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Political affairs and international relations experts in conversation with AVA:

The Zionist regime will agree to a ceasefire if the attacks of Lebanon's Hezbollah and the axis of resistance escalate

25 Sep 2024 - 11:08

Experts in political affairs and international relations, in a conversation with AVA, have predicted the escalation of attacks by the Lebanese Hezbollah and the resistance axis against the Israeli regime, which is the cause of the Israeli regime agreeing to a ceasefire in the coming days and weeks and say; The Arab rulers will be with the Palestinian people when the dormant resentments of the Arab people lead to the awakening of the conscience of the society.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: After months of crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, and recently the start of brutal attacks on areas in southern Lebanon that resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of hundreds of people, political and relations experts In an interview with AVA's reporter, Internazionale said about these events that: the positions of Islamic countries, especially Arab countries, regarding the oppression that is happening to the people of Palestine and Gaza is completely treacherous and disgusting.

Salim Paigir, a political affairs expert, in a conversation with AVA, says that the absolute majority of Arab countries are dependent on America and the Zionist usurper regime, and according to him, the diplomatic relations of some Arab countries with Israel are shameless and brazen.

He pointed out that until the system of the Arab countries changes, there will be no change in relations with Israel, he added; It is impossible for these countries to take an Islamic position against the crimes of the Zionist regime and free themselves from the hegemonic power of the usurping and arrogant global regime.

This political affairs expert further added: When the Arab regimes change, it is possible that the American military forces will withdraw from those countries.

Emphasizing that the adoption of the right positions of the Arab countries towards the Palestinian people depends on the withdrawal of the American military from these countries, he said: With the gathering of the American military bases from those countries, they will be able to take a right and healthy position regarding the crimes that are taking place in Gaza. 

Referring to the massacre of Palestinian people by the usurping Zionist regime in the last one year, Mr. Pigir added: "The world has not shown any reaction against these crimes, but they only announce the daily statistics of the martyrdom of innocent people in Gaza."

He considered the silence and lack of unity of Muslims as the reason for the expansion of the Zionist regime's attacks on Lebanon and said: If Islamic countries do not join hands to contain Israel, after Palestine and Lebanon, it will be the turn of another Islamic country to be attacked.

Meanwhile, Seyyed Mohammad Talot Fazelpour, an expert on international relations, in a conversation with AVA reporter, while referring to the anti-Zionist positions of the caretaker government of Afghanistan, said: Since the beginning of the rule of the Islamic Emirate, the caretaker government has clearly condemned the crimes of the usurping regime and its support to The oppressed people of Gaza have declared that this position is really admirable.

By stating that some Islamic countries, due to their political or economic affiliations, do not have the ability to interfere in the region against the policies of America and the West, he added; Therefore, in the Gaza issue, most of them are either silent or they declare their own position considering the interests of the western masters.

This expert on international affairs refers to the positions of a number of Islamic countries that independently defend the oppression of the people of Gaza to the best of their ability. However, a number of Islamic countries prioritize their national interests over the Gaza issue, and according to him, Türkiye is one of these countries.

He considers Turkey to be an opportunistic player and says that this country is getting concessions from Israel on the one hand and from countries aligned with the axis of resistance on the Palestinian issue.

Mr. Fazelpour stated that a number of rulers of Arab countries are directly or indirectly complicit with Israel and added: But the hatred that the Arab people have towards Israel exists, but it has not turned into a collective conscience and is neutral.

He called the rulers of countries like Saudi Arabia and its ilk puppets of the US and the West and said: Not only can cooperation with Palestine not be expected from these countries, but they always defend Israel's interests, whether in the military or diplomatic field.

While pointing out that the only way for Arab countries to cooperate with Palestine is to awaken their nations, this international relations expert clarified: long-term wars will naturally weaken and eventually cause the collapse of the elements involved in it.

He named the political instability and economic losses inside Israel as one of the main factors of the collapse of this country in the future and said: due to the decrease in the military power of the occupying regime and the intensification of the war by the resistance axis in the future, this regime will inevitably call for a ceasefire. 

Story Code: 297342

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