Publish dateWednesday 3 January 2024 - 16:33
Story Code : 283443
Kabir: Modern Studies Should Be Included
Curriculum of madrasas is an important issue that still requires professional work and in addition to religious studies, modern studies should also be included. Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, political deputy of the Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), said.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, Speaking in a meeting with a group of religious scholars and teachers, Abdul Kabir considered the increase of religious schools important and added that the government also pays special attention to religious schools within the framework of the Ministry of Education.
According to a statement issued by Arg, the scholars and teachers said in the meeting that efforts have been made on the curriculum of religious schools.
Abdul Jalil Mujadadi, one of the scholars, referring to the economic situation of religious schools, asked the government to take effective steps to solve the problems of religious institutions.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Works announced on Wednesday that based on the order of the leader of the Islamic Emirate, the ministry will build 75 mosques on highways across 28 provinces.
Mohammad Ashraf Haqshenas, the spokesman of the ministry, said on X that each mosque will have the capacity of 300 worshipers at a time.
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