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Chinese company's interest in investing in Afghanistan's oil refining sector

4 Feb 2024 - 11:23

In a meeting with the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, the head of Jingzhen Chin Company talked about the investment opportunities in Afghanistan's mineral resources and requested to invest in oil and gas mines and establish a standard oil refining factory in Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum has written on X social network that the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Shahabuddin Delawar, met with the head of Xing Zhen China Company and their accompanying delegation in Kabul.
In this meeting, the president of Xing Zhen Company talked about the opportunities of investing in Afghanistan's mineral resources and asked for investment in oil and gas mines and the establishment of a standard oil refining factory in Afghanistan.
The head of Xing Zhen China Company has also talked with the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum regarding the experiences and capacities of the mentioned company in the field of surveying, exploration, extraction and processing of oil and gas.
At the same time, the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum has welcomed the interest of the head of the mentioned company for investing in mineral resources and establishing a standard oil refining factory in Afghanistan and has requested the company to submit its proposal.
He emphasized that Afghanistan has more than 200,000 square kilometers of oil fields and is divided into five large fields, until now the Amu Darya field has a contract with the Afchin company, and the Herat oil field, which has an area of 23,000 square kilometers and includes 11 The block is entrusted to the notification for exploration and mining, which the mentioned company can share by presenting their proposal.
Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum pointed out: For those foreign investors who want to invest in the mines of our country, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum is ready to provide legal cooperation and provide necessary facilities in order to encourage and attract them.

Story Code: 285338

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