Publish dateFriday 12 January 2024 - 13:56
Story Code : 284038
The first reactions to the US and British attack on Yemen
Some countries, organizations and political figures in response to the military aggression of the United States and England and their allies on Yemen, called this attack the cause of tension and the spread of war in the region.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestinian resistance, Congress representatives and the American people and some political figures reacted to the aggression of the United States and England in Yemen.
Russia demanded an urgent meeting of the Security Council
In response to the joint US-UK air attack on Yemen, Russia asked the UN Security Council to hold an urgent meeting.
In a joint statement, America and England claimed that with the support of their 8 allied countries, they attacked the logistics and military centers of Yemen with the aim of "reducing tensions and restoring stability to the Red Sea".
American and British armies targeted "more than 12 sites used by the Yemeni Houthis" on Friday morning (January 12).
These military targets have included logistics centers, air defense systems, and weapons storage facilities.
Riyadh's reaction to the attack against Yemen
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, in response to the morning attack of the United States and Britain on Yemen, said that Riyadh is following this "military operation" with concern.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia emphasized: We emphasize on maintaining security and stability in the Red Sea and demand restraint and avoid increasing tension.
The Wall Street Journal quoted an American diplomat who participated in the planning and preparation of this attack, claiming that Riyadh strongly opposes this attack due to the possible impact on the peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
The White House made a statement about the attacks on Yemen/Biden: It was a defensive move!
US President Joe Biden claimed about tonight's attacks on Yemen: We have successfully carried out attacks against a number of targets in Yemen with the cooperation of England and with the support of Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands. These attacks are a direct response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. The objectives of the operation were what the Houthis used to jeopardize the freedom of navigation.
Palestinians' reaction to the bombing of Yemen
The Palestinian resistance forces reacted to the American and British aggression against Yemen, and the Islamic Jihad movement announced in this regard: "We condemn the American and British aggression against Yemen in the strongest terms."
The Islamic Jihad Movement also added: "We salute the honorable and brave position of Yemen, we condemn all the disappointing Arab positions, and we ask the people of the Arab and Islamic Ummah to take action."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yemen: America and England should prepare to pay the heavy price of aggression against Yemen
Hossein Al-Azi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yemen, said: "Our country has been attacked by American and British ships, submarines and warplanes. Undoubtedly, London and Washington should be prepared to pay a heavy price for these actions and aggressions.
Iran's official reaction to the American and British attack on Yemen
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kanani: We strongly condemn the military attacks of the United States and the United Kingdom this morning on several Yemeni cities and consider it an arbitrary action, a clear violation of Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and a violation of international laws and regulations.
We ask the international community to prevent the spread of war, instability and insecurity in the region with responsible reactions and actions.
Mohsen Rezaei: America and England did a big stupidity
Mohsen Rezaei, the former commander of the IRGC, said: "Our advice to Arab governments is not to fall for America's new trick; They cannot create a second Gaza in Yemen and they cannot finish the Palestinian Gaza either. They will only spread the fire of war in the region. "America and England have committed a great folly."
American representatives protest against the attack in Yemen tonight
Some representatives and members of the American Congress criticized the action of the Biden government in the military attack on Yemen and said that Biden did not go through the legal process and he should have personally appeared in the Congress before the decision to launch a military attack and informed the members of this decision. And the Congress should have made the final decision about it.
Night gathering of Americans in front of the White House
Americans gathered in front of the White House at night to protest the attack against Yemen.
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