamic countries and the international community and expressed concern over the spread of regional conflicts.
The university professor said that without a doubt, the martyrdom of the proud martyr (Sayed Hassan Nasrallah), who led Lebanon's Hezbollah for about three decades with unprecedented wisdom and authority against the crime of this child-killing regime, is a great loss. "But the history of the martyrdom of Hezbollah leaders has shown that the new leader has risen from the ruins and revived the resistance movement and continued the path of the previous leaders with more strength and power," he added.
He pointed out that this time too, Hezbollah is in a much different and more powerful position than in the past and has become an influential political and military movement in Lebanon and the region. It doesn't get serious.
Mr. Hasani pointed out that Hezbollah has spiritual influence in the hearts of the people of Lebanon, especially in the south of the country and many Arab and Islamic countries, and the brutal attacks of the Zionist regime will not create a disturbance in it, adding: The Lebanese people and the resistance movement will be determined to support Hezbollah and its leaders.
"It must be recognized that Hezbollah and the resistance movement are facing a regime armed to the teeth that enjoys the full support of Western countries," he said.
The political analyst said that however, it should not be forgotten that the history of resistance in Lebanon and Palestine has been facing such conditions for more than several decades and has risen again and continued its struggles against the criminal Zionist regime. He added: This time, too, by the power of God.
Abdul Jabbar Akbari, a political analyst, also said in an interview with AVA that the martyrdom of Sayyid Muqawmat was a great loss for the political atmosphere of Islamic countries and called him an influential person in the regional equations.
He said that the martyrdom of Sayyid al-Shohada of resistance will not only have negative political impacts on Islamic countries, he said; It will not have a good spiritual and spiritual impact on the Islamic society.
He also stressed that Martyr Nasrullah always tried to keep the flag of Islam high not only in the field of military and political struggles, but also to unite and cohesive Islamic countries.
Mr. Akbari held Islamic countries responsible for responding to this crime of the Zionist regime and said: We hope that Islamic societies will wake up from such attacks of the occupying regime and fight against the genocides that have been committed during the war.

Referring to the goal of murdering Muslims by the brutal Zionist regime, he called on all the countries of the Islamic world to stand up against the front of the child-killing regime with a common point of view and stop the crimes of this usurping regime.

Story Code: 297621

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