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Hosseini Mazari's important statement;

Strong condemnation of the attacks of the Zionist regime on Lebanon / The sad story of the situation in Lebanon and Palestine is caused by the passivity of the Islamic world

25 Sep 2024 - 15:09

In response to the bloody and widespread attacks of the Zionist regime on southern Lebanon, the head of the Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities, while strongly condemning these attacks, stated that the sad story of the situation in Lebanon and Palestine is caused by the inaction of the Islamic world. The world and international organizations, I neither warn nor ask anything from them; Because they have either provided financial and armed support to the Zionist vampires or turned a blind eye to the beginning, expansion and continuation of the crimes of the Israeli interim regime, they are in a way confirming the Zionist attacks against Palestine and Lebanon. only to Islamic countries; In particular, I suggest Afghanistan and Iran to put serious measures in their practical agenda in order to fully support the fighters of these two countries and seriously and fully confront the Zionist regime.

Afghan Voice Agency (Ava) - Kabul: The full text of this statement by Seyyed Isa Hosseini Mazari is as follows:
"It is a strange world. How brutally the Zionist regime attacks, kills and destroys in front of the eyes of about seven billion people, yesterday against the south, that is, Gaza, and today against the north, that is, Lebanon. He tries to remove every obstacle from his way, but a voice is not raised, especially from those who have turned a deaf ear to the slogans of human rights.
Some and maybe many people think that the regime of killing children is force and force does not know the law and will try to act according to its wishes, but the reality is that;
The sad story of the situation in Lebanon and Palestine is caused by the passivity of the Islamic world, while according to Imam Khomeini (RH), "If Muslims each poured a bucket of water on the head of the usurper Israel, they would water the degenerate Zionist regime." Win", not to mention the political and military measures against this cancerous tumor, But unfortunately, it can be seen that for more than 70 years, the blood of Palestinian men and women has been oppressed on the ground, and it has been nearly a year that Gaza has been under the terrible blows of the soldiers, not only the structures, but also the people and Not only adults, but also children and teenagers and young people, and not only men, but also women are targeted, and they destroy every human being, and now the Israeli Zionist savages, with American weapons, have killed more Lebanese than before. 
Although the Mujahidin of Palestinian and Lebanese men, with the support of Iraqi and Yemeni fighters, have shone so far, and despite tens of thousands of martyrs and wounded, and widespread destruction of land, they continue to advance, and there will be no room for doubt that according to God's promise, the right front will win and the grounds for the destruction and collapse of the regime occupying Jerusalem will be provided, but the eternal disgrace will be engraved in the eyes of the Muslims who are passive observers and in the world in the presence of public opinion and in the end in front of the divine justice system.
But what happened in the case of Gaza; It was the creation of a criterion for the unity of Shiites and Sunnis. It is true that our Sunni brothers and sisters in Gaza were angered and hated by the arrogance of the world and were dragged to the ground and bloodied by the Zionist mercenary soldiers, but it is the Shiites who are at the forefront of supporting the Sunnis. They know, step by step, they both give blood and become martyrs, and they kill the Zionist enemy, and they do not neglect or lax for a moment in their way of politeness, and this atmosphere definitely exists not only at the level of the Lebanese people, but also at the level of the Shiites. Iraq and Yemen have also spread and joined this process and the global spirit is going to tie the hands of Shia and Sunni together and compress the ranks of followers of the Jafari and Hanafi schools and other Islamic schools, slowly and gradually, the root of the regime He will uproot the fake Israel and provide the grounds for its emergence, so that our Lord, the Imam of the Time, may God bless him and grant him peace.
However, I strongly condemn Israel's barbaric attacks against the land of Lebanon and martyring and injuring thousands of people and the massive destruction of the country's infrastructure. Because they have either provided financial and armed support to the Zionist vampires in response to the beginning, expansion and continuation of the crimes of the Israeli Provisional Regime, or they have made themselves deaf and blind by remaining silent, they are in a way supporting the Zionist attacks against Palestine and Lebanon. only to Islamic countries; In particular, I suggest Afghanistan and Iran to put serious measures in their practical agenda in order to fully support the fighters of these two countries and seriously and fully confront the Zionist regime.
I send greetings and blessings to the victorious souls of the martyrs of Palestine and Lebanon and the entire axis of resistance and all those who fought against the Taghut front and offered their sweet lives to their God, and I say hello to the public of these mujahids and finally announce ;
Palestinian and Lebanese brothers and sisters! My Afghani and I are by your side and although we are not physically present on the battlefield, our heart and soul are with you and we will do whatever is necessary for your victory, whether in the real field or in the virtual space, especially in the field of explaining public opinion. and paying everyone's attention to your truthfulness and the fierceness of your enemies; Both Israelis and Americans and all Western vampires, so that the conditions of public support for you and a real confrontation against your enemies, who are enemies not only of Muslims but of all humanity, are provided, and prayers and supplications and excuses to God, support We will be your firm support.
Seyed Isa Hosseini Mazari

Story Code: 297376

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